Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2462: blood line guide

"Is he going to be okay?"

Looking at the blood robe, Rowling couldn't help but ask Messika.

"This is your memory, you should know the answer to the question better than me." Mesijia glanced at her and answered lightly.

Hearing this, Rowling was relieved. In her memory, her father, Clayton, was alive and well until the necromancer attacked the village. It seems that he will be fine this time.

Having said that, the moment she saw the blood-clothed clothes, Rowling still had an unstoppable worry in her heart. It was an instinctive reaction.

"Take your child, Priest Mor has a way to help you find him."

Soon, the scene in memory changed again. Under Orion's reminder, the mother hurriedly picked up the two babies and went to find the priest of Mor.

Back in the past, Rowling was unable to move freely. What she could see was limited to everything around the baby. Fortunately, her mother hugged her before she left.

As the only priest in the village, Maul exercised his right as a lord. He looked very old. When he opened his eyes, the wrinkles on his forehead piled up. It is said that he was of high status when he was young. The leader among the priests, unfortunately, is still lost to the passage of time. Only when he shows his strength can he prove his former identity.

In Rowling's memory, Priest Mor died when she was a child, and it was precisely because of the loss of Mor's protection that the village was captured by the Necromancer in the future. Rowling could not remember what he looked like for a long time, but only remembered that his thin body before his death was so terrifying that she had nightmares for several days.

"Don't worry, I'll help you find Clayton."

Priest Mor checked the two babies in his mother's arms, and finally put his eyes on the baby boy. He used a knife to cut open the baby boy's palm, and in the cry of the baby boy, he smeared the blood from his palm on the baby boy. A piece of placenta the size of a human head, from an unknown creature.

Then, in his mother's unbearable eyes, Moore stained the blood clothes brought by Orion with water, and sprinkled the drained blood on the surface of the placenta.

After absorbing the blood, the placenta, which seemed to have been dehydrated and dry, regained its blood color, the raised meridians on it were clearly visible, and the dark purple flesh trembled. A drop of cloudy blood was expelled from the site.

Moore dipped the drop of turbid blood on the baby boy's eyebrows, and a red line of blood appeared between the baby boy's eyebrows. The blood line looked dim and could disappear at any time. One end was on the boy, and the other end pointed in the direction of the dense forest.

"He's right there, you better hurry up, he's not in a good shape right now."

Looking at this scene, Rowling showed a surprised look. With her knowledge, she still couldn't see the means used by Moore, and then she looked at Messika who was asking for advice.

"Well... this is the placenta of a hungry ghost." Messika came to the placenta and looked at it carefully. She stretched out her hand and gently stroked the blood-stained placenta with her fingertips, as if she was stroking her lover's skin. , unfortunately, since she can't change the past, she can't really touch that thing.

"Hungry ghost?" Rowling asked with some doubts.

Messika nodded: "In hell, hungry ghosts are the most difficult demons to breed. They are always accompanied by hunger and can't get enough to eat. How to increase the number of hungry ghosts is a problem that plagues **** lords. Before a hungry baby is born, their mother will cut open their belly and eat the baby whole, and it is rare to preserve such a perfect placenta, it is simply a masterpiece."

As she said that, she glanced at Moll on the side: "In terms of alchemy, he chose not sorcery, but undead magic, which is also the flaw of this treasure. The placenta of hungry ghosts, who was born out of nowhere, cannot have its own bloodline. , thus showing the power to pursue the source of blood. If you want to use the ability of this treasure, it is reasonable to say that black magic is the best alchemy choice.

Rowling listened to Messika's story in a daze. Unexpectedly, after just a few seconds of observation, Messika could see the advantages and disadvantages of this treasure. Compared with this experienced prophet, she still has There are many places to learn.

Just as Rowling was observing this treasure, her mother was already carrying the baby who was guiding her bloodline, heading deep into the dense forest, and the nearby scene changed accordingly.

It was getting late, and among the hunters who came to help after hearing the news, the younger ones refused to go deeper into the dense forest, so as not to anger the deadwood guards wandering in the forest, or the beasts that walked at night. Deep into the forest.

"Do you remember these things?" Beside Rowling, Messika asked her, looking at the people who passed by.

"I don't remember." Rowling shook her She looked at Rhodes and herself in a baby state, and at her mother who was in a hurry. She intuitively told her that this might be the opportunity for her awakening.

Messika reminded: "The purer the will, the easier it is to induce awakening, and the baby's will does not contain any impurities. I have seen a natural hero who was awakened in infancy because of the death of a loved one. Maybe what happens next will make it difficult for you to accept."

"That's all in the past." Rowling shook her head. Growing up under Rhode's guidance, she has seen many partings of life and death. Everything in front of her is just what happened in the past, no matter how bad the result is, It has long since passed.

In the dark and dense forest, the light is getting dimmer and dimmer. This is already in the territory of Eri. There are many giant trees that can only be hugged by dozens of people. The starlight cannot penetrate the layers of the leaves. Only the torches in the hands of the hunters can illuminate the road. , only the blood line on the top of baby Rhodes' head became clearer and clearer.

Walking in the dark forest, after the Orion carefully traversed a knee-length stream, the earth in the distance suddenly heard a regular vibration, and the seasoned Orion looked surprised at this moment, that was the dead wood guardian. signs of activity.

Eli's forest is alive, this is not a rumor that the hunters use to scare children to sleep, but a real thing. Whenever the night comes, those trees that walk upright will change their positions. Even the most experienced hunters will get lost in this dense forest without the blessing of pathfinding.

The signs of the deadwood guard's activities made everyone hold their breath and dare not make any sound. However, at this moment, a sharp cry suddenly broke the silence in the forest. It was the sound of baby Rhodes.

Everyone's faces were startled, and the mother quickly covered Rhode's mouth, daring not to let him make a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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