Iron Armored City

Chapter 119: The Chance to Jump Over the Dragon's Gate

The latest website: The question is whether the 'corpse cave' under the town of Mambach has been exposed, no one can say clearly, including Li Yinguang. He didn't even know what Andifei was thinking, whether he knew about the existence of the 'Corpse Cave'.

What made Li Yinguang even more puzzled was that if the owner of the group of strange corpses in the 'Corpse Raising Cave' was Lord Mambach, would it be necessary to attack the people around Andy Fei?

Or, girls who can be used as ritual sacrifices must have specific requirements?

If there is a request, people like Ma San's youngest daughter Ma Wei, Mayor Jiu's concubine, You Fu and others will all be screened out, so they must be sacrificed?

Maybe there is this possibility, Li Yinguang doesn't know exactly what is going on, so he can only rely on speculation and inference.

"Will someone find you?" Sophia said blankly: "There are many strange and changeable tracking abilities in the world, if the boss behind the corpse cave wants to find you, it may not be as difficult as you imagined !"

There are too many weird things in this world that ordinary people can't understand. For example, the 'mysterious skeleton' in Heizi's hand that can make dead bodies open, there are objects that can reveal traces or traces.

Li Yinguang shook his head: "I've already dealt with it, so I shouldn't be approached by anyone!"

In the process of fleeing, the 'mysterious gem' stitched on their hearts has already expended energy to help them cover their breath and traces, especially in the Zhenbei Iron Mine.

Even if the Zhenbei Iron Mine can be traced, as long as Aunt Jiu, Ma Wei, You Fu and others hide well enough, they will not be discovered.

In fact, what Li Yinguang didn't know was that the next day Auntie Jiu took people to the temporary camp of 'Zhenbei Ancient Battlefield' not far from the miners' camp.

They also thought that they would be groped to the mine camp. No one knew how many exits and entrances there were in the corpse raising cave. If there were not many exits, the other party could easily figure out where these people went.

But fortunately, neither Aunt Jiu, Ma Wei, Youfu, nor the person in charge behind the corpse cave could conduct a search blatantly, because everyone can't see the light now!

Sophia breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, if someone really comes to your door, we can only leave Mambach Town!"

It's too dangerous to stay in the town, hundreds of thousands of creepy corpses, and countless gold-eating rats aside, who can be sure that there are no "individual masters" around the other party?

It doesn't take many men to kill them,

It doesn't need to be too top-notch masters, if they are a little stronger, these people in the iron-clad city of the ancient castle may not be able to withstand it, they can resist it!

To put it bluntly, this group of people is just a mob born at the bottom of society!

In terms of combat power, Xiaoman must be number one on the ranking list, followed by Sophia, Heizi, Saipan, Erma, Butler Goda, and Old Bu.

Lan Ling was not counted, because everyone has never seen her make a move, and they don't know how capable she is!

The identity of the Xiaoman Thunder Clan cannot be easily revealed, and the transformation will not last too long. Half of Sophia's body is mechanical, which greatly limits her abilities. Heizi is still young and lacks experience. Saipan, Elma, Butler, Lao Bu and others are only slightly stronger, and their combat power index is limited, which are all flaws.

As long as you pinpoint the weak point, it won't be difficult to 'destroy' the group of people on the Castle, especially for the level of people behind the scenes of the 'Corpse Cave'.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with what Sophia said, leaking traces, after being exposed, there is only one way to run away, and you have to run overnight!

On the way back to Mambach Town, Li Yinguang also thought about this problem on the transport truck, whether he should pack up his belongings and run away first.

After thinking about it back and forth, I felt that running might not be the most suitable solution in front of me.

Hypothetically, if the people behind the 'Corpse Cave' didn't want to destroy the town of Mambach, they certainly wouldn't cause a tragedy in Mambach, especially in the current winter, at least not in the immediate future.

After all, Mambach Town is the residence of Lord Mambach, and it is also the largest human gathering place within a radius of 3,000 kilometers.

If the town of Mambach is really destroyed, it will attract the attention of the upper echelons of the empire, and it will be a troublesome matter to conduct a thorough investigation.

You must know that not far from the town of Mambach, there is also the "Ninth Checkpoint Camp" of the Grand Duke of the Empire.

If the owner of the underground 'Corpse Cave' didn't want to lift the table, he would definitely not blatantly search for the person who broke into the 'Corpse Cave', let alone massacre all the people in Mambach because of Li Yinguang. Destroy the bases on which to survive.

For Li Yinguang, this is a way to breathe. He knows that there is a corpse cave under the town of Mambach, where hundreds of thousands of ghostly corpses are kept. The owner of the 'Corpse Cave' also knew that someone had broken in and let go of the girl who came back, but this would not hinder anything.

To put it simply, Mambach Town will still be able to sing and dance, and it will still have a cat winter, and life must go on. There will be no direct conflict between the two. , and will not be known by ordinary people, as if there is no such thing, everyone still lives as before.

To a large extent, Mambach Town will still be like this, just like the Zhenbei Iron Mine was massacred four times, and in the end it can only be reduced to a lament after dinner, and the case of the missing girl will be suppressed, and no one will remember it after a while.

Ma Wei, a genius at Mambach Town College, and Mrs. Nine, who was once favored by the mayor, will all be replaced by others, as if they were buried by time, and there will be no traces of them anymore.

"We can't leave, let alone leak the secret of the 'Corpse Raising Cave' at will, so as not to cause death."

After Li Yinguang finished speaking, he paused for a while, and then continued: "In the future, even if you go to Mambach Town during the day, you must always be careful, try not to stay in the town at night, and come back to Iron Armored City."

Compared with Mambach Town, Li Yinguang believed in the strength of the Iron-clad City of the Castle, at least sleeping in the Iron-clad City, hundreds of thousands of ghosts could not chew through the deck of the Castle and tear them apart from sleep.

"Brother, then Heizi and I don't have to go to Mambach Town College for exams?" Xiaoman asked with a wink at Li Yinguang.

Butler Goda has already contacted Mambach Town Academy, as long as you pay enough silver bull coins, you can take the exam.

Li Yinguang shook his head: "It's okay to go to Mambach Town College. No one will touch a place like 'Mambach Town College' unless it is absolutely necessary!"

After listening, Xiaoman pouted immediately.

"There are less than two years left before the 'Imperial Academy' enrolls every ten years. If you enroll now, you will have a chance in the future!" Li Yinguang said softly.

Heizi opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but Sophia stopped her with sharp eyes, and didn't let her speak out.

They all know what the quota of the 'Imperial Academy' represents. This is the opportunity to soar into the sky and leap into the dragon's gate in the area of ​​Mambach Town, and even far exceeds the threat of the underground corpse cave in Mambach Town.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a kind of 'opportunity' that can change one's life against the sky. Others dream of getting it, but you still want to give up? This is not owed to be beaten is what! Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.

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