Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 470, Mars is for all mankind

The reconstruction of Mars is going on vigorously. At the same time, the construction of Yanhuang City, the first city on Mars, has also been put into practice. Galaxy Technology Group has recruited more than 100,000 construction workers and transported a large amount of building materials from the earth. On the Mars side, a large-scale city-building movement began.

Naturally, the big movements on the Mars side cannot be concealed from the eyes of the Earth side.

Today's outer space is very busy, and there are countless huge space buildings, among which there are many, many laboratories, astronomical research centers and the like used for scientific research.

There are many, many space telescopes in space, and they are constantly aiming at each position in space. Because of the big moves of the Galaxy Technology Group, Mars has naturally been targeted for a long time.

The Afalia Cosmic and Astronomical Research Center is also a cosmic astronomy research center located in space. In the research center, Professor Smith is using the cosmic astronomical telescope to observe the situation on the side of Mars.

"It's unbelievable. In a short period of time, Mars has become a prosperous planet of life, and the original barren land has become dense forests and grasslands."

"Has the Galaxy Technology Group completed the transformation of Mars?"

One of Professor Smith's important tasks is to track Mars. Everyone knows that Galaxy Technology Group has made a big move on Mars, but at first everyone thought that Qin Yi's idea of ​​transforming Mars was a fantasy, not to mention the fact that he proposed it at the beginning. At the time of planning, this budget was an astronomical figure of more than 100 billion Chinese dollars.

Everyone thinks that Qin Yi is dreaming, a scientist's paranoid and fanatical dream, just like Tesla insisted on developing a time machine, everyone thinks Qin Yi is the same.

It's just that Qin Yi is rich, and he can toss as much as he likes. Even a few years ago, Qin Yi owed a lot of debt for transforming Mars, which made countless people prepare to watch Qin Yi's jokes.

Seeing that Qin Yi smashed all his worth on the transformation of Mars, and finally ended up going bankrupt, it is naturally the best, and it can also become a joke after a meal.

However, as time passes by, there is still no sign of the Galaxy Technology Group going bankrupt, and the Galaxy Technology Group will soon repay the debt it owes.

On the Mars side, with the transformation of the Galaxy Science and Technology Group, it has also begun to undergo earth-shaking changes. The original red planet has now become an azure planet like the earth.

In the eyes of countless people, Qin Yi is a lunatic, in order to transform Mars,

Created the largest spacecraft "Han Wu Dadi" spacecraft.

It also used Ceres to hit Mars, which brought a lot of water to Mars. Later, it spent a huge amount of one trillion Chinese dollars to acquire more than 100,000 asteroids to hit Mars.

With all the investment on Mars, Galaxy Technology Group almost went bankrupt.

While everyone was waiting to see Qin Yi's jokes, a huge change had taken place on the side of Mars. The once dead planet was full of life, and the barren land was replaced with a new green dress, full of vitality, and Yan Ran became Paradise of life.

"No, I have to tell the above the news. If this Mars can really help the survival of human beings, it will be the second Earth!"

Professor Smith constantly analyzes the data of Mars. Mars has a magnetic field, the density of the atmosphere is very close to that of the earth, the temperature is very suitable, there is water, and there is huge life, all of which show that Mars is already a life. It is very possible that the planet is now suitable for human existence and habitation.

This matter is too important. The addition of a living planet that can be habitable by human beings is such an important matter and a huge fortune. Before, everyone just wanted to see jokes, but now their eyes are red.

Professor Smith's report was soon published, and all at once the entire planet knew what was going on in Mars today.

In a virtual chat world abroad, people from all over the world often gather together to discuss with each other the major events on the earth.

Because virtual technology can ignore the barriers of language, realize the communication of brain waves, and clearly convey one's own meaning to others, the communication between all parts of the world is closer than before.

Almost everyone will have friends from all over the world. In the past, language was a barrier to communication, but now there is no difficulty in language communication, and the communication and connection between all parts of the world are extremely close.

"People in Africa sent congratulatory messages, we humans have another life planet, and from now on, we will really buy into the era of interstellar colonization."

In the virtual world, a black uncle from Africa expressed his congratulations.

