Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 120, Xinghai

In the vast void of the universe, the 'Explorer' space battleship is constantly flying at warp speed, and each warp speed flight can span a distance of 10 light-years.

The distance of 10 light-years is very far away, and it takes ten years to travel at the speed of light, but this distance is only an insignificant distance for the boundless universe.

It doesn't even need to be placed in the entire vast universe. Even for the entire Milky Way, the distance of 10 light-years is still a very, very small point.

Every time the 'Explorer' space battleship jumps 10 times in the void, that is, every 100 light-years forward, it will stop, and at the same time, it will have a certain time for Cao Yadong's leadership. A team of cosmic astronomers observes a possible black hole ahead.


All kinds of scientific detection instruments on the battleship are fully open, constantly receiving information from the universe.

"Haha, it really is a small black hole. Although the mass of this black hole is only four million times the mass of the sun, it is not comparable to the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, but it is indeed a black hole."

Cao Yadong's thoughts are connected to the virtual world, and he has a huge star map in his mind. The core of the star map is the goal of this exploration.

After consulting the crew of the 'Explorer' and the joint request of many scientists in the scientific community at the base camp, the base camp finally agreed to the 'Explorer' to continue to explore areas that may be suspected of having black holes.

At this time, the 'Explorer' space battleship has left the solar system at a distance of 300 light-years. At this distance, the information observed is very detailed. He can now be 100% sure that 800 light-years ahead There is indeed a black hole in the void years away.

"Yes, this is indeed a black hole. It seems that our inference was correct at the beginning. There should be a lot of black holes in the entire Milky Way. Except for the massive black hole in the center of the Milky Way, in the entire Milky Way, like similar There should still be some small-mass black holes."

In the virtual world, Long Yuankong's figure flashed out. Thanks to quantum communication technology, even if it is hundreds of light-years away, the 'Explorer' can still contact the base camp anytime, anywhere.

Because there may be black holes, the scientific community here at the base camp is also highly concerned.

Cosmic astronomy scientists have discovered a lot of black holes in the void of the universe.

Even the changes of some black holes can be observed with the help of super-large space telescopes.

But no one thought that there would be a black hole in the void only 1,100 light-years away from the solar system, which can be regarded as the most important discovery of this century.

1100 light-years is not an insurmountable distance for the current Xinghan. With a warp speed engine that can fly at a warp speed of 10 light-years at a time, the distance of 1100 light-years is not too far, and it can even be said that it is close to him.

This discovery has excited the entire Xinghan scientists. Such a close black hole means that it will be extremely convenient for scientists to study black holes.

All of a sudden, the eyes of the entire scientific community hit the Explorer side, and every time the information received will be shared back to the base camp at the same time, and the scientists at the base camp are also analyzing at the same time.

Long Yuankong is a leader in Xinghan's cosmic astronomy, space science, warp drive, and physics. Almost all of these disciplines involve black holes.

Needless to say in the field of astronomical science, the most favorite thing for astronomical scientists to study is black holes. The most special and extreme celestial body in the universe is definitely the object of their tireless research.

The same is true in the field of space science. According to research in the field of space science, it is believed that this black hole will exert enormous pressure on space because of its extremely large mass, distorting, folding space, and so on.

The fields of warp drive and physics also have related content for black holes. Warp flight involves folding space. If you can have a deep understanding of black holes through the study of black holes, this will also be of great help to the development of warp engine technology.

His students suspected that they had discovered the existence of black holes. Long Yuankong had to contact Cao Yadong almost every day to check the latest data, so as to infer whether the black hole in the void ahead was or not.

The latest data came out, and as soon as scientists calculated, they could instantly be 100% sure that there was indeed a black hole ahead, a low-mass black hole.


Cao Yadong said hello to his teacher.

"Looking from this side of the solar system, about 100 light-years away from the black hole is a bright spot that wasn't noticed before."

"Looking at it now, within a hundred light-years of this black hole, the calculated number of stars is at least one million, which is incredible."

"It's like being so densely packed with stars that it hits all the surrounding stars together."

Cao Yadong zoomed in on the background image in the virtual world. The area where the black hole is located is pitch-dark, but in the area around the black hole, it is dazzling, countless rays of light are constantly flashing, and the stars here are too dense.

