Invincible Bloodline

Chapter 3148 Six Nations Join Forces

Xuancang City, Xuanjian Divine Palace.

The words of the mysterious black-robed man were like the mysterious Pandora's box, arousing evil thoughts in the heart of Mr. Xuanjian.

Are you willing?

Is he really willing to hand over the position of marquis to Lao Ba?

No, this young master is not reconciled, this young master is not reconciled.

In terms of birth, his mother's clan, Mingya, is one of the top clans in the Xuancang Mansion. There are more than one clan in the clan, including the Supreme Being of the Eighth Heavenly Dao. The family is three-point thin, and the old Ba Xuanlin, his mother's family, is just a low-level small family that does not even have a Seventh Heaven Dao Supreme. As for his own talent, he is the master of Xuanjian. The first of the twelve sons, has the potential to hit the Supreme of the Quasi-Nine Heavens Dao, and is a level stronger than the old Ba Xuanlin.

No matter how one calculates it, the position of marquis should belong to his Xuanjian.

"Mr. Xuanjian, as long as you agree to cooperate with me, I guarantee that you will replace Xuanlin in a short time and become the new generation of Marquis Xuancang." The mysterious black-robed man flashed an evil smile, and once again Lure ~ bewitched.

"Let me replace Lao Ba and become a new generation of Xuancanghou?" Mr. Xuanjian sneered, "Your Excellency, what an honor!"

What he said was even better than what he sang, and it wouldn't take long for this son to replace Lao Ba and become a new generation of Xuan Cang Hou.

Who did he think he was, the king of the avenue?

With Xuanlin supported by that monster Yang Fan, his position can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai.

Unless it is supported by the legendary king of the great way, otherwise, even if some top-ranking nine heavenly great masters of the great way, or even the quasi-king of the great way, are willing to support him, they may not be able to change the minds of the ancestors and let him replace the old man.

Now, the weight of that monster Yang Fan in the hearts of his ancestors is beyond his imagination.

But will this man in black be the king of the road?

It's unrealistic to think about it with a pig's brain.

The high and mighty King of the Great Dao is the peak powerhouse of Qin Lin's Great Chaos. As long as he wants to, he can easily establish a principality, or even replace one of the thirty-six kingdoms and create a new kingdom. Rats.

"Young Master Xuanjian, it seems that you don't really believe in our strength."

The mysterious black-robed man chuckled lightly, but he didn't feel annoyed. If this Young Master Xuanjian just said such a few words and was moved by what he said, then he would not be Young Master Xuanjian. That young man from the Xuancanghou's Mansion is the first to be arrogant.

"Master Xuanjian, look what this is..."

While speaking, a purple glow flashed in his hand, turning into an ancient purple command talisman.

"Shangyun Ziling, you are from Shangyunhou's residence."

Master Xuanjian's heart skipped a beat.

next second...

Master Xuanjian's expression turned cold, and he said, "Your Excellency is really courageous. I, Xuancang City, is not the place you should come to. Leave now, and I will pretend that I have never seen you..."

Shangyunhou's Mansion, that is their archenemy of Xuancanghou's Mansion, especially in these eras, it is almost torn apart, cooperating with it is tantamount to seeking skins from tigers, once it is exposed, don't say anything to replace the old man, sit down It is his luck to be in the waiting position, not to have his cultivation base abolished, and to be expelled from Xuancanghou's mansion.

"Mr. Xuanjian, why are you so unkind, let me finish my sentence."


It was another stream of bright rays of light, cutting through the void, and forming five tokens of different colors and shapes in front of the black-robed man.

"This is... this is the Zubo Divine Order, the Tianqing Ban, the Heyuan Tianfu... Gululu... and... and the Howling Moon Wolf Order, this... this... this...\u0026quot;

Young Master Xuanjian's voice trembled, and his whole body felt cold. It seemed that there was an extremely cold air rising from the soles of his feet.

Each token represents a great power.

Among the five major powers, none of them is under their Shangyunhou Mansion, especially the Xiaoyuehou Kingdom, which is a top-ranking Houguo that ranks above the Shangyunhou Kingdom. That is to enter the top 50, and even hope to hit the top 30.

It can be said that under the 180 duchies, one of the strongest duchies, even the major duchies, should be afraid of their Xiaoyuehou kingdom.

Now these five tokens representing the identities of the princes of the five princes appeared in the hands of one person at the same time.

The result is self-evident, the five major kingdoms, I am afraid that they have already...

No... No, there is still the Shangyunhou Kingdom, the Six Great Marquis Kingdoms, the entire Six Great Marquis Kingdoms, hiss...

Master Xuanjian gasped, not daring to continue imagining.

If the six major princes really want to join forces to deal with their Xuancanghou country, that is definitely not what their Xuancanghou country can bear.

"Mr. Xuanjian, just as you imagined, this seat not only represents the Shangyunhou Kingdom, but also represents the Six Kingdoms Alliance. If we and the Six Kingdoms fully support you and regain the Xuancang Marquis, isn't that right? It's easy to grab..."


A flash of hesitation flashed in the eyes of Mr. Xuanjian. None of the six major princes ranked below the thousandth place. The strength of the six princes joining forces is not inferior to those duchies ranked lower. .

If he is really willing to support him with all his strength, even the ancestors have to think about it.

There are at least five levels of hope for him to regain the position of Marquis.

But there is no pie in the world, Mr. Xuanjian doesn't believe it, the black-robed man came to him just to support him in winning the position, and he didn't need to pay any price.

It is very possible that the cost is greater than his imagination.

But he was quite unwilling to let him give up like this.

This may be his only chance to regain the position.


Taking a deep breath, Master Xuanjian calmed down the hesitation in his heart, and said, "Your Excellency, if you want the six countries to support me, what are the conditions?"

"Young Master Xuanjian, it's really nothing, I just want you to do us a little favor, my lord."

"A little busy?"

Hearing this, not only did Young Master Xuanjian not relax at all, but his face became more dignified.

Don't look at the lightness of this man in black robe, whoever really takes this seriously is a fool.

"My lord, yes, it's just a little favor, I just need you, my lord..."

\u0026quot;What? You want me,'s impossible..."

Young Master Xuanjian stared at him and directly refused.

Although he was unwilling to be the Marquis and just fell into the hands of Lao Ba, it didn't mean that he had no feelings for the Xuancang Hou Clan.

If he only gave up part of the benefits of the Marquis Mansion, he could accept it, but he never expected that these six countries would actually plan to attack their Xuancang Marquis Mansion's Guardian God Formation.

That is the foundation of their Marquis Mansion, and the foundation of their Marquis Mansion.

If there is a mistake in the Guardian God Formation, then, if the six nations have any ill intentions towards their Xuancanghou Mansion, their Xuancang clan will be like fat on the chopping board, and let the six nations knead~ .

"Master Xuanjian, you have to think clearly, among the twelve sons, you are our first choice, but not the only one."

"You... what do you mean by that?"

"Mr. Xuanjian, if you refuse me today, if you refuse me, in order to keep it secret, I will have no choice but to..."


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