Iron Armored City

Chapter 291 Repairing the Angle of the 10 Head

The latest website: After passing the Guifeng Mountain, it is the Biqite area.

In Changling County, it was the mountains that blocked the border crossing, and passing over to Biqite was the territory of the 'Black Viper' tribe, and the chance of encountering a herd of snakes was extremely high.

"I suspect that the Iron Armored City formation of the Mambach family was ambushed by the Iron Armored City and the Black Vipers in this area."

On the regional map, Li Yinguang nodded with his fingers. That location happened to be not far from the Guifeng Mountain mining area, and it was also an area marked on the regional map where the chance of encountering the black viper group was relatively low, so Andy Fei led the Mambach family Iron Armored City The face of formation taking this route is huge.

If it is known that someone has leaked the whereabouts of the Mambach family's Ironclad City formation, then all the 'safe areas' marked on the area map should not go.

But this is all for later, Li Yinguang only hoped that the armored city formation of the Mambach family can hold on, and the enemy they will face next will not be too strong.

Otherwise, even if the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle can rush over, it is estimated that it will only be able to watch people clean the battlefield from afar.

Bai Youxuan said flatly: "Don't doubt it, it must be in this area, and nine times out of ten the Black Vipers were lured here to deal with the Mambach family's Iron Armored City formation."

As for the 'fat' of the Mambach family's armored city formation, there will be a lot of people watching in private, but no one knows where the strongest black hand behind the scenes comes from.

Bai Youxuan hesitated for a while, and asked Li Yinguang: "City Master, what happened to you before you left Mambach Town, can you tell me in detail?"

She wanted to deduce who was behind the scenes who wanted to swallow the fat of the Mambach family's Ironclad City formation!

Before leaving Mambach Town, Li Yinguang encountered the "Dragon Worm King of the Underworld" and the "Ghost Worm from Hell", and the speculation that the Black Armored Army team was wiped out and they were about to start a war with the Dragon Clan of the Holy Dragon Snow Mountain. one time.

"Iron Cavalry Black Armored Army?" Bai Youxuan frowned. She didn't expect that the Mambach family would be involved in the three major armies of the empire.

Li Yinguang shook his head: "I'm not very clear about the situation between the upper echelons of the Mambach family and the Black Armored Army."

When he was in Mambach Town, Li Yinguang was just a small person, even if he was better than other people in Iron Armored City, he was still not very famous.

"If the Imperial Legion is involved,

Then it's hard to say that the armored city formation of the Mambach family is a pawn in the hands of the upper class. " Bai Youxuan said with a frown.

People at the lower levels have no way of guessing what the elites at the top are thinking. Bai Youxuan, who has been in the imperial capital, knows this better than anyone else.

"It doesn't matter if the chess piece is or not, what we want is profit." Li Yinguang confided in Bai Youxuan, and there was nothing to hide about it.

If there were no benefits, the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle would not have rushed to Biqite in such a hurry. To put it bluntly, Li Yinguang's group and the people behind the plan to rob the formation of the Iron Armored City of the Mambach family have the same purpose!

There are still a few hours before arriving at the incident site of the Mambach family's Ironclad City formation. Bucher wants to take advantage of this time to repair the damaged 'sharp crosshead ram'.

"City Master, the previous 'sharp crosshead horn' is a bit too small compared to the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle. My idea is to increase the overall length of the 'sharp crosshead horn'. Increase it, so that it can reach 60 meters, and increase the thickness, about 12 meters."

Bucher said here, paused for a while, and continued: "The 'sharp cross head ram' is made of steel as a whole. In order to avoid being too heavy, there is a part of the hollow space left inside. Didn't Sihua Kuino contribute five tons to us? 'Coal Iron Essence', use it to create a sharp cross-angled head to increase the resistance strength, and coal iron itself has extremely strong heat, when it hits the opponent's energy shield or the deck, it will cause a certain amount of damage addition."


Li Yinguang did not object to Buhe's suggestion. In fact, after upgrading to a third-rate armored city, very few armored cities would use attack methods such as 'impact' and 'ejection', but this does not mean that these attack methods are ineffective. .

Although 'collision' is one of the most primitive attack methods, in fact, the attack damage it brings to Iron Armored City is not low. Sometimes, it even exceeds the heavy artillery, and is slightly weaker than the magnetic energy laser main cannon.

The 60-meter-long 'sharp cross-head ram' is retracted into the armored city every day. From the outside, there is no abnormality at all. Only when it is used as an 'attack weapon' does it branch out from the iron armored city. Going out, it probably looks like a 'screwdriver'.

'抓', 'bump', 'impact', etc. are all words used to describe the 'sharp crosshead'. The battle with the 'Riegan' Ironclad City also gave everyone a taste of the 'sharp crosshead'. Sweetness, so, up to Li Yinguang, the armored city lord, and down to the ordinary coolie in the bilge, never thought of replacing this weapon.

"Repair the 'sharp crosshead impact angle' as soon as possible, maybe we will use it later."

Buhe nodded hastily: "Don't worry, the city lord, I'll be watching this matter from the bottom of the cabin myself!"

Li Yinguang patted Buhe on the shoulder, and led the people towards the upper deck.

After Li Yinguang left, Batu, who was hiding behind, came forward, stood beside Buhe and asked curiously, "Master, what did the city lord tell you?"

Buhe raised his hand and tapped him on the head, and said in a deep voice, "Don't inquire about things you shouldn't ask. Go and lead people to smelt coal and iron."

Batu rubbed his head and laughed twice, but he didn't show any anger. After Buhe scolded him a few words, turned around and left, the smile on his face disappeared, and he frowned gloomyly, with a thoughtful look in his eyes .

As Buhe's apprentice, Batu is also considered the leader among the workers in the maintenance team at the bilge, and he is also responsible for many things in daily life.

Out of trust in Batu, this repair of the 'sharp crosshead collision angle' is no exception. Not only does Batu get deeply involved, but he is also in charge of specific construction supervision matters.

Because time is tight, it is only a few hours before arriving at the incident site of the Iron Armored City of the Mambach Family. It is not a small amount of work to make the sharp cross head bump angle bigger and bolder.

This matter is difficult to say, easy to say, mainly because the length of the 'sharp crosshead ram' is 60 meters, which is not short. If the interior is hollow, although it will reduce its weight, it will also reduce its weight. Internal structural strength.

If a certain part is cut corners, the strength cannot be supported, and as an impact weapon, it may break from the middle when it hits.

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