Iron Armored City

Chapter 182 Climbing to a High Branch

For Li Yinguang waking up, no one in the conference hall was too surprised. With their abilities, they had already noticed that this kid had woken up.

But what the elders didn't expect was that when they heard the fourth elder said that he would eat his heart and liver with fire to relieve their anger, they would dare to sit up and curse at him.

"Quack, since you're awake, it's fine if you kill him, so you can save this little bastard from ruining something good in the future!" The voice of the third elder's half-smile made people feel numb and get goosebumps Feel.

The voice of a male duck is grinding like two stones, and the sound it makes is hard to imagine how a human can have such a sound.

Li Yinguang's eyeballs rolled, and he didn't provoke the Third Elder any more. He could only show off his quick tongue without any other benefits.

"My lord, I have a deep friendship with Miss Andife, and since I came to Mambach Town, I haven't done anything criminal. On the contrary, it has greatly stimulated the town's domestic demand, helped the poor, opened The company has never done anything to be sorry for the town of Mambach!"

Li Yinguang begged for mercy loudly to Lord Mambach who was sitting on the throne.

The people in the meeting hall, except Lord Mambach, were all covered in black, red and dark gold cloaks, for fear of being seen. Only Lord Mambach showed his true face and didn't mind too much.

"You know me?" Lord Manbach looked at Li Yinguang and asked calmly.

Li Yinguang hurriedly said with a smile: "You are the Lord of Mambach, you have worked hard and made great achievements. The Emperor Wei came to visit that day, and I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of you from a distance!"

What he said reveals admiration and admiration.

Lord Mambach said: "I've also heard about you. You are considered courageous if you dare to come back after being kicked out of Mambach Town. It's quite a feat to recruit a group of refugees to work as coolies and start a sugar company. By the way, you seem to be a descendant of nobles, right?"


Li Yinguang nodded hastily: "The young one is a descendant of a nobleman!"

"What title?"

"Viscount, Bruce Lee Viscount!"

"Do you know what the family icon is?"

"A golden peony!"

Listening to Li Yinguang's straightforward answer, Lord Mambach nodded in satisfaction, and thought about it and said, "Where are those girls you rescued hiding? As long as you are willing to confess, this Lord will spare you the death penalty!"

"It's wrong!"

With a mournful face, Li Yinguang shouted for injustice: "My lord, you can't listen to slander and wrong the young one. I have never saved any girl, let alone ruined any good elder!"

It seemed like a mirror in his heart, even Andy Fei didn't mention a word about the 'missing girl case', it was rather cryptic, she was Lord Mambach's own daughter, and the missing one was her personal maid, how many brains did he dare to tell her? Recognize this matter? Absolutely don't admit it!

What's more, where Youfu, Ma Weier, Aunt Jiu and others are, I can't say it. Doesn't it mean pushing these girls into the fire pit? Moreover, there is no way to explain how Li Yinguang broke out of the 'Corpse Raising Cave'. If the 'mysterious gem' stitched in his heart is exposed, these old bastards will have to dig out their hearts.

"Have you never entered the 'Corpse Raising Cave'?" Lord Mambach stared at Li Yinguang and asked.

Li Yinguang shook his head vigorously: "No, I don't even know what a 'corpse cave' is, and I have never entered it!"


Hearing Li Yinguang's denial, the black-clothed corpse keeper in a bamboo hat and coir raincoat couldn't help snorting. He hated this guy even more than the Fourth Elder, and wished he could swallow him alive.

In addition to letting go of more than a dozen extremely important sacrifices, he was also allowed to hook up with the "corpse girl" who had been raised for eighteen years. This kind of gritted hatred cannot be expressed in words.

The second elder hesitated for a moment, and said: "Lord, this little guy has good courage and ability, and he has a noble status. Princess Andifei has been single for a long time. He seems to get along well with the princess. Otherwise, let him be betrothed to Princess Andifei as the third husband of Princess Andifei, what do you think?"

Li Yinguang below was dumbfounded.

Where the hell is this going? The lips of the donkey don't match the mouth of the horse!

Lord Manbach didn't answer the second elder's words, but just stared at Li Yinguang and asked, "What do you think?"

how about?

The four words instantly woke up Li Yinguang, marry Andy Fei? Be the son-in-law of Lord Mambach? It seems that this matter is the script that Old Dick had already set when he wanted to take himself away?

After going around for so long, it turned out to be a reality!

Do not agree?

If you reject Lord Mambach in public, 90% of the time you will die. If you want to survive, you have to climb high.

"Of course I'm happy, but I'm afraid of wronging Princess Andi Fei!" Li Yinguang said with a smile against his will.

Face? My life is almost gone, so what face do I need, not to mention the current situation, is there any better proposal for Lord Mambach to be a "door-to-door son-in-law"!

Being able to save lives and also climb high branches, it is simply a multiplicity of things!

Lord Manbach listened to Li Yinguang's words, and nodded: "In that case, then go and ask Andy Fei's opinion. If she doesn't object, it's a decision!"


I don't know who it was, but knocked Li Yinguang unconscious again from behind.

"Made, don't let me know which grandson it is!"

Li Yinguang rubbed the back of his head and sat up from the bed, looking around, the pink decoration seemed to be in some girl's boudoir.

"Woke up?"

Hearing the voice, Li Yinguang raised his head only to realize that there was a person sitting on the bench in front of the round table not far away. It was the princess Andy Fei.


Li Yinguang laughed dryly, turned over and got off the bed: "This can't be your room, can it?"

"Youxin's room!"

Andy Fei looked flat, looked at Li Yinguang and said, "I agree!"


Li Yinguang raised his hand and touched his nose, and said with a dry smile, "Marry me? That, don't you feel wronged!"

Andy Fei said indifferently: "Wronged? You are my third husband. The first two were beaten to death because the princess felt wronged!"

Li Yinguang was dumbfounded on the spot, this is still a 'Black Widow'.

"You are a smart person, you know the depths, and you know how to advance and retreat. As long as you do your best and don't make this princess angry, you should be able to live for a long time."

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After speaking, he got up and stood up, wanting to leave!

"Wait a moment!"

Li Yinguang raised his hand to stop him.

An Difei stopped in her tracks, turned to look at him and asked, "Anything else?"

Originally thought that the other party wanted to talk about the marriage with him, but Li Yinguang directly talked about the share of the castle shop.

"The sales price of your lady's perfume needs to be raised, can the profit of nourishing brown sugar be divided into 50-50, and..."

Andi Fei looked at Li Yinguang strangely, and after paying half the salary, he came back again.

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