Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1084: Go deep

At this time, Rod’s heart is lingering. Although there is the existence of Lingbo Weibu, his thinking is still limited to the set of land battles. It is impossible to attack from under the sea like this on land. See.

As far as the sea monster is concerned, the ocean is its home ground after all, and Roder doesn't know what kind of methods he will use if he continues to fight like this. For this reason, Rodr must fight quickly.

In Rod's sight, the previously severed tentacles were growing in a slow posture, wriggling constantly, repairing their previous injuries.

Due to the large number of tentacles, Rhode did not notice this until now. The sea monster's ability to recover from the injury obviously exceeded Rhode's expectation.

With this kind of tough recovery ability, no matter how many tentacles Rhodes cut off, it is not considered to be an effective injury to the sea monster's body. On the contrary, Rhode’s mana will be used in the process of maintaining these buffs. It continues to consume in the middle, and finally falls into a disadvantage.

After understanding this, Rod suddenly changed his tactics, and instead of attacking the surrounding tentacles, he put his gaze on the sea monster's body.

Facing the huge tentacles that drew towards him, Rod did not come forward to meet him, and his figure disappeared. The next moment, Rod returned to the body of the Whale Corpse Witch King exposed to the sea.

Pulled by dozens of tentacles, the Whale Witch King barely contends with his own strength. Although he is constantly being dragged to the center area, the progress is extremely slow. If there is no Lord's arrival, I am afraid it would be better for a while, Whale Witch Wang will be dragged there.

Appearing on the body of the Whale Witch King, Rod did not cut off the surrounding tentacles, helping the Whale Witch King out of the predicament, but accelerated the process.

Under Rod's sign, the Whale Corpse Witch King no longer resisted the drag of the tentacles, but instead moved forward with the drag of the tentacles, quickly approaching a position.

Near the main part of the sea monster, the tentacles rising around are even larger, and even Rod can no longer cut it off with a single blow as before.

With the combined action of the two forces, Rhode soon saw that the sea monster in front of him appeared at the core of the water.

The huge shadow slowly floated up, dividing the sea in front of it to the surroundings. Between the splashes of water, the sea monster showed its complete body.

What appeared in front of Rhode was a deep tunnel leading to darkness. The darkness could not see the end. With the help of the only light, he could observe the terrifying fangs circling densely around him.

A smell of stench rushed toward his face, and Rod also realized where the deep tunnel that appeared in front of him led to. If Rod didn't guess wrong, the sea monster was planning to swallow the Whale Corpse Witch King entirely.

Although the sea monster has an incomparably powerful strength, it can be counted as the overlord of the upper sea area, but with its wisdom, it is impossible to understand the existence of undead creatures.

After all, in the entire water elemental plane, there are no undead creatures at all, only living things and elemental creatures exist. Until Rhode is exiled, this brings about undead creatures that are not in the current category of the life system.

Perhaps in the eyes of the sea monster, the whale corpse witch king transformed by Rhodes is not much different from the cetaceans that it eats during the day. They are all delicious foods that can provide a full meal, but in Rhodes’s view, the sea Guai's attempt to swallow the Whale Corpse Witch King undoubtedly made a big mistake.

In order to swallow the open mouth of the Witch King, the sea monster also gave Rhode a chance to cast spells in its body.

In Rhodes’s impression, no matter how powerful a creature is, their internal organs are always very fragile. Even if it is a creature with magic immunity, the effect of magic immunity can only be reflected outside the body, but they don’t. Has anti-magic effect.

Just as the light gradually disappeared, the fangs were about to fall, and the sea monster’s huge mouth was about to close, the dark cloud of death radiated from its unclosed gap, and more clouds of death were still toward the dark passage. The depths of the spread continue.

A thunderous explosion exploded from the inside of the sea monster’s body. At the same time, all the tentacles that the sea monster had, whether on the surface of the sea or other locations, began to tremble violently at this moment, and started to start struggling. The huge waves are clearly suffering unimaginable pain.

Rod, who was in the mouth of the sea monster, could only feel a huge air current, accompanied by a strong fishy smell, gushing out from the depths of the channel, and even the Whale Witch King couldn’t stay here for a while. The airflow pushes outward.

Just when the Whale Corpse Witch King was about to escape from the sea monster’s mouth, Rod leaped, and the powerful lightning released between the sword blade swings easily penetrated the sea monster’s mouth skin with its sharp teeth. Rod was able to immediately escape from the sea monster if he was willing, but how could he miss such a good opportunity?

Accompanied by the smelly air current, there are many other things gushing from the depths of the tunnel, including the broken internal organs of the large biological bones that have not been digested, and the blood, and the bone fish king that was originally transformed. It is obvious that the front is huge. Sea monsters are not picky eaters.

At this moment, Rod, who hung on the sharp teeth of the sea monster, was startled. From the things the sea monster vomited from his injuries, he seemed to have discovered something abnormal.

It was a pile of shattered wood, and it was still able to see its original shape. It was mixed with broken canvas and broken masts. If Rhodes didn't guess wrong, it should be the boat of the past.

This discovery immediately made Rod’s heart happy. The creatures of the Elemental Plane of Water do not make ships, such navigation tools. Only intelligent creatures can do this. The most likely thing is the existence of human beings. .

It was not completely corroded by the acid in the sea also proved to Rhodes that it swallowed the ship in front of him not long ago. This undoubtedly made Rhodes see and returned to the main plane. hope.

The joy in his heart did not make Rod forget that he was in battle at this time. For Rod, the most important thing at this time was to solve the sea monster in front of him, not to explore the origin of the pile of wood.

Because the sea monster has an extremely large body, the various attack spells that Rohde previously cast can cause certain damage to it, but they are far from lethal. According to the strong vitality of the sea monster, the damage caused by the spell is restored. , It may not be long.

Under this circumstance, even if Rhode stood in the mouth of the sea monster and cast the cloud of death into it, he would be dispersed by the continuous jet of air, which would not have any good effect.

Seeing this, Rod no longer hesitated, and entered the deep passage alone, swiftly moving towards the belly of the sea monster.

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