Inverse Sword God

Chapter 10432 Tongtianhe’s big move!

When everyone's eyes were on the Gate of Creation, an old man emerged from the depths of the Tongtian River.

This old man has gray hair, and his hair has reached his heels.

He leaned on a cane and walked tremblingly towards the depths of the Tongtian River.

There is a door deep in the Tongtian River. It is a bronze door with extremely mysterious runes engraved on it.

The old man came to the bronze door, knocked on the bronze ring above, then knelt on the ground respectfully and said: Ancestor, this disciple has something to report.

Xuanyuan and Taishang have opened the door of creation and entered it. Can we take action?

Did you go in? A young voice came from inside.

Then, the voice said with a smile: If this is the case, then we, Tongtianhe, will also take action.

When he heard this, the white-haired old man was extremely excited.

The person inside the bronze door is naturally the Wuchen Heavenly Emperor, who is now the Lord of Heaven.

Inside this bronze door, there is the ultimate secret of Tongtian River.

In addition to the Wuchen Heavenly Emperor entering, Xuanyuan and Taishang also entered.

But other than that, it's simply inaccessible to others.

However, even if Xuanyuan and Taishang went in, it would be useless.

They finally returned without success,

The final winner is the Wuchen Emperor.

This old man is the descendant of Emperor Wuchen.

He is not the only descendant of Emperor Wuchen, but there is a family, and they are the Zhang family.

The old man asked, where are the other people dormant in the Tongtian River? Do you want to clean them all out?

No need, the voice of the Lord of Tongtian came out, he said: Our Tongtian River accommodates everything, not just these hibernating people, anyone in the world can join our Tongtian River.

Okay, you go get ready, there are many things coming next.

Obeying the order, the white-haired old man bowed respectfully and then retreated.

An astonishing power came from the bronze door, and then the entire Tongtian River boiled again!

He bloomed with billions of rays of light, sweeping across the universe like a divine dragon.

Rumble, rumble.

The void trembled, and the entire universe was shaken, making a thunderous roar.

People in all the worlds were alarmed, and their eyes were retracted from the Gate of Creation, and they looked into the distance one after another.

what happened?

What a bright light,

Could it be that another good fortune has appeared?

No, river water, river water.

It is the water of Tongtian River.

Oh my god, why are they coming here?


At this moment, everyone is crazy,

Because the Tongtian River sweeps across the heavens again.

The last time there was such a scene was when Xuanyuan and the Supreme Being came out.

And this time, is anyone going to come out?

Not only the gods in the world were shocked, but the people in the divine realm and the other side were also shocked.

They were all nervous, looking at the scene in the sky as if facing a formidable enemy.

At the same time, they also asked Dou War God and Chaos Ancestor if they wanted to do anything.

The Chaos Ancestor looked into the distance and said coldly: There is no need to do anything, just wait and see what happens.

On the other side, the God of War also had a distant and profound gaze, and he also said lightly: Just wait and see what happens.

As long as he doesn't enter our divine realm, ignore her.

After saying that, the God of War thought that according to the agreement between the Lord of Heaven and Supreme Xuanyuan, the other party should not take action against them.

It will only occupy some other star places.

The people on the other side and in the Divine Realm did not take action after hearing this, but watched nervously.

The Tongtian River swept forward, and everything it passed seemed to turn into a mysterious sea.

Many star worlds have been enveloped by him, and many star fields have been passed through by him.

Not only that, he actually came to the land of heaven.

The endless river water fell, covering some areas of the land of heaven.

Then, he quickly fell down again, arrived at the Land of Nine Netherworlds, and enveloped some areas of the Land of Nine Netherworlds.

Then, he made a spin and rushed towards the place of resurrection, the place of all things.

In the following time, the Tongtian River flows to the endless area,

Everywhere there is water from the Tongtian River.

Everyone was stunned, not knowing what the other party wanted to do.

However, there are some ancestors who seem to understand,

Someone said: This Tongtian River seems to occupy the nine heavens and ten places. You can see that the places where the river flows are some excellent cultivation places.

When everyone heard this, they were stunned at first, and then after careful investigation, they found that it was really true.

What on earth does Tongtianhe want to do? What are you going to do if you occupy these cultivation places?

Everyone couldn't understand.

People in God’s Realm and the other side can’t understand either.

The people on the other side are extremely dissatisfied. They are all interested in good cultivation places.

You know, Tai Chang's order to them is to collect as many leylines and ancient cities as possible next.

And Tongtianhe now occupies some land lines and ancient cities, which is equivalent to robbing them of their power.

Naturally, they were extremely unhappy.

They even want to take action,

However, the Chaos Ancestor said: Let him do it. This is the agreement between the Supreme Being and the Lord of Heaven.


Everyone was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

Chaos Ancestor said, although the Supreme Being entered the depths of the Tongtian River and did not get anything, what he wanted,

But he got something else, which was the key to the door of creation.

The Lord of Tongtian used the key as a condition to exchange other things with Taishang Xuanyuan.

That is, let the Tongtian River flow in the nine heavens and ten earths.

Wherever the river passes, it is the territory of Tongtian River.

When they heard this, the people on the other side took a deep breath.

What? Wherever the river flows, it becomes the other party's territory.

Looking at this scene, many places in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are going to be connected to the Tianhe River.

And the Supreme Leader actually acquiesced!

At the same time, Xuanyuan of the Divine Realm also acquiesced!

This is incredible.

This is equivalent to giving up a lot of things to others.

Is the Gate of Creation so important?

Can Xuanyuan and Taishang be asked to give up so many things?

The people on the other side were shocked.

People in the Divine Realm also received the same information from the God of War.

At the same time, they were also shocked.

well! Jiuye said, from now on, there will no longer be two superpowers in the world, but a third superpower, Tongtianhe.

Previously, there were two super powers in the world, namely the other shore and the divine realm.

The other shore occupies the entire eternal land, and is naturally extremely powerful.

In the Divine Realm, there are many allies, and together they are also very strong.

As for the other protoss, they are much weaker than these two behemoths.

But now, Tongtian River occupies so much space, it is estimated that it is another giant.

It seems that the pattern of the heavens and the world will also change in the future.

Sure enough, Tongtianhe's actions are not just these.

Wherever the river passed, some figures appeared in the Tongtian River.

They actually invited the star world and some gods on the river bank to join them in the Tongtian River.

When they got this news, all the worlds were shocked again.

The people in the Divine Realm and the other side were also extremely shocked.

This should be Tongtianhe's big move. (End of chapter)

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