Invincibility Starts From Absorbing Emotions

Chapter 300: Pull out all the spies three of the Ten Thousand Demons Country

Liu Jiang refines an intermediate-level soul-controlling fruit, and it falls into the mind of the groundhog demon.


The groundhog, who passed out, felt a foreign body entering his body, struggling, and subconsciously screaming.

But all resistance is in vain.

Liu Jiang took out a mother-in-law jade and contacted Diao Yunpeng, the lord of the Yanzhou Inspection and Inspection Palace: "Palace Master Diao, there is secretly anxious for all the inspections in Yanzhou, and prepare for action."

"Yes, I will call immediately." Diao Yunpeng saw Liu Jiang's message and immediately shook his body and responded quickly.

"You must convene secretly, and the action must be kept secret. If you pass the order, no one shall divulge the secret. After the operation is successful, all inspections must be kept secret. You must not divulge a trace of information, even to the closest person.

Anyone who dares to leak the secrets, once found out, will be punished as treason and executed directly on the spot, including you. "Liu Jiang tremblingly exclaimed.

"I'll pass on the order, and at the same time order anyone not to disclose the secret." Diao Yunpeng's face became straight, and he quickly replied solemnly.

Liu Jiang is a killer. Not only is he extremely cruel to the monster, but his subordinates disobey the order, and he is not merciful.

A palace lord in Yuzhou, drinking and making a mistake, was executed on the spot.

After replying, Diao Yunpeng began a secret call to inform the inspectors.

He emphatically emphasized that it must be absolutely confidential, otherwise the Fa-rectification directly on the spot.

The entire Yanzhou, all the patrols, began to gather silently and secretly.

"The feeling of fear from Zhang Peng +3210, +......the feeling of resentment +3210, +......"

A group of people in Yanzhou patrolled with fear in their hearts, and successively contributed great waves of fear and resentment to Liu Jiang.

Twenty minutes later, Liu Jiang grabbed the groundhog and shook it twice. The groundhog woke up leisurely.

Seeing Liu Jiang, he immediately saluted very respectfully: "Master!"

"Tell me, where are the monsters in Yanzhou." Liu Jiang said.


The groundhog did not conceal the slightest concealment, and told Liu Jiang all the information Liu Jiang wanted to know.

Liu Jiang input all the information into the son and mother jade and passed it to Diao Yunpeng: "Make sure to catch all the monsters and try to catch them as lively as possible."

Diao Yunpeng saw the information, and an unusually strong light appeared in his eyes.

He immediately contacted the hall masters one by one and began to act.


Liu Jiang looked at Diao Yunpeng and said, "You stay in Yanzhou for the time being. If a monster dies and escapes, the monster emperor asks and says that the problem is not big and it is completely within control."

"Yes." Diao Yunpeng nodded respectfully.

Liu Jiang put away the son and mother jade, and released Ao Qing and Qibing from the demon bag.

Ao Qing and Qibing saw Liu Jiang and immediately saluted: "Master."

"Qibing, you go to the imperial capital and prepare to assassinate Liu Jiang. When the Emperor Xian asked, he said that you are preparing. Within five days, you must kill me." Liu Jiang said.

"Yes." Qibing said with a shock, followed by a flash, leaving like lightning.

Liu Jiang came to Ao Qing and said in a shocking voice: "Contact the Bazhou Demon Clan chief in charge of the demon and ask where he is now."

Bazhou is in the northwest of Yanzhou, very close to Yanzhou.

"Yes." Ao Qing took out a child-mother jade and started contacting, and soon the results were obtained.

Liu Jiang took Ao Qing into the demon bag, and then entered 100,000 meters underground. The black gold peak's cultivation base broke out with all his strength. Liu Jiang's speed was incredible. One and a half hours later, Liu Jiang had already arrived at Bazhou Shinyue Nation. .

In a very ordinary private house, Liu Jiang refines a middle-level soul-controlling fruit, which is lost in the mind of the pigeon demon pigeon loft.

