Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 164, the collapse of the Earth Federation

The solar system is the origin of mankind, the core of Xinghan, but within the solar system, there is also the existence of the Earth Federation.

The Earth Federation is very special. It has the same origin as Xinghan, both of which are human. Xinghan also went out from this side of the earth, and this earth is also the origin of human beings.

Because it is too special, the relationship between Xinghan and the Earth Federation has always been very delicate, and the relationship between the two is equal, but because of some early things, Xinghan is also very guarded against the Earth Federation. The two are limited to economic and trade exchanges, and there is no in-depth exchange.

With the rapid development of Xinghan, the void within a hundred light-years around the solar system has been incorporated into the territory of Xinghan. Qin Yi intends to make this place an old base for the descendants of Yan and Huang, and lay the foundation for a brighter future.

Naturally, the Earth Federation that exists in the core solar system has become a thorn in the eyes of Xinghan and a thorn in the flesh. Qin Yi wanted to discuss the earth with the Earth Federation a long time ago.

The earth was replaced by some conditions, and then the people of the earth federation were migrated out of the solar system, thus pulling out the thorn in the flesh.

If it weren't for the fact that the Earth Federation and Xinghan came from the same source, and they were both human beings, and there were also a large number of descendants of Yan and Huang in the Earth Federation, Qin Yi would not have spent so much practice with the Earth Federation. Directly send a fleet over, and take down the earth is only a matter of minutes.

As early as more than 100 years ago, the Earth Federation had also discussed related matters with Xinghan, but the lions on the Earth Federation opened their mouths, and the price was too high.

A small earth. At the beginning, the Earth Federation not only required Xinghan to use five life planets, plus two Xinghan main fleets, as well as warp engines and other technologies in exchange for it. This asking price is too high. .

Qin Yi didn't pay any attention to them and kept them cold. This cold is a long time of more than 100 years.

More than a century of long years, vicissitudes of life.

Xinghan is developing faster and faster, towards a powerful interstellar cosmic civilization, but the Earth Federation is developing worse and worse.

The contradictions within the Earth Federation are becoming increasingly acute, especially since the Earth Federation is the only living planet, the population has been growing rapidly. More than 100 years ago, there were more than 50 billion people. In the century, the population of the Earth Federation has already exceeded 100 billion.

The population of 100 billion does not sound like a lot. The population of Xinghan is in trillions, but the Earth Federation has only one living planet, the Earth, and the starry sky around the entire solar system belongs to the territory of Xinghan.

Not to mention that they don't have warp engine technology, even if they have, there is no room for them to develop. Hundreds of billions of people are all crowded on the small earth.

But this is not the most deadly. What is really deadly is that the population distribution within the Earth Federation is extremely unbalanced. Although the population of the original developed areas has increased over the years, it is relatively slow, and the living space and pressure are naturally not large, but the third world and underdeveloped regions.

The original population base was very large, coupled with the extremely high fertility rate, the population growth rate was very fast. The Earth Federation's huge population of hundreds of billions, more than 90% of the population, were all crowded in the previously underdeveloped areas.

Especially in South Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, South America, the population density of these places has reached appalling levels.

This is the sharpest contradiction within the Earth Federation.

On the one hand, the population in the underdeveloped areas has increased dramatically, and land resources are extremely tight.

People in underdeveloped areas demand that the Earth Federation balance the development of the earth and distribute the population evenly in all parts of the earth, but this obviously seriously harms the interests of developed areas and is strongly opposed by developed areas.

Under such sharp contradictions, the long years of more than a hundred years,

The president of the Earth Federation has not been successfully re-elected. Almost one has come to power and the other has fallen. There is no way to be re-elected at all.

Because the interests of people in underdeveloped areas cannot be met, there is naturally no way to obtain the largest number of votes. Once the interests of developed areas are triggered, without the support of these developed areas, it will also be unstable.

There are too many people, and resources are extremely scarce and strained.

If science and technology had not developed to a certain level and entered the space age, a large-scale space farm could be built in space, relying on the high output of space farms, it would be a big problem just to solve the problem of feeding hundreds of billions of people in the Earth Federation.

The huge population has also brought a heavy burden to the earth's environment. The earth's environment has become worse and worse, and various abnormal natural disasters have occurred frequently.

The development of various internal regions is extremely unbalanced, all kinds of contradictions are very sharp, racial issues, religious issues, etc. are constantly testing the Earth Federation.

Because there are too many problems, and they are getting more and more acute, the entire Earth Federation is almost on the verge of collapse.


In the outer space of the earth, a spacecraft branded with the Xinghan logo is slowly mooring towards a space port.

Inside the spacecraft, Lin Ye and Liu Peiqiang were sitting by the window, enjoying the scenery outside with great interest.

The earth is still the same earth, and it still exudes the halo of life all the time. The azure blue is like a sapphire inlaid in the void. It is very beautiful, and the beauty is suffocating.

The outer space of the earth is also very prosperous and lively. At a glance, the entire void is covered by various space buildings, most of which are huge space farms, which are full of greenery and planted. Food, vegetables, etc., are used to satisfy the huge population of the earth.

In addition to these space farmlands, the asteroid smelting factories that used to be very common have disappeared, because the asteroids in the asteroid belt in the solar system have been exhausted, and the asteroid mining and smelting industries on the Earth Federation side have been hit hard. .

The Earth Federation does not have the ability to mine asteroids in remote areas such as the Kuiper Belt, and the once brilliant industry will naturally soon decline.

"It's been more than a century, and it's finally back on Earth again."

Lin Ye looked at the earth in the void outside, and the whole person couldn't help but sigh, time flies, time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it has been a long, long time since he left the earth.

This is once again returning to the hometown where I was born and raised, and all kinds of emotions continue to flood my heart, making people feel full of emotion.

"If this negotiation is successful, it will be easy to return to Earth in the future."

Liu Peiqiang smiled and said that everyone has special feelings for the earth, especially those who were born on earth and grew up on earth like Lin Ye and Liu Peiqiang, have deeper feelings for the earth.

"It's long overdue to take the earth back, I just hope that the people of the Earth Federation will not open their mouths like before."

Lin Ye nodded. The two of them led a mission to Earth this time, and their only mission was to negotiate with the Earth Federation to discuss matters on Earth.

The spacecraft they were riding in was slowly moored in the space port. In the space port, the Earth Federation President Hill personally led many important personnel of the Earth Federation to this place and prepared a grand welcome ceremony.

The Earth Federation and Xinghan have contacts. Although it is not too deep, they know a little about what happened in Xinghan.

Today's Xinghan, the Earth Federation has long been unmatched, no matter in that respect, the Earth Federation is no longer comparable.

Xinghan's vast territory, huge population, powerful technology, industry, economy, culture, etc. have all had a huge impact on the Earth Federation, like a giant, casting an endless shadow on the Earth Federation.

Lin Ye, the second character of Xinghan, personally led a huge team to visit the Earth Federation, which is definitely the biggest event of the Earth Federation in the past century, because of so many years.

The President of the Earth Federation has not known how many times he has been to Xinghan Mars, but Xinghan has never had any heavyweights to visit Earth.

The arrival of Lin Ye and Liu Peiqiang made the Earth Federation overjoyed, which may represent a huge change in the relationship between Xinghan and the Earth Federation in the future.

For the Earth Federation, which is on the verge of collapse, it is like a life-saving straw.

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