Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2459: battle monster

"Damn giant..."

Under the heavy punch of Goliath's body, the giant monster was blasted out, and the entire body was about to be shattered. Fortunately, the unique physique of the elemental creature made him recover quickly, and replaced it with a flesh-and-blood creature. I'm afraid I'll be beaten long ago and won't be able to get up.

In the body of the giant Goliath, there is a terrifying power. His attacks are not as gorgeous as the angels, only the simplest punches and kicks, but they can bring destruction-like destructive power, even if it is a mountain, He will also be blasted away by him.

In front of this giant, Somra can be considered to have met his opponent. At this moment, Somra's huge body can no longer bring him too many advantages. Goliath's body is larger than him, and in the realm of forbidden magic Under the shroud of , Goliath is enough to become the master of the entire battlefield, it can be said that no one can match.

"Lord Somra, we are here to help you!"

Seeing that Somra was at a disadvantage, even his body was almost shattered, the support of the mages was long overdue, and a number of Titan puppets with a height of three people rushed to his side.

However, in front of the huge body of Goliath, even the real titan here may not be able to take advantage of it, not to mention the golem puppets made by these mages, they can't even reach Goliath The thighs of the body can only be counted as immature children.

Obstructed by the mage's golem puppet, Goliath let out a dull bell-like roar, like thunder blasting from the sky, and he just stepped on his foot violently, enough to level all obstacles in front of him.

In the entire hell, there are only a handful of demons larger than Goliath. In the eyes of ordinary mages, the giant monster that is as magnificent as a **** is only half the size of Goliath. In addition, the melee ability of the giant monster is limited. into a deep disadvantage.

"Do not……"

The mage who was manipulating behind the giant titan puppet failed to avoid the aftermath of Goliath's trampling. The heavy puppet fell to the side, his legs were pressed by the puppet, and Somura shot in time. , and lifted the fallen Titan puppet, which saved him from being paralyzed.

"You can't let it affect the battlefield over there and lead him away."

After feeling the terrifying power contained in Goliath's body, Somra immediately made a judgment. If he was allowed to rush all the way to Tanan, the mage could say that all previous efforts were all for nothing.

Soon, Somra locked on the target, that is, Trosa and his party who arrived with these giants. The ballista troops beside Trotsa are effectively killing the golems of the mages, and on the battlefield, those slow-moving ballistas are undoubtedly the best targets.

After placing the injured mage, Somra passed Goliath and flew straight towards the ballista forces behind.

"What does that giant monster want to do?" Terosa was shocked when he noticed Somra's approach. He didn't expect that he was the target of the enemy's attack. "Hurry up and stop him!"

The rest of the giants that rushed to the battlefield took action one after another, but their speed was a few beats slower than the giant monster flying at full speed. In a few breaths, Somra rushed to the ballista unit and raised his hand to destroy the nearby ballista. .

"No, my ballista!" Trosa's eyes were split, seeing the few remaining ballistas being mercilessly destroyed by the enemy, it was more uncomfortable than his own injury, "Don't hide it. , use the power of the magic ballista to kill him!"

At the edge of the battlefield, Farezer, who was dispatching troops according to the situation, seemed to have found something wrong. He just wanted to remind Trotsa aloud, but he was a step too late.

Several rows of large bolts that looked like lightning flew across, and instantly pierced through Somura's body, leaving a hole in him enough to see the scenery behind him, interrupting his offensive.

Seeing the enemy's setback, Trosa burst into laughter, and the magic ballista lying in ambush outside the forbidden realm made a great contribution at this moment.

The power belonging to the forbidden magic domain will shield the spells and rituals that drive the magic ballista, but it will not have any effect on the magic ballista shot at full speed outside the domain. There is no magic attached to the magic crossbow, and the core process of converting mana into pure power occurs on the magic ballista outside the realm.

Soon, Trosa couldn't laugh anymore. He saw that Somra's wounds were healing rapidly. For elemental creatures, as long as they did not destroy their elemental core, they could recover quickly no matter how much damage they suffered. , especially the leader among the gods and monsters like Somra, conventional means can't cause effective damage to him at all.

Locking his gaze on the magic ballista outside the realm, Somra was about to charge away, but was caught up by the body of Goliath behind him, punching him fiercely behind him.

Under the terrifying power of Goliath's body, Somra's body was on the verge of collapse, and even the inner core of the element was strongly shaken, and cracks appeared faintly, but he gritted his teeth, With the impact of this punch, he increased his speed a little and rushed straight into the ambush position of the magic ballista.

The body of Goliath, who was in hot pursuit, also rushed over, and was about to give the last blow to the giant monster who was unable to escape, but suddenly stopped the movement in his hand.

That was not Goliath's own will, his body fell into a deep paralysis, no matter how hard he mustered, he couldn't move forward.


At the rear, Trosa seemed to realize something, and his face became ugly. The sizzling sound of electric current reached his ears, and there was a chill of static electricity in the air.

"Come back!" Thinking of some rumors, Trosa's expression changed, and he hurriedly reminded the body of Goliath, but it was too late at this moment, Goliath had come to the outermost side of the battlefield, where is The place used to arrange the magic ballista is not covered by the forbidden magic field.

Somura turned around, a blazing lightning burst out in his palm, and the dark clouds condensed above his head, not the gloomy aura of death, but a majestic chain that seemed to tear the entire sky apart. lightning.

"Just as I expected, this place is no longer in the realm of forbidden magic."

The figure rose to the sky, the dark clouds were rolling, and the thunder was surrounding. After breaking away from the shroud of the forbidden realm, Somra finally showed his true strength. He is not a fighting monster known for his force, but the guardian of Brakada. He is a loyal servant of the Mage God, a hero with lightning as its core strength.

Thinking of the embarrassment of being chased all the way by Goliath's body, and even being blasted away by his fists, Somra slowly swept over the chasing giant, and his face sank completely on the blue face that belonged to the gods.

"Come and make a break, undead creature."

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