Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


The beach was flooded and the island disappeared. Within five minutes, the turbulent sea water had covered the entire island. Although the depth of the seawater is less than thirty centimeters, it is rising at an extremely rapid rate.

Two minutes later, there were already large swarms of people, objects, floating in the sea. Struggling, crying, like **** of apocalypse. Only some tourists who have already ran to the high-rise buildings and mountains have breathed a little breath. They are temporarily safe.

"No earthquake!"

"There was no earthquake at all!"

"How could a tsunami happen!"

The government of Western Samoa, listening to the report of the technicians inconceivably, looked blank, and the general tsunami was accompanied by a submarine earthquake. Now, there is no earthquake?

Where did the tsunami come from?

No strong wind!


"Check it out quickly!"

"If you can't, just use diplomatic means and ask the other countries on the side to see if they have detected earthquake waves! I seriously doubt your technical means now, not even this!"

"There is no earthquake in the earthquake. Other countries need to know after the earthquake, but now I look at you and I can't find out after the earthquake!"

"A bunch of useless stuff!"

The president scolded, after all, this island, but a resort, is mostly foreigners, hundreds of thousands! If he was drowned, he would be a bad president!

He will be annoying by diplomacy at that time!

Those who can come here for vacation are almost in their own country!

"Come on! Call ships, helicopters, lifeboats to save people!"

"How much can be saved!"

The president instructed those around him and convened an emergency meeting to prepare for a comprehensive study and deployment of disaster relief strategies.

"Master, now ... now this tsunami hasn't stopped yet, and I don't know when it will stop! Now our ships can't pass at all and will be overturned!"

An official said with frustration, "Only wait until the tsunami is smaller."


"You **** put it off until that tsunami and stop!"

"How long can the tsunami last!"

"Stupid X!"

This president was a bad-tempered man, and now he is even swearing. And what he said is true, the ordinary tsunami usually comes and goes fast, ten minutes, half an hour, and a maximum of 45 minutes an hour passed.

Now, you **** prepare for disaster relief!

It was just that he never thought that this time it was not an ordinary tsunami at all. Twenty minutes later, the seawater was still raging wildly, rising, without any intention to stop.

And the rising sea level is more turbulent than ever before. It used to be more than ten meters in an hour or two, but now it has reached more than thirty meters in twenty minutes!

The intensity is several times that of the past!

The entire Pakuchime island, except for the fifty-story, six-star hotel with a height of more than one hundred meters, the rest of the people and buildings were all submerged in huge sea water. Even these six-star hotels are shaken under the huge impact of the sea water, and they may collapse at any time!

Moreover, such a tsunami has attracted worldwide attention. Various news reports have begun to be sent from this Western Samoa country, and a large number of journalists have also gone to this country.

After all, this Pakuchimei Island is a recognized resort in South America. It is impossible to have a tsunami here! But now, it has broken the perception of too many people, and such a violent tsunami happened!

The height of the waves has reached 100 meters!

Just no one noticed that under this crazy seawater, a snake-shaped creature more than 100 meters long was opening its mouth and devouring all life!

This mouth is almost like a snake swallowing. The entire beak has almost turned 180 degrees, and the body has no movement at all. It just opens its mouth and has a monstrous suction, giving all the creatures Suck it over!

This creature, someone, fish, and even a silent building were all attracted!

So, whoever is submerged in seawater, no one will show his head! No matter how good the water is!

And so much food did not fill the belly of this one hundred meter creature, even just a little bulging. If someone carefully observes, whenever the creature's belly reaches a certain limit, its length will become longer.

In just over twenty minutes, its body has increased by one or two meters.



"Helicopter is here!"

"We are saved!"

On the top floor of the six-star hotel, more than two hundred people shouted in excitement, even some of them, who had been crying for a long time and beckoned to the helicopter! Because nowadays the entire Pakuchime Island, there are only two hundred of them alive!

Originally, there were only two hundred or so people with more than 400,000 people!

The rest are all dead!

Even if I live, I don't have one!

"We are here!"

"We are here! We are alive!"

"Save us!"

These people shouted, and the sad eyes glowed with hope. Judging from the number of helicopters in the sky, they should be taken away all this time.

More than twenty!

It is estimated that a large part of the guard forces have been launched!

"Please clear up an open space for us to land!"

"Please clear up an open space for us to land!"

The location of the six-star hotel was originally prepared for helicopters, but now there are too many people, and they need to make room for them to land. And only two planes can be lowered at a time.


With the sound of the aircraft horn, some people spread out, but they still moved slowly, but leaned back slightly, because they could only lower a maximum of two planes, that is, they could only carry twenty or thirty people away!

But everyone wants to be the first twenty or thirty people!

Didn't you see the sea going up too fast?

And the entire hotel is suffering a huge shock, shaking, and may collapse at any time!

Unable to help, these people's bodies were a little turbulent. Even when an airplane was just landing and not stable, too many people swarmed! Want to catch this first plane!

Two or three statures were weak and squeezed directly to the ground.

At this time, human nature was also revealed to the fullest, and everyone wanted to live! Everyone wants to escape the danger first!

But these people didn't notice that the giant snake-shaped creature over a hundred meters below the seawater has closed its mouth at this moment, because there is nothing left for it to swallow.

Its food has all entered its belly!

More than 400,000 people, all become its belly! And its figure has increased by about ten meters!

Then he looked up, and Scarlet stared through the sea, staring at the helicopter in the air, with a strong sense of playfulness in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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