Chu Yuan wanted to find a way to break the game and completely defeat the five ancient emperors.

And now the most likely way to break the game is to use the original power of the eternal world to launch a more fierce attack.

He appeared in the Eternal God City.

The Eternal God City is in the deepest part of Demon God Abyss, and Demon God Abyss is also the passage to the source.

The location of the Eternal God City is very special. No matter which Demon God Abyss crack you enter from, the final destination will definitely be the Eternal God City, which is the center of the eternal world, the heart-like location.

"The God City in the Age of Gods."

Chu Yuan looked at the Eternal God City.

He was suspended above the Eternal God City, and the aura of the Supreme Emperor blasted out. Suddenly, this power awakened the countless soldiers of God in the God City, and his eyes were blood-red and he looked at the people who entered here.

The warriors of these gods slew towards Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan was expressionless, he pulled out the Human Emperor Sword, clenched his hands tightly, with the tip of the sword facing downwards, suddenly fiercely, like a meteor hitting the stars, hitting the center of this **** city, and the turbulent shock wave radiated.


A force swept!

Before the countless warriors of the gods arrived, they were swept away by the power, and the ashes were wiped out, and the buildings exploded. At the place where Chu Yuan was, the **** city was shaking, shattering into a vacuum.

His power directly slammed into the city of God, and the horror of the human emperor sword tore the ground open, and it seemed to smash a hole in the ground, vertically and horizontally through the world.

Even if this **** city is powerful, it can't resist the edge of the human emperor sword.


At this moment, this power crazily destroyed the city of God, as if an oil well had been punched through, and a burst of crazy energy suddenly erupted. It was an extremely bright color, but with a frenzy of crazy destruction.

This is the origin of the eternal world!

Chu Yuan had seen it a long time ago that the emergence of the Eternal God City sealed the origin of the eternal great world. Now what he has to do is to break the God City, release the power of this origin, and finally use it for him.

The origin is surging, the waves are like a tsunami!

The big hole that was penetrated was also rapidly spreading, and the infinite ocean-like origin turned into a roaring power and drowned in the entire God City.

Chu Yuan's eyes were sharp!

Through this big hole, he saw that in the deepest part of the eternal great world, the original power throughout the great world, even if a holy **** entered, it would be destroyed into powder in an instant.

Too fierce and too vast, the Eternal World, as the top world god-level world, is self-evident.

Although these origins contain surging and pure power, they are too violent and the backlash of a big world makes it difficult for ordinary people to use them.

"Human Sovereign Kingdom, Great Devouring Technique!"

Chu Yuan waited for this moment.

A terrifying vision emerged behind him, and the Kingdom of Human Sovereign appeared. This is the world of Rao, and the black hole formed by the Great Swallowing technique seemed to be a channel for transferring this power, and it was absorbed into it by refining.

That original power also turned into a murderous intent like a mad dragon, rushing towards Chu Yuan.

But Chu Yuanwen did not move, the rock in the sea, he was fearless and fearless, operating with a big swallowing technique, absorbing this power frantically.


The entire eternal world suddenly oscillated, like a shock.

Afterwards, everyone saw that within the Shenwu Empire, an unusually radiant spirit, with endless vitality, was condensing a force of lethal murder, brewing.

"This volatility?"

"It seems to be the original power of the eternal world! The fluctuations are emitted from within the Shenwu Empire!"

"Then what is Emperor Shenwu doing? Is he opening the Eternal God City, taking out the origin of the banned Eternal World for his use, and then mobilizing world-level power to counter our strength!"

"The origin of the eternal world is too vast, even the realm god-level world we control, it cannot be compared with the eternal world!"

"We also want to control the eternal world, and we must first unify the eternal world, and after all the people are united, can we move this source of capital, but the Shenwu Great Emperor did it directly!"

The five ancient emperors were in retreat, and when they saw this vision suddenly, they were shocked.

That Shenwu Great Emperor is actually directly using the power of the source to grow his empire, which is amazing.

The Great Aoki Changsheng said calmly: "He has the ability to devour it, and the swallowing power is stronger than I thought. The Shenwu Great Emperor is in the Eternal God City. Although the original power is violent, it is swallowed and absorbed by him."

"Even if he can devour it, he can't bear such ferocious energy, he will be blown up!"

Great Emperor Lihuo Fen roared.

"The emperor is not over yet."

Emperor Aoki Changsheng gave him a cold look, "I suspect that he controls a world that can continue to grow. Although it is not as large as the eternal world, it is extremely high, but as for what kind of world it is, it is impossible to speculate."

"Even if he can't completely control the original power of the eternal world, that is our disaster!"

The Great Emperor Hou Tu Xuan Huang had a fear of Chu Yuan's methods.

This feeling is very bad.

"So I can't let him go on!"

Great Emperor Geng Jin cracked murderously.

He knew that in the eternal world, once Chu Yuan had mastered the original power, the power they combined to kill would not be able to resist him, and they would also become losers.

"No, Emperor Shenwu took the initiative to attack!"

Suddenly, they noticed the huge wave of waves coming and looked at it.

In the origin of the infinite eternal world, a bright figure lifted up his sword. I don't know what sword it was. The sword swept out the vast torrent and turned into a dazzling river of light.


Their empire is also shrouded by the power of the nation and the world at this moment.

But they suffered this blow suddenly, their empire was shocked by a big earthquake, countless cities began to be destroyed, the earth split, and infinite places were shattered.

"Guardian land!"

The five ancient emperors used their mana at the same time with their combined power to counter the blow of Chu Yuan.

"Shenwu warriors."

Chu Yuan's will condense the stalwart giant with his national destiny. He uttered a loud voice: "The decisive battle for the complete extinction of the five ancient empires has arrived. Our original power that runs the eternal world will turn into an eternal halo to protect you. Now kill in the direction I am pointing, and create an empire that belongs to Shenwu!"

In the first battle, the five ancient emperors launched an attack.

In the second battle, Emperor Shenwu himself counterattacked.

"Kill kill kill!"

"War on the five ancient empires!"

"The eternal world, only Shenwu!"

Shenwu's army is out again. This battle is different from before. Shenwu the Great is already controlling the original force of the eternal world. It is a bright battle, a battle that truly determines victory or defeat!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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