Bao Hua stepped forward and frowned as he watched the broken legs, the blood under him was injected, and the monster almost bursting out of his eyes.

   has already been beaten like this, and if he beats it again, he may bleed and die.

   How can I start this?

   Damn it.

  "Resentment from Bao Hua +2400, +……"

   The 102nd fruit of resentment, mature.

   Bao Hua darkened his face, and forcefully pulled out the animal leather boots stuck in the monster's throat.

  Because the plug was too tight, it even made a pop and the sound of the wine cork being pulled out.

   The monster opened his mouth wide, gasping for breath, such a big thing, it was unplugged all at once, and it felt extremely comfortable.

   There is a sense of emptiness unexpectedly.

The monster’s mouth was wide open, because the large strips of things were stuffed for a long time, and the mouth was completely opened, so when the large strips of boots were pulled out, they couldn’t close for a while, it looked like a dark hole. .

   Bao Hua, with a black face, took out a vial from his Qiankun bag, poured out three Huiyuan Pills, and threw them into the monster's slightly open mouth, and threw it directly into the opened throat.

   Feeling something enters his body, Manghe closed his mouth for an instant.

   Bao Hua then took out a bottle of powder and poured it on the wound on the monster's leg to stop the monster from bleeding.

   If it doesn't stop the bleeding, he thinks the monster can't hold it for too long.

   "Palace Master, what do you give him a pill? You can hit him. When he is still half-life, he will naturally say everything." Liu Jiang reminded lightly from the side.

   "Resentment from Manhe River +2300, +……, +fear +2200, +……, killing intent +2300, +……"

When Manghe heard Liu Jiang’s words, he shouted angrily: "Your mother, if I can escape this catastrophe, I must kill you beast. If I can't escape this catastrophe, I will be killed as a ghost. You will kill your whole family too."

   He tried to irritate Liu Jiang and let this irritable human **** give him a joy.

   He just glanced at this madman, and the madman said he stared at him and then broke his leg.

   scolded this madman so, this madman might really give him a good time.

   "Palace Lord, he scolds me, or I will come." Liu Jiang said to Bao Hua.

   "I'm **** your mother, you're your father, I'm afraid of you, you stupid bastard." Manghe roared, frantically to death.

   "Don't, you take a break, take a break, I'll come." Bao Hua said quickly.

   Liu Jiang is good at everything, but he is too harsh on monsters.

  The interrogation method is too rough.

   I haven't asked a word, first interrupted the monster's limbs and beat them into blood gourds.

   I'll try it for you again. I guess it will take him alive in less than a minute.

After finishing speaking, Bao Hua said to the python demon faintly: "Don’t use the radical method. Director Liu Jiang is so clever and sensible. He won’t be affected by your agitation. If you kill you, you will die. Heart it."

   He said this at a very high level.

   seems to be a warning monster.

   is actually reminding Liu Jiang, reminding Liu Jiang through flattery.

   You're a killer, don't be forced to death by monsters.

   Bao Hua asked Manghe: "What is your name?"

   "Hehe, I call you father, hurry up and call him father." Manghe grinned.

  He is the most loyal guardian of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, and he is the demon that the Demon King of Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom has personally summoned.

   In the Demon Emperor of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, he touched his chest and told him everything for the future of the Demon Kingdom.

   That fate belongs to the great Demon King of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom.

   He was afraid of death, very afraid of death.

   But in order to expand the territory and enslave the human race for the great Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom Demon Emperor, even if he takes his own life, he will not hesitate.

   Bao Hua's mouth twitched slightly, and he had the urge to slap the monster to death.

   But he reduced the pressure of the fire in a flash.

   This monster, now I want to kill him myself.

   He will not be fooled by monsters.

"Son, you are a super unfilial son, why don't you call me daddy? If you know this, I shot you on the wall. I really regret it. Shoot your mother's ##." Manghe yelled. Scold Bao Hua and continue to be crazy.

   Bao Hua's brows jumped up and down, then he picked up the boots he had just pulled out and slammed them into the monster's mouth fiercely.

   penetrated deeply into the throat.


   is too deep.

   It hurts.

   Manghe's eyes widened in an instant.

   In the interrogation room, there was a moment of silence.

Standing next to Wu Yuchuan, Liu Jiang seriously suggested: "Palace Lord, let's fight, these masterpieces of the Ten Thousand Demons Nation, one by one, are all cheap bones. Only by breaking some of their bones, they will speak. ."

   "Resentment from Manghe +2400, +……, fear +2100, +……, killing intent +2230, +……"

   Manghe trembled when he heard it, and then stared at Liu Jiang frantically, trying to irritate Liu Jiang with his eyes again, but Liu Jiang ignored him.

   He Manghe couldn't help being very annoyed.

   I obviously didn't stare at you at that time, you said I stared at you, and interrupted my leg without saying anything.

   I really stare at you now, but you ignore me.

   Fuck your mother.

  "Resentment from Manghe +2300, +……"

   Bao Hua listened to Liu Jiang’s words, and he was madly complaining: "I hit your mother, you have beaten people into blood gourds, and if you hit them again, they will die. The demons are dead, and you have a hairy.

   And we are interrogation, interrogation, you know? Interrogation is a very technical job.

   You bastard, if I didn't beat the demon like this in a moment, wouldn't I be able to do it? You butcher.

   just know to hit, slap you in the face. "

  "Resentment from Bao Hua +2400, +……"

   The 104th fruit of resentment ~ ~ mature.

   "The resentment is pretty big."

   "Not bad."

   Liu Jiang looked at the fast-ripening fruits of Epiphany, and he was delighted.

   It is still a cultivator like Bao Hua who has a high level of emotional power, and two random waves are a fruit of epiphany.

   is simply beautiful.

Liu Jiang Zhisui knew the taste, and then said solemnly: "Palace Master, hit it, we can only be a little bit soft about these meticulous works of the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom, and we can just hit him directly. When we can't handle it at all, we will hit him. When you desperately want a good time, when you ask, he will naturally say everything."

   "Oh..." Manghe felt a vain air rising in his body when he heard Liu Jiang's words.

  "Resentment from Manghe +2400, +……, +fear +2400, +……"

   Bao Hua was expressionless, but in his heart he was greeting Liu Jiang’s eighteenth generation ancestors.

   will not be interrogated, so he shut his mouth.

   If it wasn't for Liu Jiang's higher combat effectiveness, if it weren't for Liu Jiang's future than him, if it wasn't for Liu Jiang to be a child of the Liu clan, he would have killed Liu Jiang a long time ago.

   But unfortunately, Liu Jiang is both.

   He is a little afraid to spray.

   Moreover, Liu Jiang was targeting the monster, not against him, but there was no need to spray Liu Jiang.

   But still annoying.

   is super annoying.

  "Resentment from Bao Hua +2500, +……"

   "Palace Master, hit it, when he is suspicious of life, he will naturally speak." Liu Jiang continued to remind him solemnly from the side.

   "Resentment from Manghe +2300, +……, fear +2400, +……, killing intent +2400, +……"

   Manghe's heart twitched, wishing to kill Liu Jiang.


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