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"Another identity?"

"What identity?"

Sure enough, countless people were appalled by Ning Tianlin's words, all looked at the screen quietly, waiting for Ning Tianlin's next words. And my mind is turning, all speculating about all possibilities.

And Ning Tianlin didn't let them wait for a long time, and after a few seconds, he opened his mouth, "I still have an identity, I am the leader of the League of Legends!"


This statement shocked the world!

"League of Legends Leader!"

"This Ning Tianlin is actually the leader of the League of Legends!"

Too many people's eyes are inconceivable. No one can think that the famous League of Legends leader is actually this young man! At this age, it is estimated that it is only about twenty. It will turn out to be the leader of the League of Legends!

But no one would doubt what he said. At this time, this young man is completely unnecessary! In addition, the characters of this kind of means are certainly too lazy to tell lies in this regard.

"No wonder."

"No wonder it's so young and so capable, it turned out to be the leader of the League of Legends."

Countless people nodded their heads and agreed in their hearts. Also, only the mysterious League of Legends leader can deserve his mastery!


"He turned out to be our lord!"

Beijing City.

League of Legends Headquarters!

Many people look at the screen with an unbelievable look. They did not expect that this young man turned out to be their lord! Many of them are new, even old people who have never seen the leader of the alliance!

Because the leader has never seen a dragon, he almost never appeared in front of everyone.

Inevitably, everyone looked at Shi Xiaojun, who was sitting in the middle.

Because this person is the deputy leader of the League of Legends!

He has the most say.

Since you are the Deputy Leader, you must know who the Leader is!


"He is our ally, Ning Tianlin!"

Shi Xiaojun nodded, solemnly.

When Ning Tianlin appeared for the first time, he wanted to tell everyone this answer, but after thinking about it, he couldn't help it, because Ning Tianlin didn't open the club to him.

Ning Tianlin didn't reveal anything, he wouldn't say if he was killed.

Although he is a friend of Ning Tianlin, but now everything is given to him by Ning Tianlin. No matter what, he will keep a secret for Ning Tianlin.

But now, Ning Tianlin himself has admitted that he has no need to be conservative.

"It's him!"


As soon as this word came to an end, all the heroes in the hall showed the light of excitement. Also, only such a peerless figure can be worthy of being the leader of their hero league!

Such a peerless powerhouse can lead their League of Legends!

After all, their League of Legends is now the world's largest organization. The combat effectiveness is so great that all of them can make one party turbulent!

But at the same time, these people also found a reason in their hearts that everything can be betrayed, but they must not betray the League of Legends, especially the rules and regulations in the League of Legends, can not be violated, otherwise, there will be no good fruit to eat!

Not to mention that the leader is the Chiyan Golden Dragon controlled by the leader. If the dragon breathes down, it will kill them!

"Today I am here for two reasons."

At this time, Ning Tianlin spoke, and his voice was loud and clear, so that everyone could hear clearly. "In the first place, it is to deal with the matter of Chiyan Heilong. Now I can assure you that it is the evil of the earth. Black Dragon is dead! "

"It will never show up between this world!"

"Because he has become my pet, Chiyan Jinlong, fully obey my orders!"

"From now on, we humans are safe!"


With Ning Tianlin's words landing, the whole Huaxia was boiling! Because of this sentence, it officially represents that the mountain that is under Huaxia's head is gone, and has been uprooted!

Like no other country, there is no danger of being destroyed!

All Huaxia people can live as before!

They Huaxia finally survived this crisis that changed the world!

All the countries are gone, it's just that they survived Huaxia!

Although there are still some people who are worried about Chiyan Golden Dragon, after all, Chiyan Black Dragon has finally become Chiyan Golden Dragon, but at this moment, they have no need to doubt it!

Chiyan Jinlong called his master, but what could go wrong!

Isn't he Ning Tianlin a Huaxia man, but he wants the Huaxia people to exterminate the tribe!


"Why are you so good, don't shoot early!"

"You shoot early, and our country will not be destroyed!"

Among the crowd, there are still some people expressing dissatisfaction, and even tears flashing in their eyes. They have fled to Huaxia from other countries, and some foreigners have already worked and lived in Huaxia.

At this moment, although they were relieved in their hearts and the threat of death was gone, they also shifted their contradictions to Ning Tianlin.

All complained why he didn't shoot early!

Since you are so powerful, you can kill the Chiyan Black Dragon if you shoot early, and their country does not need to destroy the clan!

However, Ning Tianlin in the void can ignore their thoughts and cannot explain. One is not necessary, and the other is Ning Tianlin's behavior.

You are lucky to be alive in Huaxia!

For the remaining foreigners, Ning Tianlin is impossible, and Huaxia cannot agree to go back to the founding of the country. The world has become like this, then it will be wrong to make Huaxia the only one on earth!

From now on, the earth will be China, and China will be Earth!

This is a fact that no one can change!

As for these foreigners, it will not be many years before they will be assimilated, give birth to mixed-race children, or become other peoples other than the fifty-six nations!

The epic is always written by the winner! Recorded by the people who survive!

From now on, this Chinese history book will only record that it is Ning Tianlin who, with his own strength, will save the country, slaughter the black dragon, save China, and save humanity on earth!

"Second, there is one more thing, I want to tell everyone!"

After a while, Ning Tianlin continued to speak, saying, "This matter is about combat effectiveness, martial arts, and the universe!"

"It can even be said that we Huaxia, our earth, from today, from now on, will enter a new chapter!"

"Because there will be a greater starry sky, waiting for us!"


As soon as Ning Tianlin's words fell, everyone was boiling. What about combat effectiveness? About martial arts? Still about the universe?

This is the rhythm of breaking news!

Countless Chinese people have been shocked by the sudden emergence of fighting power. Is it necessary to get an explanation now?

(End of this chapter)

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