Interstellar Moe

Chapter 208: so troublesome

For many people, this experience is uncommon.

Even in the school, it is said that they live in a four-person dormitory, but there are still single rooms, and the equipment in the house is also the most advanced. When you sleep like this, you can still be watched by a few pairs of eyes.

After this mecha competition, the fourth-graders will be sent to the battlefield, but not many have experienced wars as soon as they leave the division. Most of them need to practice for a few years and become familiar with life in the army before they can come into contact with large-scale wars. For example, the entanglement with the Xinglan Empire.

However, the federation is so large and there are so many military academies. In fact, only a small number of them can go to the front line. Most of them are still assigned to the local military.

The ones who charged into the battle were the Federal Army who directly joined the army, such as Qi Xiaoou and others, who were all rank in the field of military merits, so they always lacked a little blood in the face of these cadets who came out of the campus.

The station did not bother everyone this time, and it was very calm all day. In the evening, some nutritional supplements were distributed, but the taste was not flattering, and most people also ate their own food.

However, everyone was not completely relieved, for fear that they would be pulled up in the middle of the night to do something.

It turns out that people are obviously thinking too much.

It wasn't until the next morning that everyone was assembled on the training ground again.

The few military cadets who were eliminated before did not appear in the team.

"You must be wondering why this game brought you here."

Qi Xiaoou is straight to the point.

However, these words came to the point, and everyone immediately pricked up their ears and waited for each other's next words.

"You have seen it before, how bad your performance is in emergencies."

Qi Xiaoou's voice changed, but it was an old story, which made everyone not knowing what to express.

"So this time I give you a mission."

Finally got to the point, and everyone's expressions became serious.

Qi Xiaoou's sharp eyes swept across the crowd, and he said word by word, "Go and destroy the pirates!"

The crowd was startled.

Unexpectedly, after turning around, they actually let them deal with the pirates!

The strength of the military students here is actually not much stronger than that of the army. What is lacking is only combat experience. If any army can come up with so many second- and third-level mecha divisions, it can be called it. Elite troops.

Since Qi Xiaoou said that he wanted them to fight pirates, it must not be a fake, but it would be impossible to deal with some famous pirates.

Don't look at Gumera, known as the Peaceful Star Region, but it's not that you can't see any traces of pirates.

It's just that the pirates in the Gumera Star Region are very slippery. Every time they make a big move, and they run fast, they are hard to prevent and nowhere to be found.

If it weren't for this, it would be impossible to survive in a star field like Gumera.

After all, there are all kinds of birds in the forest, and there are only a few abandoned planets in the Gumera star field. Can't catch these loopholes.

So when Qi Xiaoou said it, everyone knew what was going on.

But it's not that everyone has no confidence, even the army is helpless pirates, they can really deal with it when they go?

Besides, the problem is that they don't even know where the pirates' strongholds are, and where to go to suppress them?

Although there are doubts in their hearts, everyone knows that they can't ask directly. Since it is arranged like this, there is naturally a channel.

The army didn't really point out that they could clean up the pirates in Gumera, but they detected a pirate stronghold in advance, and then let them do it.

Perhaps it is to train everyone, or it may be because the pirates are too rampant recently, and the Federation intends to do it, but no matter what the reason, this trip is imperative.

There are many military academies in Gumela, but someone like Sheng Yang who has not been able to come to special training a few times is a big deal. Many small military academies simply do not have such resources, and even the special training is mostly practice of wild survival ability, dealing with It is very rare for a strange beast like Changyuan beast to fight head-to-head with people.

Moreover, at the level of a pirate, it is almost impossible to say that there are no casualties at all.

The mecha competition originally had a certain number of deaths, and it was only during the competition, but in such a situation, everyone would inevitably be a little nervous.

Qi Xiaoou took everyone's face into his eyes: "If anyone wants to quit, it's too late now, so they don't have to go to the place and hold everyone back."

At this time, whoever stands up is a fool, and there is no need to mess with it after going back.

In fact, it can't be said that everyone is timid. It is true that the recent news about pirates is too cruel, but not everyone knows about the power user, and it is inevitable to hear something mysterious and mysterious.

Qi Xiaoou was also quick to move, seeing no objection, immediately waved his hand, and everyone was invited to the battleship.

All Gumera came to participate in the competition, and there were more than 100 schools, and the total number of people was almost 1,000. Since they were going to attack pirates, they definitely couldn’t blatantly appear in the opponent’s sight. Xiao Ou and others mean.

