Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 138, the wealth is rolling

In the back garden of Earth's Yanhuang Palace, Qin Yi was lying on his old man's chair very leisurely, while shaking and singing sideways.

The Cosmic Assassin's Guild's work is over, and Qin Yi basically has nothing to worry about, and Qin Yi's small life has become more leisurely again.

"The way of time and space, it's really not easy to cultivate to the master level. It's a pity, when I broke through, I didn't watch the birth and evolution of the universe in my body. If I can do it again, I think I can practice it soon. Dominate the realm."

"If the way of time and space is cultivated to the master level, I don't know what will happen. Can I jump out of this universe? What kind of world is the world outside the universe?"

Qin Yi kept thinking in his mind.

"The mysteries of the law of space and time are evolved from the Qi of Chaos. That is to say, the world outside the universe may be filled with the Qi of Chaos. Can the world outside the universe be called Chaos Void?"

"Are there other universes in the chaotic void?"

"What is the relationship between this universe and the universe?"

"What kind of world will it be outside the chaotic void?"

When thinking of this, Qin Yi couldn't help shaking his head slightly. This is a topic with no answer, an eternal and unanswerable topic, the more he thinks about it, the more confused he becomes.

At this time, Lin Ye hurried over with a smile on his face.

"Qin Yi, good news for Qin Yi, good news~"

While walking, Lin Ye couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart.

"See if you're happy, tell me~"

"What makes you so happy."

Qin Yi got up and said with a smile, he got up and guessed at random, most likely it was the matter of the Cosmic Assassin's Guild.

"Our business is booming~"

Lin Ye said with a smile: "When the Cosmic Killer Guild was opened, there were a lot of people offering rewards here. The handling fee we collected alone has already exceeded 100 trillion godheads. We sent it out."

It's no wonder that Lin Ye was excited. During Qin Yi's hundreds of millions of years of retreat, the Xinghan civilization also struggled with their brains for the godhead.

Xie Jin, a strong man who dominates the realm, sometimes has to lay down his body to do some murder and robbing things. There is no way. The scientists of Xinghan civilization must use a lot of godheads to study space-time technology.

As for the various transactions of Xinghan civilization itself, they are not very popular in the universe at all, and it is difficult to make money.

It is possible to pull the goods of a thousand spaceships to Leman Star Continent for sale, and it is only in exchange for some wish beads. The godhead is a high-level currency in the universe, and the general trade of goods is settled by wish beads. of.

Even if some godheads were exchanged, it would be a drop in the bucket, and it would not be able to meet the needs of the prodigal scientists like the Xinghan Civilization Space-Time Science Research Institute.

To casually create a piece of space-time technology equipment requires an incomparably huge godhead, which is an astronomical sum.

For hundreds of millions of years, the most troublesome thing for the upper echelons of Xinghan civilization is the godhead. Without enough godheads in hand, the research of the Space-Time Science and Technology Research Institute is even stagnant.

In desperation, Xie Jin went out to be a small thief many times, and did some murders and robbery things, which can be regarded as getting batch after batch of godheads for Xinghan Civilization.

But this is not a long-term solution.

After Qin Yi left the customs, he also knew this, so he tried every means to create this cosmic killer guild.

Now that the platform is built, wealth will flow towards Xinghan civilization.

It's just started now, and 100 trillion godheads have been collected just by collecting service fees. If this business continues for a long time, Xinghan civilization will not have to worry about godheads.

"100 trillion godheads?"

When Qin Yi heard this, he couldn't help laughing immediately.

"Okay, okay, this business is okay, once the platform is established, the rest is just to sit and collect money."

This is the benefit of the platform. After building a platform, a steady stream of wealth can flow into the hands of Xinghan Civilization without Xinghan Civilization's own actions.

"However, some people have already protested to us. They feel that our Cosmic Killer Guild has exacerbated the turmoil in the universe. Since our Cosmic Killer Guild came out, the fighting in the universe has become even more intense."

Lin Ye smiled and nodded, thought for a while and said again.

"Don't worry about them. If you want to do business, you will offend people since ancient times. No one can please everyone. If anyone dares to disrupt our business, I will meet him personally."

Qin Yi didn't care about these at all.

Xinghan civilization needs a godhead, the development of space-time technology needs a godhead, and the manufacture of powerful space-time technology weapons also needs a godhead.

It's good enough not to directly grab the business of other civilized races, but now they are still protesting, angering Qin Yi, and directly killing him at his house.

Xinghan Civilization is happily counting the godheads. The entire universe has indeed become more turbulent because of the appearance of the Cosmic Killer Guild.

A large number of strong people were offered rewards, and at the same time, a large number of strong people registered to become killers of the Cosmic Killer Guild. Because of the existence of space-time detectors, it is very simple to find people, which also speeds up the completion of the task.

Many times, when some strong men pass by certain places, they will first go to see those people who have been offered a reward in these places, and by the way, kill these people who have been offered a reward, and get a large bounty.

If there was no conflict of interests before, these strong people would not kill those weak ones, because that would lose their status, and they would also create enemies for themselves.

But it’s different now. Almost every strong man in the universe has countless enemies, some of whom know about it, and some of them don’t even know it themselves. If enough money is paid, it will be natural for someone to assassinate him one after another.

Money can make ghosts grind mills, and the same money can make these god-level powerhouses in the universe kill people.

Of course, there are killers who successfully kill the target and get bonuses, but there are also countless killers who kicked on the iron plate and were killed instead.

There are countless strong men in the universe, and there are too many, too many strong men who hide their strength, and will not let them know their true strength and cards.

If you want to kill these people, you often have to be prepared to be killed.

The already turbulent universe has become more turbulent because of the emergence of the Cosmic Killer Guild. The weak are swallowed by the strong, and the strong are killed by the stronger. Only the strong who have reached the top can truly sit back and relax and overlook all living beings.

PS: Chapter 1 of Water~

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