At the same time, contacting Yu Hongliang, the lord of the Bazhou Inspection Palace, also ordered all inspections in Bazhou to be assembled secretly, and it must be kept secret.

If something goes wrong, kill it directly.

Naturally, Yu Hongliang didn't dare to make any perfunctory actions. The lesson for the head of the Yuzhou Erliang inspecting the palace was nowhere to be seen. Liu Jiang was a killer. If he dared to make a mistake, maybe Liu Jiang would kill him.

Liu Jiang released Ao Qing and said, "Contact the Yunzhou responsible demon and ask his address."

"Yes." Ao Qing nodded respectfully, then began to contact, and soon knew that Yunzhou was in charge of Demon Eagle Invincible in Yunzhou City.

Twenty minutes later, the pigeon demon pigeon loft woke up and told Liu Jiang everything.

Liu Jiang told the news to Yu Hongliang, the lord of the Bazhou Inspection Palace.

The inspections in Bazhou started silently, and pounced on the monsters one by one.

Then he left the dove demon and explained how to reply to the demon emperor.

Two hours later, patrols from various places in Yunzhou quietly rushed towards the monsters one by one.

After another two and a half hours, the monsters all over Shinshu began to act.

After another three hours, the Xiongzhou inspector started the operation.

After another two hours, Xingzhou began to act.

With Ao Qing, the biggest spy taking the lead, directly asked the address of the demon in charge of each state, Liu Jiang arrived in an instant, attacked him in a sneaky attack, and then directly controlled it with the soul-controlling fruit. The action was incredible.

For almost two hours, Liu Jiang asked about everything, and then went underground, where silent lightning generally rushed towards the second state.

Gwangju, Xiangju, Sanjiezhou, Yuezhou, Yizhou, Changzhou, Yizhou, Yuzhou, Wuzhou.

For forty-one hours, Liu Jiang controlled Yanzhou and other fifteen states in charge of the demon.

In the fifteen states, all the inspections started The previous states such as Yanzhou, the operation has been a complete success.

Yanzhou captured 12.05 million spies from the Demon Country alive, beheaded 1 demon, and none of them escaped.

Bazhou captured 1102 monsters alive, beheaded 1 monster, and none of them escaped.


The Three Realms State captured 1201 monsters alive, and none of them escaped.

"Governor Liu, the arrest is over. The Sixteenth Hall of Yuezhou has captured a total of 1,254 spies from the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom and killed two monsters. None of them escaped." The Yuezhou Inspection Palace advocated Yiping and sent Liu Jiang for information.

"Not bad." Liu Jiang looked at the news in Zimu Yuzhong, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and then he ordered: "Order to tell everyone that they must be kept secret and must not divulge the slightest information. Who dares to disclose the slightest is immediately punished as treason , Beheaded directly, including you."

There are five other states under arrest. If the news leaks, the demon emperor learns the news, and if the emergency contact method is used, there may be a lot of monsters fleeing, and the arrest will inevitably consume the spirit of scrutiny.

"Yes, I must order everyone to keep secret." Zhang Yiping replied with awe-inspiring heart.

"There are still five states." Liu Jiang murmured secretly, then went underground, refining a fruit of enlightenment, entering the state of enlightenment, and began to merge the power of attributes and mana.

In one breath, Liu Jiang practiced for thirteen hours, refining 260 epiphany fruits and 428 energy fruits.

His origin has improved again.

Liu Jiang came out of the underground, and the sun had just risen outside.

The air is a little bit cold, but unusually refreshing.

Breathing the fresh air in the mountains and forests, Liu Jiang let the morning sun shine on his face, feeling unusually comfortable.

After punching a set of punches, Liu Jiang felt blood flow all over his body, his whole body seemed to have devastating force of terror, and he was extremely refreshed.

Liu Jiang took out several jadees from Qiankun's bag.

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