The Holy Palace is the most supreme palace in the Holy Heaven Empire to entertain distinguished guests.

Other emperor-level forces who came to the imperial capital were not entertained into the sacred hall, but they instead entered Dawu into the sacred hall.

It can also be seen that Dawu's weight in the eyes of the Holy Heaven Empire is more important than those emperor-level forces.

That's right, the battles in the eastern region rely on them and Dawu to fight, and it is hard to count on other regions.

"Your Majesty rest here."

The Prime Minister Shengtian and Shen Lei exchanged greetings with Chu Yuan for a while, and then they left beforehand.

"I will soon send the seeds my mother needs, what do the mother and the two princesses want to visit in the imperial capital, tell me, I will personally lead."

Chu Yuan has a life-saving grace to City Lord Shengguang.

"Gu Cang, extinct, protect the concubine and princess well."

After Chu Yuan explained the matter, he also entered the sacred hall.

He didn't get the treasure of Treasure Map Five in the first place, but waited a few days, opened the space of Treasure Map Five, and saw a whirlpool that could only be seen by holding the treasure map, stepped in.

There is still a magic fire here.

This divine fire is extremely sacred, like a ball of holy light, jumping.

Holy Light and Divine Fire: A flame containing infinite holy light, the light shines all over, expels the darkness, and the light lasts forever.

"The sacred fire of Treasure Map Five has also arrived."

Chu Yuan caught the Holy Light and Divine Fire and let the Buddha Fire swallow it up, and immediately felt that the power of this group of Divine Fire had increased again. With the power of the Buddha Fire alone, the weaker Lord God could directly burn to death.

The six sacred fires are so terrifying, and gathering together is not a tyrannical terror!

"The seventh way is in the big world of Dutian!"

Chu Yuan was still the last one.

After collecting the seven treasures, he can summon to open a mysterious void and obtain the incredible treasure. He also looks forward to it very much.

"It seems that you have to go to Tianda World once."

He knows that the benefits of getting all the treasure maps are very great.

There are still a few days before the Holy Heaven Empire holds the Holy Heaven Sacrifice.

During this period of time, countless forces have come, and there are many emperor-level forces.

After Ling Fei came, she was not idle. She was led by the Holy Light City Lord to visit the special Holy Light Magic Medicine of the Holy Heaven Empire, analyze the properties of it, and think about how to bring it back to Dawu to plant it.

"The reason for the magical medicine of the Holy Light attribute in the Holy Heaven Empire is that the reason for holding the Holy Heaven sacrifice. When the sacrifice day, the empress will know what is going on."

Holy Light City Lord said to her.

Time flickered, and soon it was time for the holy day festival to be held.

"Your Majesty, the Holy Heaven Sacrifice will be held today."

Shengguang City Lord came to inform Chu Yuan.

"Okay, I see, take me there."

Chu Yuan nodded, if it were not for this sacrifice, he would return to Dawu after receiving the fire.

Holy heaven square.

The area here is huge, the holy light is surging, and the bricks and stones laid under the feet are all holy colors, as if they have come to the sacred square, and the holy light surging, many people have already arrived here.

The most striking thing is that there is a huge ancient altar in the middle of the square. The brilliance is surging, communicating a mysterious place.

"Holy Heaven Altar?"

Chu Yuan also saw this altar at a glance.

"Your Majesty, each holy heaven sacrifice is the biggest event of the holy heaven. The sacrifice is not only carried out in the imperial capital, but includes all parts of the country. However, this is the place of the main sacrifice. The sacrifice opens a mysterious place to let me go to the heaven. Stronger!"

Speaking of the sacrificial rites of the Holy Heaven, the city lord of Shengguang has a strong arrogance on his face.

At this time, the major forces have been invited and have already entered.

Yaoguang Holy Land, Dayan Ancient Sect, Jade God Empire, these are relatively familiar to Chu Yuan.

There are also emperor-level forces in other places such as Tianming Sect, Hunyuan Sect, and Promise Sword Sect.

Although their battlefield and the Holy Heaven Empire are not together, they also understand that if one side of the war gains a huge advantage, it may change the entire battle.

The battle against the five empires has made them form an alliance invisibly.

"Emperor Wu is here."

Seeing Chu Yuan's arrival, the representatives of these emperor-level forces all turned their attention to Chu Yuan.

Recently, who does not know the name of Da Wu, this Da Wu always has an unexpected trump card, people have to wonder whether there is any terrifying force behind them that has not been released?

I saw Emperor Wu today, although his face was young, but the boundless domineering and the prestige of the supreme emperor made people feel shocked.

Emperor Wu is extraordinary.

This is an ambitious and strong master.

"Although the name of Emperor Wu has long been heard, it is the first time I have seen it today, and it is truly extraordinary."

A middle-aged man wearing a dark robe took the initiative to come to Chu Yuan's front. His cultivation was extremely terrifying, and he reached the realm of a holy god, and he was also one of the few supreme gods who came to participate in the sacrifice.

Heavenly Demon Saint!

The strongest of the Heavenly Ming School!

"Tian Ming Demon Saint."

Chu Yuan nodded, "I know that your battlefield is in the northern area, the Gengjin Heavenly Splitting Empire."

"If it's not that this world is too chaotic and there are fights everywhere, this saint would also like to invite Emperor Wu to visit my Tianming Sect as a guest to guide exchanges."

The Demon Sage of Heaven and Underworld is very gentle.

But the Demon Sage of Heaven is definitely a cruel troll.

He was polite to Chu Yuan because he felt that this person was very weird, as if he hadn't reached the Holy Spirit, but he had the means to deal with the Holy Spirit and even beheaded.

"I also welcome Heavenly Demon Sage to come here as a guest." Chu Yuan said.

People from Dayan Ancient Sect and the Jade God Empire also came over to greet Chu Yuan.

"Our Holy Lord is presiding over the overall situation and cannot get away. I will be invited to participate in the holy day sacrifice."

In the distance, a group of women appeared, and the leader was an old woman. Although old, the years had left too many traces of vicissitudes on her face.

And this old woman is also a holy god.

She is not the Holy Lord of Yaoguang, but another Holy God of Yaoguang Holy Land, and she has lived a long time.

"The ancient Yaoguang Holy Land is longer than the five ancient empires. It is a force that existed in an even more ancient era. No one knows how deep their background is. The five areas, the Yaoguang Holy Land has the most battlefield No one needs to worry about it."

Tianming Demon Lord said: "Their holy ground has preserved many ancient records that we don't know."

"Although the Yaoguang Holy Land has existed for a long time, they have no desire to fight for hegemony, and their relationship with the emperor-level forces is very friendly. If it weren't for the Five Empires to oppress them too hard and shake them to the point of their survival, Yaoguang Holy Land would not Will play at the end."

Humanity of Dayan Ancient Sect.

Yaoguang Holy Land didn't want to fight for hegemony, but some people did not let them calm down, so they could only fight.

Chu Yuan nodded slightly, the world is coming, you don't want to fight but you want to fight, this is the power of the times.

At this time, the strong men of Chu Yuan and other forces were all arranged in seats one after another.

It was noon, when the sun in the sky was the strongest, a beam of light in the altar reached the sky, and an existence controlling the holy light appeared!

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