Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 463, the first Martian

Solar system Mars.

The 'Hanwu Emperor' spacecraft finally came back from Jupiter, dragging a supermassive Jupiter satellite behind it. Although the quality of this Jupiter satellite is far from that of Ceres, the gas it contains But it is very huge.

In addition, scientists have analyzed the composition of these gases, which are very similar to the atmospheric composition of the earth. Nitrogen is the main component, followed by oxygen. It is definitely very suitable for mining the atmosphere used to fill Mars.

"The gas contained in this satellite of Jupiter is estimated to be enough to make the gas density of Mars reach 80% of the density of the earth's atmosphere, and the oxygen content exceeds 18%, which is almost in line with the standards of the earth's atmosphere, barely able to allow humans to survive in it."

Qin Yi came to Mars again, preparing to witness the transformation of Mars in person, and at the same time preparing to be the first Martian.

The so-called first Martian, which is also a term among the entire Mars transformation project team, refers to the first person to land on Mars without a space suit.

"It's almost the same, but it's equivalent to the plateau climate on the side of the earth. Ordinary people may need a process of adaptation."

Qin Yi's entourages Lu Qingwei and Liu Peiqiang also came to Mars together. After hearing Qin Yi's words, Liu Peiqiang nodded in support.

"This first Martian, don't snatch any of you from me, but I plan to go to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to train for a period of time. After Mars is transformed, I will definitely become the first Martian, a good opportunity to go down in history. , if any of you rob me, I'll be in a hurry."

When Lu Qingwei saw Qin Yi's posture, he estimated that the other party would compete with him to become the first Martian, and he was immediately anxious.

"It's no use worrying about me, can you beat the boss?"

Liu Peiqiang looked at Lu Qingwei and said with a smile.

After getting along with Qin Yi for a long time, he could see that Qin Yi really wanted to be the first Martian, and Lu Qingwei was probably out of the game.

"What's wrong with the boss, the boss is amazing."

Lu Qingwei rolled his eyes and said unconvinced.

"Well, it's really amazing."

Qin Yi smiled and nodded and said: "You are all optimistic about Qingwei. After this Jupiter satellite hits Mars, lock him up and are not allowed to go anywhere. When everyone is tired of playing on Mars, put him back together. He let it out.


"Yes, boss~"

When the others heard it, they couldn't help but smile.

"Whoever shuts me down, I will depend on his family every day from now on. Is my Lu Qingwei easy to bully?"

"Dare to shut me up, I'm tired of you."

Lu Qingwei glared at the people around him fiercely, as if not to provoke me.

"Haha~ Qingwei, Qingwei~"

Qin Yi couldn't help laughing happily.

"Look, it's about to hit Mars~"

At this time, Liu Peiqiang quickly reminded.

When everyone heard this, they all hurriedly looked at Mars.

Like the earth, Mars today is azure and azure, like a sapphire inlaid in the void of the universe, exuding a halo of halo, which makes people intoxicated by its beauty.

After half a year of asteroid transformation, the atmospheric density of Mars is constantly increasing, and it is getting closer and closer to Earth in all aspects.

I saw the Hanwu Dadi spacecraft dragging a Jupiter satellite constantly flying towards Mars. When it was very close to Mars, the carbon fiber rope connecting the two was slowly disconnected.

Then the flames at the tail of the 'Han Wu Dadi' spacecraft began to elongate continuously, becoming more blazing white, and the speed suddenly accelerated, far away from Mars. As for the mined Jupiter satellite, it slammed into Mars. .

It has just entered the atmosphere of Mars, and the intense friction caused the satellite to start to burn. As it burned, a billowing white mist began to emerge from the satellite. The mist was extremely thick, like substance, and the surrounding Mars The atmosphere creates a huge pressure difference.

Under this huge pressure difference, it turned into a terrifying shock wave. The huge shock wave visible to the naked eye continued to spread towards Mars in all directions at an extremely terrifying speed.

All of these are the huge gases carried by this Jupiter satellite. Originally, because the temperature was very low in the void, these gases were firmly locked.

Now entering Mars, the intense friction with the Martian atmosphere makes all these gases begin to escape violently, but the gas carried by this Jupiter satellite is so huge that it will not be able to escape for a while at all. finished.


Accompanied by a violent impact, the huge energy was released all at once, and this Jupiter satellite was like Ceres.

Countless fragments are continuously lasing in all directions. These fragments are like giant air compression bottles. While lasing at high speed, they are still desperately releasing billowing gas like substance.

In the blink of an eye, Mars was shrouded in the huge gas released by this Jupiter satellite, and it was impossible to see what was going on on Mars from space.

It can only be seen that the atmosphere of Mars is constantly rolling, getting thicker and thicker. At the same time, there are dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and the whole Mars begins to pour heavy rain again.

Although the impact of this time is not as great as the energy generated by the impact of Ceres, but this Jupiter satellite that carries a lot of gas, the huge gas on it is all released under this impact.

The atmosphere of Mars has undergone the most drastic changes, and massive amounts of gas are continuously released, colliding with and merging with the original atmosphere of Mars, and gradually forming a new atmosphere of Mars.

After a planet, Mars slowly became quiet and became clear and translucent again.

"The density of the atmosphere has reached 87% of the density of the earth's atmosphere, the nitrogen content is 80%, and the oxygen content is 18%. Basically, it is no different from the main components of the earth's atmosphere. I estimate that we can directly land on Mars without wearing a spacesuit."

Scientists quickly analyzed the composition of Mars' current atmosphere, and then spaceships flew towards Mars from space.

In one of the spaceships, at the very door of the cabin, Qin Yi, Lu Qingwei, Liu Peiqiang and others were all pushing each other, all trying to become the first Martian.

"Qingwei, do you want shame?"

"I still pushed me, believe it or not, I'll beat you to death~"

"Come on, you can beat me, don't even look at your small body, you still want to be the first Martian, just dream."

"I can't be, and you don't want to be, just cheap our boss."

"Let go, let go, how are these two big men hugging each other, you are shameless and I want shame."

"Don't let it~ Don't let it~ Unless you give up your seat."

"Come and hug the boss, he grabbed the front~"

A group of people are very happy, and everyone seems to be unable to wait.

Soon, the spacecraft landed very smoothly on a plain on Mars, the hatch slowly opened, and the sun's rays slowly shone in, causing everyone to close their eyes.


"I'm the first Martian~"

When everyone opened their eyes and prepared to land on Mars, Lu Qingwei had already appeared outside, screaming excitedly.

"Cough cough~ cough cough~"

But before he was excited for long, he hurriedly coughed, and then the whistling became difficult, and he began to breathe heavily.


Qin Yi also stepped out of the spaceship. He didn't wear a spacesuit. He felt a little difficult to breathe, as if he had come to a plateau. The oxygen content was insufficient, and the atmosphere was thinner than the earth.

"Damn, this kid Qingwei is a loach, he really made him the first Martian."

Liu Peiqiang also came out, breathing continuously, talking while breathing.

"It seems that this Mars is really suitable for human survival. We can all land on Mars directly without space suits."

"The next step is to green the entire Mars. I believe that if the oxygen content increases, our breathing will become smoother. If it is like this for a long time, we will all get plateau red in the future."

Qin Yi felt everything on Mars carefully, and his breathing was not too smooth, because the oxygen content of Mars is less than that of the earth, and the density of the atmosphere is lower.

But this is not a big problem. There is no vegetation on Mars now. If the entire Mars is green, the oxygen content of Mars can be raised, and breathing will be much smoother.

Ps: Ask for tickets, all kinds of requests~~

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