"Forget it, return to all mankind, this Mars is now the private property of Galaxy Technology Group, and it doesn't belong to all human beings at all. Do you think Galaxy Technology Group will share Mars?"

A man named Germanic Chariot replied coldly.

"Doesn't this Mars belong to all mankind?"

Someone followed.

"Mars must belong to all human beings. We will never allow the Galaxy Technology Group to monopolize Mars. You must know that this is the second earth."

"According to the data released by scientists, 55% of Mars is now land, with a land area of ​​nearly 80 million square kilometers, which is larger than Asia and Africa combined."

"Such a vast and fertile land can support a huge population of billions. Our earth's population is too large now, which is close to 9 billion. If we can migrate billions of people to Mars, the ecological environment of the earth will be reduced. It will improve a lot, a lot.”

"I think it's beautiful, but this Mars was transformed by Galaxy Technology Group at countless costs. Do you think it's possible?"

"North America is vast and sparsely populated, and it can support hundreds of millions of people. Why not move to Africa to migrate more than one billion people?"

"On the same earth, it's closer, and the migration is more convenient. Although this Mars looks good now, I don't dare to live on Mars. Maybe there is a special virus on Mars that will directly ask you for it. Sick, how did the former Indians go extinct?"

"This person must be a pandaren. He is defending the Galaxy Technology Group. According to the data released by the scientists, Mars is definitely suitable for human existence. The pandaren want to monopolize Mars."

Someone seemed to have discovered something at once, and immediately shouted.

"We don't want to monopolize Mars, but this Mars belongs to us in the first place. When Xingkong Technology Group invited everyone to transform Mars together, why did no one stand up and say that we want to transform Mars together."

"Now that Mars is almost transformed, everyone is jealous, and wants to pick fruit. Dreaming, do you really think I am a pandaren?"

The person who spoke unceremoniously replied, and now I know that the pandaren are really very strong and confident.

"We're not talking about picking fruit. Like the moon, Mars belongs to the common property of all mankind. The Galaxy Technology Group has indeed contributed to the transformation. No one will deny this."

"The Galaxy Technology Group's transformation of Mars can be rewarded from the profits of Mars in the later stage, but this Mars belongs to all human beings, and this cannot be changed in any case."

"Yes, Mars belongs to all mankind~"


"Well said~"

Someone immediately stood up and said righteously.

"Cut~ the entire universe still belongs to the people of the earth, and I don't see that you have the ability to occupy it. You have the ability to go to Mars, doesn't it mean that Mars belongs to all human beings, and now it is also a land without owners, whoever occupies it belongs to who. "

The guy who called me a pandaren said dismissively.

In the virtual world, countless people are discussing the issue of Mars. The most crucial point is the ownership of this Mars. Pandaren naturally feel that this Mars was transformed by Galaxy Technology Group at a great cost and should be owned by Galaxy Technology Group privately. , As for people all over the world, they feel that this Mars is the common property of all mankind and should belong to all mankind.

In addition to the vigorous discussions in the virtual world, news media around the world and the like also began to carry out a series of detailed reports on Mars.

From the history of the discovery of Mars, to the resources contained on Mars, to now that Mars is the second Earth, and extending to many previous fruit-level treaties, etc., the purpose is to promote a concept to everyone, that Mars is the whole world. The common property of mankind, its ownership belongs to all mankind, and should not be owned by private enterprises.

As for some celebrities and the like, they have also begun to express their views in various ways. They all talk about the human beings as one, the earth as one, and everything as one. This Mars is naturally one. It is also the common property of all mankind.

Big bosses from all over the world have also begun to run to the panda country frequently, and they are constantly testing the panda side to test the issue of the ownership of Mars.

Pandas are not what they used to be now. If it was a few decades ago, where would they have come to test the attitude of pandas so politely? Yes, if it's too hard, just flip the table.

But now it's different. Even if the eyes are red, and they are jealous of the huge land on Mars, everyone has to honestly try to influence the panda through their own public opinion, and can only look at the panda through a tentative way. attitude here.

Ps: The river crab mythical beast is too powerful, so I can't write more or write it in detail. This content will be covered in one stroke~

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