Iron Armored City

Chapter 50: supply point

In the torrential rain, the Iron Armored City of Gubao arrived at the supply point in the snowy wasteland.

The city wall of Gaosong is built with a mixture of stone and steel, with a height of more than 60 meters, and the city wall of Mambach Town is only more than 20 meters.

The reason why such a high city wall was built is because the risk factor of staying here is far higher than that of Mambach Town.

To the north is the snow-covered wilderness, and the giant beasts above are not just kidding.

The Iron Armored City can only be parked in the north, west or east, but it cannot be docked in the south, because the south faces the snowy wasteland, and it is also the easiest direction to go out and escape after the supply point of the snowy wasteland is abandoned!

If there is really something irresistible coming from the snowy wasteland, the people at the supply point will not stick around.

If you want to enter the 'supply point', you must leave Iron Armored City.

"Master, the safety factor here is much lower than that in Mambach Town, are you really sure you want to go down in person?" Goda, the housekeeper, reminded him hesitantly.

What he meant was that he hoped that Li Yin could stay in the iron-clad city of the 'Old Castle' and not go to be involved in the case himself.

Whether it is about to leave, go hunting in the snowy wilderness, an adventurer who scavenges waste, or a hunter returning from the snowy wilderness, the 'supply point' is the first stop, so no one who stays there is a good person.

Li Yinguang looked at Xiaoman, who was holding his hand and looked like a good baby, smiled and shook his head: "We don't want to cause trouble, it doesn't matter, let's go!"

The butler Goda opened his mouth, hesitated for a while and finally said nothing.

Modified mechanical vehicles can be driven into the 'supply point', but there are strict restrictions. After all, the supply point is not very large, and there is a charge for vehicles to enter.

It is limited to vehicles coming from the direction of Mambach Town, etc. If it is a fully loaded vehicle returning from the snowy wilderness, there is no charge.

Because of the profit, if the returning vehicle chooses to sell the goods at the 'supply point', then the supply point managers can get a valuable commission.

Whether it is a merchant in Mambach Town or other places, if you want to receive goods at the supply point, you must first give enough benefits to the person in charge here.

"Which of you has been here before?"

Li Yinguang asked.

The cold weather made him a little bit resistant, the freezing rain outside did not decrease much, and in the afternoon, the wind blew again.

"Master, I've been here!" said the butler Goda.

Li Yinguang nodded and asked: "How much more expensive are the supplies in the supply point than in Mambach Town?"

Butler Goda thought for a while and said, "It's probably 20 to 30 percent more expensive, but you can buy a lot of 'primary sources' here!"

"Primary source?"

Butler Goda said: "Yes, the first-hand sources of goods are those hunting teams or scavengers returning from the snowy wasteland. Some of them will choose to sell their harvest directly at the 'supply point'. These sources of goods are also called ' Primary source'."

Li Yinguang said puzzledly, "Wouldn't the price be higher if it was transported to Manbach Town?"

Butler Goda nodded: "The price will be higher, and the risk factor will also be greater. The necessary supply point is still some distance from the town of Mambach. As long as it is in the wilderness, no place is considered safe."

After a pause, he continued to explain: "There are not only merchants from Mambach Town at the supply point, but also merchants from other regions, such as buyers from the Goblin Empire, so the goods are sold at the supply point, and generally transported to Mambach The town is being sold, and the difference in profit and price difference is at most 10%, which is not high and can be accepted.”

Li Yinguang looked up at the 50 to 60-meter-high protective wall of the 'supply point': "To build such a 'supply point', you need a lot of steel materials, right?"

Looking away, he nodded and said with a smile: "Then this is indeed a good place to make money, and you can make a steady profit without losing money, but it's so close to the town of Mambach, does Lord Mambach have any objections?"

This supply point is tantamount to stealing the business of Mambach Town!

"It is rumored that there is a share of Mambach Town here. It is not clear how much, but what is certain is that in the past 20 to 30 years, 30% of the iron ore excavated from the Zhenbei Iron Mine, as well as a large amount of rock and soil have flowed to Here." Butler Goda said softly.

There is no charge to enter the supply point, but if you stay for more than two hours, you will be charged per person, and the overnight fee will be more expensive.

The purpose is for people who want to enter the supply point, but stay too long.

There are only three kinds of people who can stay in the supply point for a long time, one is the internal personnel of the supply point, the other is the merchant operating in the supply point, and the last is the person who has the residence permit of the 'supply point'.

"What about the residence permit? Spend money?"

Li Yinguang asked curiously.

Butler Goda shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Most likely, money is not enough, otherwise the resident population in the supply point would not be so small."

It is easier for people in the supply point to make a living than in Mambach Town. Even if they just help people lead the way and help purchase things, they will not earn much money.

"So thick?"

When passing under the protective wall, Li Yinguang looked at the long tunnel with incredible eyes. The protective wall of the supply point at the entrance of the snowy wasteland was several times thicker than the city wall of Mambach Town, at least thirty meters long.

It is 60 meters high and 30 meters thick. Even if the supply point is only one-tenth the size of Mambach Town, it is not a small project.

The degree of sturdiness has surpassed the town of Mambach, and Li Yinguang even felt that as long as the operation is good, this place can become an existence not inferior to the town of Mambach.

"It's too close to the snowy wasteland, it's hard for ordinary people to survive here." Sophia seemed to see Li Yinguang's thoughts, and whispered.

Li Yinguang looked at her and asked back, "Why do you take in ordinary people?"

Even if only those adventurers and wilderness hunters are taken in, they can develop slowly. In this troubled world, as long as they live long, no one has a few survival skills.

Sophia looked at Li Yinguang. The city lord's brain circuit was indeed different from everyone else's. No wonder some people in Mambach Town called him a fool.

"Boss, do you need a guide? The original residents of the supply point are honest and reliable!"

As soon as he entered the supply point from the outside, a group of half-grown children, thin men, and a few stout women surrounded him and began to sell themselves.

"Do you need it?" Li Yinguang turned his head and looked at Goda, the housekeeper.

Butler Goda thought for a while, shook his head and said respectfully: "Master, let's go to the 'Medical Officer' first, and the building that is 400 meters straight is there. We don't need a guide for now!"

"it is good!"

The mechanical vehicles drove directly towards the 'Medical Hall', but seeing that they hadn't got any business, the so-called guides scattered while cursing, and went to intercept other vehicles that had just entered.

The housekeeper introduced: "The supply point has two streets, horizontal and vertical, in the shape of a cross. Except for the southbound exit facing Mambach Town, only exits are allowed, the other three exits are not restricted, but must be on time. Leave. The supply point is in the shape of a square two kilometers long and wide."

The two-kilometer-square supply point does not seem to be small in size, and with a permanent population of one or two thousand people, it is equivalent to a small town.

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