Invincible Hero of Necromancer

: Completion remarks and new book announcements

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At this point, the story of the Undead God has ended. It lasted five years and totaled more than seven million words. The story has also reached its final conclusion. I feel both sad and reluctant. Although the book is finished, my heart seems to still be stuck in it. , I haven’t walked out for a long time.

However, all banquets in the world must come to an end, and it is time to move on from this story and start a new one.

I am very grateful to the book friends who have been able to read this far. It is your continued support that makes this book come to a successful conclusion.

Also, about the new book.

I want to try a different style for the new book. I want to write a protagonist who no longer focuses on fighting, but who hides behind and strategizes. The setting will still be closely related to the undead, but the style is no longer heavy, but more like humorous complaints.

The new book will be released tomorrow. I would also like to ask all book friends to support me. Apostle of Pity, thank you all!

"The Invincible Heroes of the Undead God" Final Thoughts and New Book Announcement

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