"Have you named this area?"

Long Yuankong nodded, then thought about it and asked.

"Not yet, or teacher, you can help me think of a name."

Cao Yadong smiled and shook his head.

"It's called Xinghai. The stars here are too dense, and the light from the stars is just like the ocean, with a face."

Long Yuan thought for a while and said.

"Xinghai~ The teacher is still very good, and the name is so good."

When Cao Yadong heard this, his eyes lit up and couldn't help complimenting his teacher.

"Stop flattering, the stars on the Xinghai side are so dense, I estimate that there may be powerful civilizations on the Xinghai side, so it is better for you to be careful, the closer to the Xinghai, the more danger, you need to be more careful here. cautious."

Long Yuankong smiled, and after thinking about it, he also warned Cao Yadong.

"I know that there will definitely be powerful civilizations on the Xinghai side, such dense stars, the distance between the stars is very close, the distance between the stars around the civilization's solar system is a few light-years, a few light-years, this Xinghai's star The distances between stars are measured in astronomical units."

"In such a prosperous place, I don't know what a prosperous civilized world will be."

Cao Yadong's face is full of yearning, and he really wants to see the prosperity of this Xinghai.

The 'Explorer' spacecraft continued to move towards the sea of ​​stars, but the closer it got to the sea of ​​​​stars, the more cautious the 'Explorer' became.

When the 'Explorer' was 600 light-years away from the solar system and only 500 light-years away from the sea of ​​​​stars, the 'Explorer' began to slowly travel at a warp speed, and began to continuously travel between star systems. Fly at a slow warp speed, and continue to explore the sea of ​​​​stars while observing the conditions in these galaxies.

"The density of stars is getting bigger and bigger. At a distance of 500 light-years from the sea of ​​stars, the density of stars is ten times that of the stars around the solar system."

The control and command center of the 'Explorer', Cao Yadong and Liao Yuan looked at the direction of Xinghai, the originally dark starry sky has begun to change orders, the direction of the Xinghai in front is bright, very dazzling, like a huge star Incomparable gems shine in the starry sky.

"Fortunately, the civilizations we have discovered through our current explorations are all very low-level, and there is no civilization with great strength."

Liao Yuan nodded and said, the 'Explorer' is moving much, much slower, almost flying slowly between star systems, stopping before reaching a star system to explore the situation in this star system some time.

"The distance between the star here and the nearest star is only less than two light-years away. The stars in this sea of ​​stars are estimated to be next to each other. As long as they develop to level 2 cosmic civilization, these civilizations can be Expanded in the interstellar universe."

Cao Yadong thought for a while and said.

"So let's be more careful and move on."

Liao Yuan nodded and ordered the 'Explorer' space battleship to continue moving in the direction of Xinghai.

Time flickered, and after a few months, the 'Explorer' moved about 100 light-years in the direction of Xinghai, when it was only 400 light-years away from Xinghai.

In the outskirts of an unnamed planetary system, in the icy black void, accompanied by waves of ripples in space, a space-time wormhole kept fainting, and a huge space battleship flew out of it.

This space battleship is naturally the 'Explorer'. Once the warp speed flight is over, the 'Explorer' begins to become extremely busy. The detectors are continuously spread in all directions. At the same time, various advanced The detection instruments were also fully turned on, and they began to continuously receive various signals from the void.


"Found a lot of electromagnetic wave signals~"

"Found a lot of electromagnetic wave signals~"

The electromagnetic wave signal receiver on the battleship was turned on, and a huge amount of electromagnetic signals rushed in, which shocked the scientists on the spacecraft.

There are a large number of electromagnetic wave signals, which means that there may be a fairly well-developed civilization in this planetary system. There are a large number of electromagnetic signals on the periphery of the planetary system. It is basically certain that this civilization should have developed to at least a level 2 cosmic civilization. Otherwise, a large number of electromagnetic signals will not be found in the periphery.

"All listen to the order and enter the highest alert state."

Liao Yuan, the captain of the 'Explorer' space battleship, also ordered the alert at the first time for the sake of safety. In the face of unknown civilization, it is better to be cautious.

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