Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 778: Congratulations to the host, created a new creature!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"My least favorite is howling!"

Ning Tianlin looked at the painful roar of the Chiyan Black Dragon, without any mercy, but flashed coldly in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, a sharp energy, he directly cut off half of the mouth of the Chiyan Black Dragon. .

Even with the tongue inside, it was broken in half.

At the same time, the howl of the Chiyan Black Dragon came to an abrupt end, and Guru wanted to shout, but in the end, he couldn't make any sound, only a large piece of blood, Guru grunted out of its mouth.

Scarlet eyes were already bloodshot.

"it is good!"


"This Ning Tianlin is good!"

Too many Chinese people are shouting with excitement at this moment, because the black dragon, which has almost destroyed humanity, has no means of resistance at all in front of this young man.

So easy, I was cut off even by the big mouth!

Without a big mouth, I see how you can eat people!


"Awesome young man!"

"This Chiyan Black Dragon is not his opponent at all!"

"Huaxia is saved now, we are all right!"

Too many people breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, and it was all right, and it should be all right now. Since this young man is so powerful, although he doesn't know his true identity yet, he is a pure Chinese without a doubt!

Since they are Huaxia people, they will certainly not watch the Huaxia extinct.

But who is this young man?

What kind of identity do you have?

The timing of his appearance is so good! God can't overdo it.




Ning Tianlin didn't stop his hand at all, waving his hand with a knife, and radiating all the pieces, the red flame black dragon was chopped into pieces. After a while, most of the flesh was gone.

Even the snow-white bones were clearly visible.

But even so, Chiyan Heilong still gasped and did not die.

"What is he doing?"

"Torture this black dragon?"

"Still you want to scrape this black dragon, one by one?"

Many people have noticed this scene, because the young man didn't kill the killer hard, but little by little, dismantled the Chiyan Black Dragon, but didn't immediately let it die!

Is it deliberately torturing it?

But it should! This young man really should do it! This black dragon has slaughtered humans, and Ling Chi's execution is not an exaggeration!

Let it die little by little, and it is completely cheap!

It's just that Ning Tianlin doesn't care what ordinary people are thinking. His eyes are staring at the Chiyan Black Dragon, which has broken most of his body. His heart is tense, and he seems to be looking for something.


"Sure enough!"

"In the body of this Chiyan black dragon, there really is no dragon ball!"

What Ning Tianlin is looking for is this Dragon Ball! Known as the essence of Shenlong's body!

Because from the beginning, he invaded the inside of the Chiyan Black Dragon's body with a strong mind, and wanted to see if there was the legendary Dragon Ball in the body.

You know, when Ning Tianlin was in Luofu Mountain and Ge Hong Mausoleum that day, he got a dragon ball. Although it is still incomplete, the energy has been lost a lot, but even then, the exchange price given by the combat system is also Ten million points of energy!

Ten million points of energy are an asset to him even now.

Therefore, from the first moment he saw this Chiyan black dragon, he wanted to know what kind of dragon ball it contained in his body. It was not big enough to be exchanged for a large amount of essence.

Just the result, but it was far beyond his expectations!

Because of this Chiyan black dragon, there is no dragon ball in the body! Except for the bones and muscles, there is no Dragon Ball like that of Mount Rover! The body has been broken like this, and even the bones and veins are exposed, and it is impossible to hide.

Nor will it be the spiritual detective who finds out the problem!


At first, Ning Tianlin was disappointed in the face of this result. After all, it was a great deal of energy. Now she says it will be gone! But then, thinking of a possibility, I was a little excited.

And the more you think about it, the more likely you are to succeed!

If it is successful, it will be a great help to him Ning Tianlin! Even for Chiyan Heilong himself, it is a good thing! So he just said, "Send Chiyan Black Dragon a good fortune"!

Now, seeing the Chiyan Black Dragon's body, there really is no dragon, Ning Tianlin feels that it's time to do it yourself.

"But it's not time!"

"At the very least, you need to wait for the blood of this Chiyan Black Dragon to dry out!"

What Ning Tianlin has to do is to let the Chiyan Heilong swallow up the dragon ball he got in Luofu Mountain, and then see how it will change! Can you fuse this dragon ball!

If he could, he would rather control the Chiyan Black Dragon than Ning Tianlin, and there would be another thug!

If it doesn't work, he won't have any loss, and the big ball will be taken back!

However, since Ning Tianlin did this kind of thing for the first time, I still feel that the whole body blood of this Chiyan Black Dragon will be released. If it can be merged, the blood may be regenerated when it recovers!

And is the essence of blood containing Dragon Ball energy!

It's just like reborn!




When the last drop of essence and blood was exhausted, the Chiyan Black Dragon was completely dying, and even the eyes were half-open. The disappearance of all the essence and blood had made it lose all its strength.

If it weren't for its own vitality, if it was replaced by other creatures, it would have been dead for a long time!

Moreover, if it wasn't for Ning Tianlin by means of lifting it into the air, it would have fallen from the sky!


"This black dragon is dead!"

"It's dead!"

"Already motionless!"

"Finally dead!"

Countless Chinese people stared at the screen, with excitement in their eyes, and even took a long breath in their hearts. The black dragon, motionless, must be dead!

The black dragon who slaughtered hundreds of millions of humans is finally dead!

"hold onto!"

"You haven't been in trouble yet!"

"It would be a shame to die like this!"

Ning Tianlin's mind flickered, and at the same time, with one stroke, he saw a cloud of a hundred meters living in the clouds at a height of 10,000 meters, crossed the clouds, and soon appeared in his eyes.

Also reflected in the eyes of countless Chinese people.

"what is this?"

Many people noticed during the rapid movement of the other party, but because they were too fast, they didn't see what it was.

But when everything was settled, countless people opened their eyes in horror, stared at the screen, and said, "Bone Dragon!"

"My aunt, how can there be something like a bone dragon in this world!"

"An extra dragon! And bones all over!"

(End of this chapter)

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