Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2464: tree of wisdom

Looking at the scene in her childhood memory, Rowling was filled with emotion.

In her memory, although her father was not strong, he was very responsible, willing to give everything for his family, and his image was very stalwart, but when she saw the unbearable side of her father in her memory, she heard the elf's words about poachers. After the evaluation, Rowling only felt that her long-standing impression was collapsing.

"how so……"

Rowling murmured, her heart full of confusion.

"What's the matter?" Messika saw her doubts and asked actively.

"In my memory, my father is not that kind of person..." She said sadly, she failed to discover the truth that awakened her will during this trip, but found such an unbearable scene, which also made her depressed. .

"What does it matter?" Messika shrugged and didn't take Rowling's question to heart at all, "Your father is not a righteous man, he is just an ordinary person full of original sin, you don't have to blame him, I met him. There are countless human beings, but the righteous only talk about a few."

Rowling was about to say something, and Messika said again: "What's more, he did this for you and Rhodes, right? Did he ever owe you to you? Do you want to ignore his judgment of good and evil in your heart? love?"

Rowling was stunned for a moment, but saw Clayton in her memory, hugged the baby boy with the blood line extending between her brows, kissed his forehead, and then laughed out loud, leaving her injuries behind: "That's great. Yes, you saved me, especially you, Rhodes."

Seeing her father's joyful smile, Rowling's expression suddenly dawned at this moment, and she only felt that the problem that had been plaguing her was finally solved.

During the Battle of Bracada, Rowling seldom used the power of the Prophecy Card with all her strength. Looking at the undead creature Slaughter Mage under Rhodes, she couldn't help it. She didn't think it was the right thing to do. Go back to the city of Sao in the rear, escaping the idea of ​​war.

At this moment, Rowling's heart was finally relieved. Just like in the mouths of those elves, her father was just a despicable poacher, and in the end, she had to rely on women, children, and the mercy of elves to escape punishment, but he was always Rowling's father, who Rowling has always trusted and gave to the family. A father who brings warmth and laughter.

Up to now, his father Clayton has long since died, but his soul seems to remain by Rowling's side. To be precise, it has come to another person, that is Rhodes.

Thinking of Rhodes, Rowling's heart beat slightly. He was also hated by the world and did injustice. Rhodes, like his father, never owed her to her. Even if Rowling was passively prepared for battle, he did not blame him, but took responsibility for it. It's up to her to act on her own.

I don't know when, Rowling's eyes became moist. Even with the sense of blood connection, she never seemed to understand her brother, and at this critical moment, she couldn't fight side by side with him. The next time she sees Rhodes, she must hug him and cry.

The baby's laughter interrupted Rowling's thoughts. She followed the sound and saw her when she was a baby, looking at the tree of wisdom in the distance and laughing blankly. The Wisdom Tree heard the baby's laughter, and the old face on the bark also showed a wrinkled smile like a chrysanthemum:

"Aha, cute baby, do you like me very much? Then let me pass on the knowledge accumulated over the years to you, and hope that wisdom can grow with you."

As the voice of the Wisdom Tree fell, the starlight penetrated the cover of the branches and leaves, sprinkled from the top of the dense bushes, and immediately enveloped Rowling, and the mysterious runes were looming.

The Claytons were trembling and did not dare to act rashly. They did not understand the meaning of Wisdom Tree's actions. Do they plan to go back and kill them? The baby boy's performance was even more sluggish, sucking the saliva from the corner of his mouth, only baby Rowling giggled.

"That is……"

Rowling looked at this scene, her mouth opened wide, she couldn't believe her eyes, she was taught by the tree of wisdom.

Even Messika showed an unexpected look: "You are lucky. Generally speaking, even if you take out rich gold coins and gems, the Wisdom Tree will not give you a second look. They will only use the knowledge accumulated over the years. Teach it to creatures they like."

Shrouded in a mysterious light, baby Rowling reached out her hand curiously, trying to grab the occult rune circulating in the starlight, but she caught nothing. It wasn't a real magic rune, it was just occult. trace.

At this moment, an unexpected scene happened to Rowling. After baby Rowling tried to grab the rune to no avail, she turned her eyes and finally looked straight at the two who were outside the past.

"She can see us?" Messika asked suspiciously.

"How do I know." Rowling scratched her head and said, she still wanted to ask Messika this question.

"It's Time and space retracing belongs to the power of the holy female dragon. Even the past I can't detect it. There is no reason for a baby to perceive it." Messika frowned, With some doubts, he said, "Perhaps the power of the Wisdom Tree affected the ability to retrace time and space, but it doesn't make sense..."

Even the knowledgeable Mexica was having a hard time at this moment and didn't understand what was going on.

Rowling didn't think too much, she looked at the baby as if she had seen her past self.

Baby Rowling blinked, and didn't seem to understand why there were two more people out of thin air, and one of them had an aura that she wanted to get close to, but she still moved towards Rowling and stretched out that Young palms.

Somewhere, Rowling felt something, and she also held out her hand to the baby tremblingly.

The solid touch came over, and the baby's young palm tightly wrapped Rowling's two fingers. It was the first time that Rowling had a real touch in the process of backtracking in time and space, and the source of the touch was impressive. It was her former self.

"not good!"

At this moment, the whole world shook, the sky was torn apart by an unknown force, and the earth was shattered, but that was for Rowling and Messika, and the few people next to them didn't seem to notice it at all. Knowing what happened, he still looked at the baby girl with outstretched palms with worried eyes.

Messika pulled Rowling over and reminded: "The power of time and space is disintegrating, and the power belonging to the holy female dragon is out of control. We'd better leave here quickly, otherwise unimaginable things will happen."

As she spoke, she activated the power of the prophecy card and twisted a portal to return to reality. In Rowling's puzzled and reluctant eyes, she took her away, and the baby girl who stayed there was stunned for a moment, then immediately Remember this scene in the deepest part of my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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