Chu Yuan directly passed through the two imperial armies that were blocked outside the nascent world and entered them.

   boom! Lightning and thunder, squally wind howled, earthshaking everywhere, the whole world reveals all kinds of unrest.

   He looked up and saw that light and darkness coexist in this world. Crystal thunder flashed everywhere in some places, while some places were enveloped by heavy darkness.

   The sight of this place is somewhat similar to the destruction of the universe.

   But the difference is that the nascent world is creating the world, undergoing the most primitive changes, constantly strengthening itself in the explosions, making it truly reach the scale of a large world.

   He took a breath of vitality here.

   Yes, there is raging in the chaos, very high, not comparable to the level of the sword world.

   "In the nascent world, everything is still in its infancy, not completely finalized."

   Chu Yuan observed that the world was constantly creating chaos, evolving into a huge explosion.

   It's a pity...Because the battle between the Jiuyou Empire and the Dutian Empire was discovered too early, otherwise, a hundred million years later, there may be another huge world.

   is always in the world where the heaven and the earth explode. Chu Yuan stepped into it and shattered a storm. Although the fluctuations here were strong, for him, it was not a hindrance at all.

   "God of gold."

  He came to a place and saw a mountain range arched like a giant dragon. There were countless gleaming gods of gold, which was formed by bursting energy from the depths of the origin of the world in a big explosion.

   These sacred golds are treasured very much. They were only owned at the beginning of the birth of the world and were produced by the Big Bang.

   He grabbed it with a big hand, and this mountain range rose into the sky like a real dragon, winding and twisting, and finally entered into his system space.

   And the feeling that the Newborn World gives people is that it is very violent and arrogant, extremely heavy, ordinary people can't cultivate here at all, even the true **** can't control this power, and it is far from the gentleness of the eternal world.

   This is how the world was born, everything is wild.

   "Thunder Giant, Heaven and Earth God and Demon?"

   When Chu Yuan was walking, he saw a strange scene.

   When thunder and lightning gathered in a place, there was a **** of thunder and lightning, which roared into the sky, as if it was provoking the sky, and suddenly the boundless thunder struck it.

   This thunder **** trembling, absorbing the power from thunder and lightning, became stronger and stronger.

   "The gods and demons at the peak of the gods, the energy condensed in a world!"

  Chu Yuan has read the records. At the beginning, there were gods and demons in the eternal world, but they all disappeared. However, some people still have the blood of gods and demons, inspiring power from ancient times.

   The world's vitality is violent, and weak creatures cannot survive, so gods and demons appear.

   When the world gradually stabilizes, other races will be born.

  Perhaps the talent is not as powerful as the gods and demons, but the large number of them gradually invaded the living space of the gods and demons, and they were all hunted and disappeared.

  Of course, there are also some super-large worlds that are still dominated by gods and demons.

   "Catch this **** and demon to enhance Dawu's strength."

   In order to promote the empire, Chu Yuan was already madly accumulating his heritage. He grabbed it with his palm, and the Thunder God and Demon also saw it. He roared against the sky, but he couldn't get rid of this big hand.

   It was taken away.

   "The **** and demon at the peak of the gods."

   Chu Yuan laughed.

   This nascent world is indeed full of wealth, not only has a large number of origins, a large number of divine talents, but also such tyrannical gods and demons, so the two empires sent strong people to enter here to plunder.

   If another tens of millions of years pass, the wealth of this world will be more, and the laws of heaven and earth will be more perfect.

   Of course, few people can afford it.

   He walked all the way, and saw more than hundreds of gods and demons, even the weakest ones have the strength of gods.

   Gods, demons, and demons are naturally god-like strengths.

   woo woo... The boundless hurricane, mixed with heavy rain with a big face, Chu Yuan saw that in this nascent world, there was a black storm sea, and a giant one hundred thousand feet tall appeared.

   This giant is covered with eyes of the storm.

   This is the Storm God Demon, and its strength is actually much stronger than the previous Thunder, and it already has the strength comparable to the Lord God.

   The storm **** roared, and with a wave of his hand, the storms resembling evil dragons rolled up the tall mountains.

   "The core of the storm!"

   Chu Yuan saw that although this storm **** demon is huge, the storm is not its main body. There is a black spar flickering at the position of the head.

   As long as the spar is immortal, it is useless to smash the storm body it condensed into countless times.

   "The storm giant, weaken its power, grab it, seal it, take out the gods and demons spar in its head, and refine it into a peerless artifact!"

   It turns out that the reason why this storm **** demon is so angry is that countless people who look like ants in its eyes have shot at it.

   Although these are small, they are very powerful.

   People from the Empire of Heaven!

   They are like the ancient times, hunters are hunting huge savage beasts, led by a strong master.

   Kill this storm **** and demon and seize the **** and demon crystal core to refine the ability of **** and demon talent.

   "Lord God, there seems to be a person in the body of the Storm God!"

   Suddenly, someone saw a black spot appeared in the Storm God Demon.

   "Where is anyone?"

The main god's sharp eyes pierced the endless storm, and indeed saw a person, and said cruelly: "It doesn't matter, it must be the powerhouse of the Nine Nether who also wants to take the storm **** and blast him. Kill, don't delay big things!"


   The Lord God took the lead, and a force directly penetrated the person in the Storm God and Demon.


   There was a scream, the Lord God hadn't reacted yet, suddenly a deadly power came, he saw the existence directly raised a finger at him, and a black brilliance came with the power of killing.

   Use the big killing technique to urge the big cutting technique.

   This lord **** was stunned in place, a blood line appeared on his head, and then his whole body was divided into two halves.

   An emperor grabbed it with a big hand, covering the universe, and crushing all the army of the Dutian Empire to death.

   Chu Yuan was expressionless, killing these people was like pinching a group of ants.

   "The Storm God Demon."

   He once again caught the storm god.

   The boundless devouring power, the storm that made up the body was swallowed in an instant. Although this storm **** demon didn't have much intelligence, he also felt the irresistible majesty and wanted to escape here.

   But Chu Yuan grabbed its body.

   Concentrated, concentrated continuously, and in the end, this storm **** demon became only the size of a palm, and was sealed by Chu Yuan.

  The core of its gods and demon crystals is of little significance to Chu Yuan. He wants to put the storm gods and demon on the battlefield with the Qingmu Longevity Empire. .

   His eyes burst with divine light, he seemed to be able to see through the whole world and saw many gods and demons.

   Chu Yuan didn't waste time here either, he clearly knew that the most important place in a nascent world is always the origin of the world!

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