Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 791: Endless yellow water!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Fifth way!

Sixth way!

Seventh way!

Within half an hour, Ning Tianlin broke through the three palace gates again, killing all the golden men and terracotta warriors inside.

At the same time, every time he passed a palace gate, his fighting power increased by 10,000, and at the same time he gained a lot of spirits exchanged for the ghost. His fighting power at this time was already 60,000 more than when he entered the tomb of the First Emperor!

"Every pass through the palace door, the wickedness on this terracotta warrior is almost twice as strong!"

Ning Tianlin was aware of this problem at this time, and even directly felt the evil spirits coming out of the soil in every underground palace.

"But here, there is no matrix formation!"

Although Ning Tianlin's method of confrontation is still in the shallow layer, but it is only the shallow layer in the mouth of the combat system. Compared to other people, the master of the array method can not be overstated.

Especially in the Milky Way, not to mention the high level, there is no problem in staying in the middle level!

After all, the way of the formation of the day was not only his Ning Tianlin's experience, but also a gigantic pass-through! Followed the stuffed duck into his mind! Now, as long as he is thinking, he can call himself matrix formation.

But in this palace, I didn't feel the slightest formation.

But because of this, Ning Tianlin became more and more confused, because the combat effectiveness of this terracotta warrior is obviously related to the evil spirit contained in him. As the battle progresses, the fighting power of this terracotta warrior becomes more powerful, and the evil spirit becomes more concentrated.

How can it be increased so quickly without the help of matrix formations!

This is the natural evil spirit, not the killing gas of the soldiers during his lifetime! He also thought that Ning Tianlin was able to distinguish it!

"Is this tomb of the emperor buried in a shady place?"

"The deeper you go, the heavier the evil spirit is?"

When Ning Tianlin thought of this possibility, he shook his head directly and denied it.

But how is this possible!

The evil land, the reason why it is evil, is because it can affect people's spirit, even soul, and make it evil! And this wickedness is not a good thing. Lost consciousness is all clear!

It can keep it in the killing forever.

This is why Qin Shihuang used terracotta warriors instead of soldiers for funeral. The refined soil in the terracotta warriors can just prevent the invasion of the evil spirit and keep them rational.

If not, these funeral soldiers will only become killing machines.

"But the Emperor, how can he make him a walking dead!"

"He's very talented, never like that! It's even impossible to make himself into a terracotta warrior!"

Ning Tianlin doesn't need to guess, he is sure that Qin Shihuang's body is absolutely intact. This kind of person can build the mausoleum like this, what is it to maintain a physical body.

The main thing is that he does not allow anyone to invade his body and manipulate his body.

"Since it's not a formation, it's not an evil place, but the yin here ..."

As the yin oozed out from the ground became heavier and heavier, Ning Tianlin was already in doubt. It just didn't ask the combat system what was going on, because with the urine of the other side, if it wanted to say, it would definitely tell itself.

After all, it knows exactly what it's thinking without being armed.


He shook his head, no longer thinking about it, at most one step at a time.

At the same time, the body burst out and directly entered the eighth palace gate. The exercises are working, destroying everything and destroying everything in front of him. Ten minutes later, he has been suspended in the air of the ninth palace gate.




When the dust fell to the ground, his combat effectiveness increased by another 10,000.

The terracotta warrior ghost in the ninth palace gate provided him with 8.6 million points of energy!

The 8.6 million points is already a very scary number!


When entering the tenth palace gate, Ning Tianlin was already a bit stunned, because the evil spirit in this earth palace can no longer be described with richness, it is completely visible to the naked eye.

The khaki is almost the same as the water-like mist!

Even Ning Tianlin saw that a mass of yin and qi sent out from the soil on the ground was extremely terrifying! And in the air, it is already full of water and is about to be low!

"I still can't see it!"

At the same time, Ning Tianlin's mind went down and wanted to find out what was underneath this earth palace and what was the source of this evil spirit. But strangely, these dirts always blocked its mind. .

Although it can dive into a depth of several meters to dozens of meters, it is extremely difficult to take a step closer!

Even for every drop of one meter, Ning Tianlin spent a lot of energy, even sweat on his forehead.

"Still walking and talking!"

But soon, Ning Tianlin gave up this plan, and even dispelled his thought of going down with his body. Everything, wait until the investigation of the tomb of the first emperor is over.


When Ning Tianlin opened the gate of the eleventh palace, the fighting power of the golden men encountered had reached 110,000, which was higher than when he first entered the tomb of the first emperor!


But again, it was won by Ning Tianlin, and even the ghosts of all the terracotta warriors were turned into spirits.

And this time, the essence of exchange points has exceeded 10 million!


The sound of the combat system made him breathless, but he was still holding back. He didn't ask how much energy he has now, but it is estimated that thirty or forty million is no longer a word!

After all, the increase is 10 million, 9 million, 8 million each time.

"The last gate!"

Ning Tianlin was suspended in the void, his eyes narrowed, and he shot directly into the twelfth palace gate. It won't take long before he can reach the terminal of the Tomb of the First Emperor!

When Ning Tianlin opened the gate of the eleventh palace, the fighting power of the golden men encountered had reached 110,000, which was higher than when he first entered the tomb of the first emperor!


But again, it was won by Ning Tianlin, and even the ghosts of all the terracotta warriors were turned into spirits.

And this time, the essence of exchange points has exceeded 10 million!


The sound of the combat system made him breathless, but he was still holding back. He didn't ask how much energy he has now, but it is estimated that thirty or forty million is no longer a word!

After all, the increase is 10 million, 9 million, 8 million each time.

"The last gate!"

Ning Tianlin was suspended in the void, his eyes narrowed, and he shot directly into the twelfth palace gate. It won't take long before he can reach the terminal of the Tomb of the First Emperor!

(End of this chapter)

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