As for how to judge the scores for this kind of team action task, that is not what they can care about now.

The battleship was far away from the planet, and they realized that the place where they stayed for two days was also an abandoned small planet, and the destination of their trip was not far from here.

Just like the Federation has no way to control all the abandoned planets, the pirates have no way to control the entire planet.

All warships will go undetected when they stop far away from pirates.

Because this time was a real combat, the Federation couldn't really care about the names of the elites of the military academy, so it didn't ask for the ban on mecha and space. On the contrary, one person was assigned a particle gun and titanium dagger, plus a Survival backpack.

This is also to take care of cadets who have no space available.

The survival backpack contains five days' worth of nutrients and water, and the healing device is only available in the captain's backpack.

But that basically means giving them five days to complete the task.

Because it is on the desolate star, there is no possibility of breaking into the interior. The only way is to succeed as much as possible without disturbing the enemy.

After Qi Xiaoou and the others left, a group of military cadets were left looking at each other.

In the final analysis, this is still a competition. There is a fighting spirit between schools to some extent. It is unlikely to cooperate with others without any grudges. Moreover, it is a temporary alliance, and it is not easy to grasp the situation of the battle without knowing the strength of the allies. , But the question is who will tell others about their killer?

Don't forget that after the extermination of the pirates this time, they have to fight normally!

Originally, they were a fairly strong team together, but for various reasons they could only part ways.

Yi Xing walked towards Tang You and said warmly, "Do you want Xiaoyou to come with us?"

Although everyone around had their own thoughts, they didn't leave until they figured out the situation, and they all looked over in surprise when they heard Yi Xing's words.

You must know that Taiyi Military Academy and Shengyang have an extraordinary position among many military academies. If the two sides join forces, it will definitely be a strong level, and it is not surprising that others are surprised.

Lan Yuan and others didn't know the relationship between Tang You and Yi Xing, but they were quite surprised that the other party was not only involved with the people from the Sandis Military Academy, but even recognized the people from the Taiyi Military Academy, and it seemed that they had a good relationship. kind.

Sheng Yang did not get along well with Shengdis, but it was very common with Taiyi Military Academy. Maybe it was because the latter was too powerful and had occupied the first military academy in Gumela for decades. Although everyone had the desire to challenge - hope, but will not deliberately be evil.

Tang You looked in the direction of Taiyi Military Academy, Yi Xing saw what she meant, turned to his captain and said, "Is the captain okay?"

The captain of the Taiyi Military Academy, Gong Qianyu, was squinting and dozing at the moment, his half-length hair was hanging down to cover his cheeks, but his back was still standing tall and straight. Hearing this, he lifted his eyelids and said lazily, "Whatever."

After getting the answer, Yi Xing looked at Tang You again: "How is it?"

Now that this has been said, Tang You can't justify his refusal. Anyway, it is impossible for Sheng Yang to complete the task alone this time. Since he has to cooperate with others, Taiyi Military Academy is probably the best choice.

The Sundis Military Academy over there reached an alliance instantly when they saw them, and their expressions were a little unsightly. The only thing they could see standing here was Taiyi and Constellation Ninth Military Academy. Now Taiyi and Shengyang have joined forces. The probability of winning is greatly reduced.

Speaking of which, Constellation Ninth Military Academy is slightly different from other military academies. It is a military academy directly set up by the Federation in each star field, and 100% of the military academies in it will join the army after graduation.

Therefore, most people are accustomed to calling them simply by their rankings.

San Disben also has the intention to cooperate with Jiuxing, but unfortunately the latter has no intention of partnering with others, and left the crowd first.

Seeing this, the other teams also dispersed, and if they have a good relationship, they will communicate and cooperate in private.

Wen Junyan still had a smile on his face, making people unable to see what he was thinking, Zeng Ye called out in dissatisfaction, "Captain?"

"Let's go."

Even if they get together to find Sheng Yang to cooperate, the other party will definitely agree, so why bother asking for it.

However, not all military academies have left. For example, Changsi Military Academy took the initiative to find Sheng Yang. In addition, several military academies expressed their desire to cooperate with them.

At the end of the day, their team was the largest.

"Then let's go." Yi Xing said: "First of all, we need to find the specific location of the pirate station."

Although Yi Xing is not the captain of Taiyi Military Academy, others seem to be accustomed to his performance.

Tang You naturally had no opinion, but Gong Qianyu still didn't seem to wake up. Hearing that, he yawned a little: "It's really troublesome."

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