Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 609: Emperor degree, Middle world

   Chu Yuan quickly returned to Dawu through the teleportation array.

   As soon as he came back, he directly suppressed Yang Teng in the lock magic tower.

   "Where am I?"

   Yang Teng suddenly saw himself emerge from a dark void in a place where the screams resounded in his ears, like hell.

   He tried hard to struggle, but suddenly a boundless original force suddenly suppressed him.

   "This power! It seems that the power of a big world is suppressing me!"

   Yang Teng roared.

   The colorful fire of luck also came and washed on him like a mask, making Yang Teng feel that this flame was about to melt himself.

   "The power of the great world and the power of national destiny, you brought me into your country!"

   Yang Teng shouted.

   "This place is the eternal world, and I am within the country."

   Chu Yuan looked at him indifferently.

   Suppressed Yang Teng by locking the magic tower. Without the cultivation base of the holy god, he would never want to break free. It was even more powerful than the seal blessed by the Temple of Killing on him.

   After all, the eternal heart of God can draw on part of its original power.

   The essence of the lock magic tower lies in this eternal god's heart.

   Of course, he has seen the Nine Nether Divine Lotus of the Nine You Empress, that is the strongest original **** in a big world.

   His eternal heart is still incomparable.

   Looking at the eternal heart, Chu Yuan gradually inferred a fact.

   The Eternal World also has the strongest original divine object similar to the Nine Nether Divine Lotus. His eternal divine heart seems to be a part of the divine object, the leftovers.

   But even the leftovers have immense power.

   The five emperors chose to return at this time, it is very likely that they will join hands to seize the origin of the eternal world, and then control the entire world.

   "You want to suppress me, let me submit to you!"

   Yang Teng suddenly knew Chu Yuan's purpose.

"the host."

   Locked inside the magic tower, the resentful devil appeared, and he had already broken through to the Supreme God.

   He feels like living in heaven in Dawu.

   In the recent period, he has caught too many prisoners, so he stayed in the magic lock tower, managed these prisoners, absorbed the power of resentment emanating from them, and made rapid progress in his cultivation, without lack of medicine.

   "He is not honest, so beat him well."

   Chu Yuan handed the soul whip to the resentful demon.

"you dare!"

   Yang Teng's pupils shrink.

  He is a semi-holy giant.

   Chu Yuan was too lazy to pay attention to him, and released the gods and demons captured from the original world, and then left the Demon Locking Tower, and soon heard Yang Teng's screaming screams that life is better than death.

   The soul whip whipping would only bring endless pain, and Chu Yuan was not worried that he would beat Yang Teng to death.

   "A high-level world origin, our human emperor kingdom can be promoted to a medium-sized world."

   huh la la... the sea of ​​origin poured directly into the kingdom of the emperor.

   This force is too vast. The Kingdom of Human Emperor has undergone ground-breaking changes, the area continues to grow, and the inner aura becomes more and more intense.


   Like the sound of a big explosion in the world, a stream of spring water suddenly spewed out from the kingdom of human beings, all of which were extremely pure human spirits.

   "Five Supremes!"

   The whole world has changed. As the controller of the human emperor's kingdom, Chu Yuan received the greatest benefits immediately. A large number of human spirits were swallowed and transformed by him, and his realm broke through to the five-fold realm.

  The size of the middle world.

   At this moment, the human emperor kingdom also radiates more human spirits.

   "The world is promoted and becomes bigger again. It is the fastest way to allow ten times more people to come in for cultivation at the same time. Sure enough, continue to plunder the origins of other worlds. When will it be possible to accumulate by yourself?"

   Chu Yuan smiled.

  The promotion of the world is also a process of weak and strong.

   "Your Majesty, this Yang Teng is indeed hard-spirited, most people will not be able to bear it after a few lashes, the mind collapses, kneeling down, and this Yang Teng has withstood a hundred lashes, the soul has not collapsed, just shouting that he can't stand it.

   The soul whip is so powerful that even hard-tempered people can't stand it.

   "Hundred lashes every day. After a hundred lashes, leave him alone. If you suppress it in the lock tower, he can't get over any big waves."

   Chu Yuan said lightly.

   A half-holy god, this existence that Yang Teng dared to wrestle with the true holy god, Chu Yuan wanted to beat him to surrender completely, and he would never dare to have any other thoughts.

   The emperor not only convinced people with virtue, but also convinced people with strength.


   Huiling Mozun is a very smart person.

   "The breath law of the main god!"

   Chu Yuan released all the energy of the main **** temporarily stored in the system space.

   The entire Dawu suddenly changed drastically. The sky showed the color of blood gold, and the blood-colored clouds rolled, unexpectedly falling down with strands of blood and gold, turning into drops of blood and gold rain.

   This is Chu Yuan who brought the power of the Lord God to the whole country in a long and humane way.

   The energy of several lord gods is so precious and so high that they are now used to train the people of the whole country.

  Countless people walked out of their homes, bathing in this **** golden rain, such as the highest energy, after the transformation of the national fortune, the breath is full of mellow, even children can absorb it at will.

   "The gift of your majesty, the grace of your majesty!"

   The people all knelt down, admiring the highest and greatest Majesty in their hearts.

   Within half a month, the energy of the Lord God has benefited Dawu's countless people. Their breath is rapidly changing, and many people who are trapped in a certain realm have broken through.

  The system is different.

   If you change to the sect, this energy must be divided among the core existences, but Chu Yuan is benefiting the people of the whole country.

  Because he is the emperor of Dawu, these people are his Dawu has undergone a strong change, a lot of breakthroughs, what happened, their national fortune is tumbling, and they are rapidly becoming stronger! "

   "This energy? It seems to be mixed with a lot of **** stones, my God, I smell the breath of the main god, did the Emperor Wu kill the main god, not just one, but several main gods can emit energy!"

   "Dawu, train the nation's people with the Lord God!"

   At this moment, many people outside the Dawu border are extremely envious.

   But the Dawu national movement is blocked, people who are not Dawu will not receive this benefit. Some people want to join Dawu directly and become one of them.

   is too extravagant, few countries can do like Dawu.

   "The Tenth Supreme God!"

   A tyrannical sword intent rushed into the sky, and Li Jianqing's realm was raised to the tenth level of God.

   "Very good, your kendo talent is very strong."

   Chu Yuan dominates the whole kingdom of the emperor, making a sound from the sky.

   "Your Majesty!"

   Li Jianqing looked at the existence in the sky that looked down on the world like gods.

   "I will use the most resources to help you break through the main god. Once your sword breaks through to the main god, you will be extremely fierce. Next, stay in the kingdom and break through with all your strength. You don't need to do other things."

   Chu Yuandao.


   Lord God Realm, Li Jianqing trembled slightly. This was the realm he dreamed of, and now he is very close to this realm. .

   "There are three more chances to draw."

   Chu Yuan looked at the remaining three lucky draw opportunities on the system panel.

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