Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 646: That jade pendant

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"No need to."

"I'm not that coquettish, so I can do anything."

"No effort but uncomfortable."

Shi Xiaojun didn't laugh, looked at Ning Tianlin, but said these words very seriously, while looking at Ning Tianlin's eyes, and said, "That day Lin, can you tell me, who are you? What?

This problem has been hidden in his mind for a little over half a year. Before, it was a distinguished person. Now, even UFO such as UFO has come out.

No matter how stupid Shi Xiaojun is, it is impossible to regard Ning Tianlin as an ordinary person. This advanced technology is definitely the most core technology in the world. Even the world's top rich people may not be able to own it.

"who am I?"

"Do you really want to know?"

The original meaning of Ning Tianlin was to let him Shi Xiaojun discover it by himself. After all, when it comes to the headquarters of the League of Legends, everything will not be a secret. But now, since Shi Xiaojun asks it out, he has no need to hide it.


Shi Xiaojun nodded heavily. He was a little nervous in curiosity. He even guessed some of it. Was it during the turmoil of the US emperor that the young hero alliance leader was covered in that video!

At that time, many people in the class said that the sound was very similar. At that time, no one dared to think in this regard. After all, how can people in the chaotic world be connected with their classmates.

Now Shi Xiaojun thinks about it, the more he thinks about it, the more this possibility becomes.

"I am the leader of the League of Legends."

"League of Legends is under my control."

Ningtian Forest Road.


"You are the leader of the League of Legends!"

Shi Xiaojun was not very surprised, but the color of excitement in his eyes was stronger. If that is the case, then what Ning Tianlin just said is true, he is absolutely capable of avoiding this disaster.

"Tianlin, thank you!"

Thinking of it, Shi Xiaojun bowed deeply to Ning Tianlin and thanked him sincerely. It was just that his waist was bent down and he was lifted up by an invisible force. Since they are all friends, how could Ning Tianlin really let him worship.

"You're welcome." Ning Tianlin laughed. "If nothing is wrong, go and see your parents and family to make them feel better."

"At the headquarters, I'm busy with you."

At the same time, his right hand was displayed, three different colors of elixir appeared in his hands, said. "This golden one is a high-grade combat elixir. After swallowing it, it can increase a thousand physical combat power."

This kind of thing is not available in the current Heroes' Hall, and no more points can be exchanged. The combat potion elixir there are all configured by the nutrient solution originally obtained by Cangmen on the sea floor.

"The remaining two green elixirs, you give them to your parents. After swallowing, you will be absolutely free from disease, live a long life and be my congratulations." Ning Tianlin said.

"Thank you." Shi Xiaojun didn't quit because he already owed Ning Tianlin too much and didn't mind owing more. Moreover, this thing is really useful to his parents, at least, to help him solve his worries.

"Yes, Tianlin, how did you find me here?"

Shi Xiaojun took it and put this elixir into the space ring, and suddenly thought of this problem, because Ning Tianlin appeared when he just fell to the bottom of the cliff, no sooner than later.

This place, but Mount Luofu, is thousands of kilometers away from Jingbei City, and his body is still falling off the cliff. How can Ning Tianlin appear directly here!

"You are in danger, how can I not come."

Ning Tianlin grinned, and did not answer this question positively. He never said that it was the combat system that reminded friends of the difficulty. This time, however, he spent 30,000 points of energy and redeemed a teleporter to come here instantly.

But it's worth saving a friend's life.

‘Okay, this kind of thing, you will know it in the future. "

"Hurry home now, wait for this time tomorrow, head to the top of the mountain, your own flying saucer is waiting for you there."

"And rest assured, there is nobody and no one staring at your house now! You can definitely spend the night with your family safely."

Ning Tianlin laughed. He knew that Shi Xiaojun was worried that there would still be someone monitoring his fugitive's home, and maybe he would be blocked by a return, so he spoke and gave him a peace of mind.

Sure enough, Shi Xiaojun nodded again and again, his eyes were full of gratitude. Later, the body turned and left the place without turning his head.

"Are you sure, he is your chosen person?"

When Shi Xiaojun's figure disappeared into the distance, the sound of the combat system sounded in Ning Tianlin's ears, reminding him that he could grasp the degree.

"determine"! Ning Tianlin said, "Only he is the most suitable."

"My parents, my sister, I hope they can live in peace and stability without worrying about killing."

"I only have a friend like him today, and in terms of his temperament, he is also the most appetite. Besides, he is not bad in character and can exercise a lot of discipline."

"He will be responsible for most of the League of Legends in the future."

Ning Tianlin explained his plan, which is also an important reason for him to rescue Shi Xiaojun. In the future, the management of the League of Legends will inevitably involve this Shi Xiaojun.

After all, at the League of Legends headquarters today, there are only a group of people who are controlled by their own brainwashing. They are all people in the original Cangmen, and there are some robots that they exchange themselves.

He now only hopes that Shi Xiaojun can bear this heavy task.

"You take care of it yourself."

"You go this way yourself."

When the combat system emphasizes a sound, it no longer speaks, because he knows that friendship is also an integral part of everyone's life. He Shi Xiaojun should really be lucky to be able to be friends with Ning Tianlin.

"Well, stop talking about him."

"It's time to talk about caves and sanitary napkins."

Ning Tianlin turned away because he still had many questions left unresolved. At least, caves and sanitary napkins have almost become a stalk in his heart. Moreover, how could there be such a large bat in the wild.

"Actually, there is nothing to say, because this is Mount Rover."

"Rover, you should have heard this name."

The combat system sold off.

"Mount Rover?"

Ning Tianlin froze. Then, a girl emerged from his mind. When he returned from the US emperor to the Beijing airport, a girl said in a panic that he kept a jade pendant.

Fear of being snatched by another man.

If he remembers it well, this jade pendant has a seal of a beast in the earth house, "more than 400 points of combat power. If there is a method of control, he can summon this beast and drive it out. Used.

(End of this chapter)

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