Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter four hundred and sixty seventh, future worries

"Have you analyzed in depth why all these creatures are growing like crazy after they arrive on Mars?"

Looking at the ocean below, Qin Yi thought about it and asked Liu Daoming several people.

"We have conducted in-depth research and analysis, and we think several factors are more important. One is that Mars is very rich in nutrients and minerals, so whether it is plants in the ocean or plants on land , are growing very well.”

"The other is that Mars has sufficient light, which is very important for the growth of plants, especially the oceans of Mars, which are very shallow as a whole, so the plants in the oceans are also very dense, and now they have gradually formed huge marine forests. ."

"The other most important point is that the gravity of Mars is smaller than that of the earth. This factor has a very large influence. Our space farm in outer space is in a microgravity environment, and all crops, etc. grow very vigorously. , so we also speculate that this gravity has a great influence on the growth of plants."

Liu Daoming thought for a while and answered slowly.

"As for these animals on Mars, I think the ecosystem on Mars is not perfect enough. After arriving on Mars, there are basically no natural enemies."

"The plants here are very lush and the food is very rich, so the growth is very good, and each one has grown a lot."

"However, the more advanced the animal, the smaller the change, so the impact on us humans should be very weak, but the gravity of Mars is small, and if we reproduce on Mars in the future, the height of our humans will definitely increase."

Hearing Liu Daoming's words, Qin Yi also pondered slightly.

In the science and technology tower, Qin Yi also knows that a civilization is constantly expanding in the interstellar universe and multiplying in more and more living planets.

The environment of each living planet is different. The most important point is gravity. It is almost difficult to find two planets with the same gravity.

Therefore, once the interstellar colony begins, the species originally on one planet will slowly evolve and adapt to the new planet when they come to the new planet.

The same is true for advanced creatures. If humans come to Mars, the height of those who come to Mars may gradually increase over time, gradually forming unique Martians.

However, although the gravity on Mars is lower than that on Earth, it is not too much lower, so the height will increase, but it will not be too scary.

Qin Yi estimates that the average height on the earth is about 170, and after arriving on Mars, the average height may gradually reach about 180, which is acceptable.

If the average height is more than 2 meters, then Qin Yi will be more difficult to accept, this will become a giant, and gradually the earth will gradually detach.

This phenomenon is also very common. In the process of interstellar colonization, some civilizations have gradually divided internally. Due to different environments, each living planet has gradually formed its own unique culture and customs, etc. vast.

It was very difficult to communicate with each other, so in the end cracks were formed, and gradually the internal itself split into many, many countries, and even the internal conflicts were more intense than the external ones.

"It's good to grow taller, as long as you don't become a giant."

Lu Qingwei gestured at the size of himself and Qin Yi, and said with a smile.

"It is impossible to become a giant. At present, we have begun to introduce large herbivores to Mars. At present, there is no change in size, but we estimate that in the long run, the size will definitely become larger."

Liu Daoming shook his head. Now Mars is completely suitable for human habitation.

Especially as more and more plants on the Martian ocean and land are released, more and more oxygen is released every day, and the oxygen content of the entire Mars is constantly rising.

The climate, ocean currents, etc. on Mars also began to gradually stabilize, and slowly, like the earth, different cold zones, temperate zones, tropical zones, etc. were formed.

Large-scale coverage of vegetation, the ecological environment on Mars is getting better and better, and the nine rivers are slowly stabilizing, and the river water is clear and translucent.

But the most worrying thing is whether human beings will mutate after they migrate to Mars. No one wants their descendants to mutate. Although human beings have been evolving and mutating since ancient times, they have evolved and mutated too suddenly. This is absolutely what no one wants to see.

"Research in this area should be done quickly. In the future, our human footprints will be spread all over the starry sky. We will migrate to more living planets, and we must try our best to control this difference."

"Otherwise, in the future, migrating to a planet with low gravity will form a giant group, and migrating to a planet with high gravity may form a dwarf group, or a huge change in skin color and so on."

"This will easily cause divisions and cracks, which is not conducive to the reproduction and growth of our Chinese descendants in the starry universe."

Qin Yi thought about it and gave a solemn order to Liu Daoming.

Qin Yi knew that changes were bound to happen, and they were bound to happen, so he planned ahead and tried to reduce the negative impact of such changes as much as possible.


Liu Daoming, Li Jingxuan, and Wei Xian nodded quickly, and at the same time felt heavy on their shoulders, and the huge pressure seemed to fall on their shoulders all at once.

"Life is really amazing. You said that if we humans occupy many, many life planets in the starry universe, and people from various regions thrive on different life planets, will there be various kinds of life planets in the future? New humans come out?"

Lu Qingwei seemed to be afraid that the world would not be in chaos, so he raised his head and said.

"That's for sure~"

"According to the point of view of biological evolution, we humans all evolved slowly from the same ancestor, but if you look at the human beings on the earth today, they can be divided into several types based on skin color alone. If it is divided, it can be divided into an unknown number of species.”

Qin Yi nodded and said, "But no matter how many types and how many changes there are, some things will never change, that is, culture and spirit."

"With the same culture and spirit, and the same values, no matter how far we go and how widely we are distributed, we will always be descendants of Yan and Huang. As long as we always stick to this point, we will always be united."

After the others heard it, they all pondered.

Interstellar immigration has not yet begun, and this Mars is just suitable for human habitation. Humans have not yet immigrated, but there are some things that need to be deeply thought and discussed now.

Look to the long-term and think of the distant future.

"Shared culture and spirit~"

Lu Qingwei, Liu Daoming, Li Jingxuan, Wei Xian and others were all thinking about Qin Yi's words, and soon their eyes lit up.

Since ancient times, the inheritance of the descendants of Yan and Huang has paid more attention to the inheritance of cultural spirit, and the Western world has paid more attention to the inheritance of blood.

Therefore, the area of ​​Europe is similar to that of China, but there are many countries, and there are dozens of large and small countries. Even if a unified empire is formed for a while, it will soon disintegrate into countless small countries.

The land of China is different. Even if it is torn apart for a while, it will eventually come together slowly and form a unified country.

Many people have been studying this problem, and the final conclusion is that Chinese people use square characters, and Europeans use alphabetic characters.

There are many dialects in China, such as Cantonese, Trump, Hokkien, Hakka and so on.

But despite having different pronunciations, all of them use Chinese characters. As long as Chinese characters exist, they can eventually be closely linked.

It is different here in Europe. Everyone uses letters, and the pronunciation of each place is different. Over time, it is gradually divided into English, French, German, Russian, etc., so there is no way to become a unified country.

What this text represents is of course culture, and different cultures have created completely different endings.

Qin Yi used to think about science and technology, but now he has to start thinking about deeper things, which is also very important than science.

Ps: Giants, dwarves, energy, goblins... Shouldn't be random nonsense~

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