Iron Armored City

Chapter 157 Sugar Production


It is no longer just a matter of lip service, it has risen to the key to the life and death of the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle.

"What can the 'sweet grass vine' dug out be used for?"

Listening to Li Yinguang's question, the old dog, housekeeper, Saipan and others looked at each other, not knowing how to answer. Whatever you ask them to do, if you explain it well, they can make it beautiful for you, but it is somewhat difficult for them to think of ideas and come up with strategies.

'Sweet Grass Vine', also known as 'Purple Nether Vine', is an excellent material for making fragrant wine, because of its high sugar content, and... high sugar content?

Li Yinguang thought of something, his eyes couldn't help but brighten up, then he raised his hand and slapped his thigh hard, and said with a big smile, "You can boil sugar!"

Although 'sugar' is not a daily requirement, unlike salt, it is still a relatively precious thing.

And it seems that 'sugar making' does not require too advanced craftsmanship, as long as there are a few large pots, it can be cooked in the wild.


Li Yinguang stood up from the chair, excitedly wanting to go out.

Sophia stood expressionlessly at the door of the control room, not speaking, and showing no intention of getting out of the way.


Li Yinguang laughed dryly, and then remembered that it was already night, not to mention the cold outside, and it was very dangerous, so it was not suitable to go out.

Rolling his eyes, he came to Sophia's side, leaned in front of her, and teased: "I didn't realize it before, but you look pretty!"

Sophia froze!

"Haha, let's go and have dinner!"

Looking at the back of Happy Leaving, a smile slipped on the corner of Sophia's mouth. Although it disappeared in a flash, she was really smiling. It seemed that she was molested by the 'City Lord' just now, but she didn't have the slightest intention of being annoyed or angry.

"Tomorrow morning, the housekeeper, Saipan, Sophia, Lanling, um, Xiaoman, Heizi, and Xueniang, all will go to the wild camp with me."

During dinner, Li Yinguang announced in advance.

Although the process of 'sugar making' is not complicated, it also requires a complicated process to turn 'sweet grass vines' into 'sugar'. And the field camp may also be used as a "field sugar factory" in the future.

"Brother, are you very happy now?" Xiaoman blinked at Li Yinguang and asked with a playful smile.


Li Yinguang smiled and nodded,

He made no secret of his inner joy, as long as the camps in the field are revitalized, in the future, not only will the life of the refugees and coolies be guaranteed, but the iron-clad city of the ancient castle will also open up a steady stream of money.

The next day, Li Yinguang got up early to take a shower without anyone yelling.

During breakfast, I heard the housekeeper Goda talk about the big and small things that happened in the town. Cordian has not been rescued yet, but I heard that a broken eyebrow has been found, but I don't know the details.

The incident of the strange corpse in Mambach's town has been suppressed, and no one mentions it again.

The bazaar at the port is still open. Except for the large auction that has ended, other sales will last for half a month.

After breakfast, more than a dozen mechanical vehicles drove towards the outskirts of the town.

Li Yinguang was sitting in the car, and all the 'high-end combat forces' in the Iron Armored City beside him were on the line, basically all of them were dispatched.

"Come, come, all the camp leaders are here!"

The old dog called over a few temporary managers from the field camps. These people were selected by the contract coolies themselves.

In the tent, Li Yinguang was wearing a black animal skin windbreaker, and a pot of charcoal fire was placed in front of him, giving him warmth, and he could not feel the severe cold outside at all.

"Song Changsheng, the captain of the temporary camp guard team, the leader of the excavation team, and the leader elected by the contract coolies!"

"Mu Yunying, the captain of the female guards, the person in charge of the female workers!"

Holding a small wooden stick, Li Yinguang pulled the charcoal fire in the charcoal brazier, and after listening to the old dog's introduction, he raised his head and looked at several people.

Especially on Mu Yunying, he stopped for a few seconds and grinned at her.

"To make a long story short, you are all in charge of the temporary camp, and what we are going to do next also needs your strong support and cooperation!"

Song Changsheng was in his early thirties, his head was sullen and he didn't speak. He had never been in contact with Li Yinguang before, and only had acquaintance with the guard Laogou.

Mu Yunying looked at Li Yinguang curiously. She had seen this young man before, and he was the one who gave him the 'magnetic particle beam gun'.

"The excavation of sweet grass vines requires cleaning, grinding, juicing, and cooking. These things must be done in the camp, so in terms of staffing, you need to adjust and work together. The excavation team is responsible for the excavation. The rhizomes of sweet grass vines, the juicing team is responsible for squeezing the juice, and the cleaners are dedicated to cleaning.

With so many of you, you spend a lot of food and drink every day. I need you to be able to "produce" and turn sweet grass vines into commodities, and then we will sell the commodities, thus forming a positive cycle.

Only by making money can I support the continuous relief of refugees, buy equipment and clothes for you, and let everyone spend this severe winter together.

Telling you this, I just want to tell you that although you are coolies, you are not working for me, at least not completely, you are making money to support yourself.

Turning 'sweet grass and rattan' into 'sugar' is not a difficult process, as long as there are no mistakes in the link, it should be possible. "

Li Yinguang had a heart-to-heart talk with Song Changsheng, Mu Yunying and other selected speakers before getting into the main topic.


The first step is to clean the sweet grass vine rhizomes first to avoid soil impurities. But the water source is a relatively blind problem. Fortunately, there is a lot of snow around, and the snow melts into water, which barely solves the water source problem for the time being.

The second step is crushing. The sweet grass vine needs to be turned into pieces, and then the sugary juice is squeezed out of the pieces. This part requires the use of machinery. If it is only relying on manpower, it will take time and effort.

The third step is to cook. Boiling requires at least three large pots, the first to remove floating impurities, the second to remove water, and the third to boil sugar.

The boiled brown sugar is covered in a mold, cooled, and cut. At this point, the sweet grass vines have become 'red sugar'.

The 'red sugar' is divided into cubes of a few centimeters in size, which can be put into boxes and sold as commodities.

Because there is no centrifuge, Li Yinguang does not need to make white sugar for the time being. The process of cooking brown sugar is simpler and more suitable for processing in wild camps.

Today, more than 200 people were sent from the slums of Mambach Town, bringing the total number of people in the field camp to more than 500 people. For the time being, the manpower is absolutely sufficient, and even somewhat exceeded.

Li Yinguang didn't leave, he had been waiting, waiting for the first pot of red sugar to be boiled and turned into sugar, to be sure that his idea was correct.

"It's done, the city lord candy has been boiled!"

The old dog opened the tent and barked excitedly.

Li Yinguang hurriedly stood up and walked outside quickly.

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