Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 675: Shameless enough!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"A lot of people are dead."

"This Ning Tianlin, the killing ring is wide open."

at the same time.

Beijing City.

In a base.

An officer listened to his continuous reports, his eyes narrowed. He knew Ning Tianlin, and even the fact that he was the leader of the League of Legends. The whole world, no more than ten people know the result.

He is one of them.

However, I never thought that Ning Tianlin chose to use violence to solve this issue. Kill the ring, kill everyone who is involved in this matter, leave no one!

This method is cruel and direct!

If the last time you were forced to fight back in the US Imperial Jedi, this time you will take the initiative to attack, after the attack and initial! When everything just started, they broke their claws!

And it was broken and clean, all hit their old nest.

"Fortunately, Huaxia's strength has not suffered much."

The middle-aged chief exhaled a long breath. Fortunately, all Huaxia's forces were not involved in the matter, or in other words, he was stopped by him.

After all, Ning Tianlin is on their side and has a very good cooperative relationship!

The first time he got the report, he came here and started various arrangements. The people he sent not only did not participate in the investigation, but they were also trying to protect them!

Protect Ning Tianlin's parents and family, as well as that girlfriend. The secret of Ning Tianlin, the leader of the League of Legends, they must hold firmly in their hands and become friends!

"It's just the strength of this League of Legends. It's too scary."

"Terrible terrible!"

Middle-aged people exhaled in their hearts for a long time, some cyanosis. You know how long this has passed. It took only a few hours to get the message from these people.

But in these few hours, no, it can be said that Ning Tianlin started to fight back after more than ten minutes of discovering these forces.

None of the spies in Jinding District was spared, and even the local military forces of the US imperialism, Xiaori, and Canada took a devastating blow. This intelligence ability is completely terrifying!

Just in a short time, you know who is behind the scenes, and this ability, even themselves, is far less than that.

"It seems that the attitude towards the League of Legends needs to be strengthened."

Middle-aged people know that their attitude towards the League of Legends will have to change a bit after the incident tonight. Cooperation is only cooperation! Be sure to tie this terrorist force of League of Legends to your chariot.

"Dad, mom, you rest early, Yishan and I are a little sleepy."

Jinding District.

Ning Tianlin smiled at his parents.

Few people know that it is this young man who launched a blood wash against the powerful spies of all countries in the world, and he did not even sell his own door, and launched everything in his mind.


"My dad and I have finished watching this episode."

Ning Tianlin's mother stared at the TV screen and responded. They didn't like Xiaoxianrou very much, but the director's screenplay was really good this time, the plot was very attractive, talking to his son, and keeping his eyes off the TV.

And Ning Tianlin smiled and didn't speak. This kind of day is not what he expected. Parents and families can have a hobby and do what they like.

It is enough to have him busy at home.

On the second day, Ning Tianlin was somewhat surprised.

He originally thought that the entire world would discuss the operation last night, which base had killed many people, and which military base had a major incident last night, and was almost destroyed. And it happened in many countries around the world.

But in fact, none of the mainstream media has reported on this, let alone newspapers. There is no outflow of news on the Internet.

And think about it, Ning Tianlin was relieved.

Quite simply, all these things have been suppressed!

If there is anything in this world that can keep secrets, it is the army! No matter what happens there, they can be conservative and rigorous, and even if leaked out, they have the ability to keep all media from speaking up.

"But fortunately, Huaxia's newspaper is still involved."

Ning Tianlin smiled. In some newspapers, I saw some things last night, but all of them were concise, that is, at XX last night, the small spy structure that the US emperor buried in the dark was destroyed.

Eighty-five people were arrested in one fell swoop.

It was just that the mainstream media reported in a small area, and there was no fanfare at all.

On the one hand, there is no need; on the other, all the media have to make way for an event that is about to happen today, and make room for it. Even the entire streets of Beijing today are large and small news vehicles, and various reporters holding microphones.

Because at 12 noon, Jingbei City will conduct haze! Also people have a blue sky!

Live worldwide!

Nowadays, not only the entire Huaxia, but also the world's news media, are focusing on this issue.

As is known to all, today's Huaxia, except for a few places, the sky in almost all areas is plagued by the problem of smog, and it is deeply troubled.

The haze makes people not see the blue sky, which is all gray, especially in winter. This situation is even worse. It can even be said that even running and exercising outdoors has become a luxury for people.

People ca n’t breathe freely. Pneumonia, rhinitis and other problems are exacerbated. It is because of the haze weather that tells the serial collisions. I do n’t know how many.

Endangering health, threatening life, has become a big problem for people in distress!

Even various experts dispatched to form a number of top research teams, but in a short period of time, there was no effect, not even the reason for the formation of the haze.

It can be said that the smog problem has become a pain in the hearts of the Chinese people. And in the international arena, many unfriendly countries are making a fuss about this kind of problem, saying that China is about to end.

China's natural problems are serious and have threatened life.

Even because of this, many elites are going abroad for vacation and never return.

What's more, Huaxia's neighbors, the European and Pakistan cosmetic countries, attributed the small-scale haze weather of their country to Huaxia, which is considered to be the cause of Huaxia. These hazes drifted across the ocean to them. s country!

Even more strange nationals have brought Huaxia to court, hoping to be able to compensate them for various costs such as mental loss and health loss.

People don't want to face to such a degree, they are really thick enough!

No wonder Confucius Qu Yuan belongs to them!

(End of this chapter)

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