Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 401, Jupiter

"Every abacus is beating, and here they are asked to pay for the reconstruction of Mars, but one by one, they say they have no money, and they say that the reconstruction cannot be successful."

"But when it comes to the ownership of Mars, everyone keeps saying that Mars is the common property of all mankind, just like the South Pole, it belongs to all mankind and cannot belong to private individuals."


"How can there be such a good thing in the world, everyone is waiting to eat meat, let's dream."

In Qin Yi's office, he had just returned from discussing with other countries around the world to transform Mars. Qin Yi looked very angry, but soon, a smile appeared on his face.

"This is the best. I don't want to part with this Mars even a little bit. As for the future, who is afraid of who?"

"I not only want to transform Mars and occupy Mars, I also want to transform Venus and occupy Venus, so that you can only stare in the future."

Qin Yi opened the star map of the solar system, looked at the orbits of Mars and Venus, and was already planning the future path in his heart.

"The production capacity of the Dragon Nest Space Factory is still too low. There are too many spacecraft needed to transform Mars. It seems that it must be expanded to increase the production capacity of the spacecraft."

"In addition, it is necessary to develop an engine with a thrust of 10 billion tons, as well as a small engine. The 10 billion ton engine can drag a larger mass of asteroids to accelerate the transformation of asteroids, and a small engine can allow more people to participate in the interstellar space. In the mining industry, promote the early arrival of the interstellar space age.”

"Only with more spaceships and more people involved in the field of asteroid mining, can I get more resources to build more spaceships, build bigger spaceships, and then transform Mars even more. It's much simpler, it's not like there are only two spaceships that belong to you now."

"In the future, no matter who comes, each batch of spaceships must be reserved for their own use, and a certain number of spaceships must be maintained."

Qin Yi has carefully planned in his mind that the biggest problem in transforming Mars is not the issue of money, but the issue of productivity.

The number of spaceships is too small, and it has not been popularized on a large scale. The production level of earth people has not yet reached the point where they can transform Mars. This is why the cost of transforming Mars will be calculated to an astronomical figure of 100 million, which seems to be never. may be done.

This is like in ancient times, if you want to build a Great Wall that is 100 meters high and 100 miles long to bring all human beings together, it seems impossible to accomplish such a feat.

But in modern times,

Although the construction of such a Great Wall is relatively large, as long as you want to build it, you can still easily complete it. This is the difference of national strength and the difference of times.

Transforming the planet is a feat of interstellar space civilization. The earth is still far from the interstellar space civilization, but it is rapidly developing towards this era.


With a knock on the door, Liu Peiqiang and Lu Qingwei walked in excitedly.

"Boss, the Kuafu spacecraft has passed through the asteroid belt and reached Jupiter."

When Liu Peiqiang saw Qin Yi, he immediately said excitedly.

"Just to Jupiter?"

"Go, go to the research center, I have long wanted to see Jupiter."

When Qin Yi heard this, he immediately got up and hurriedly walked towards the Galaxy Research Institute.

In a void in the solar system, it is very far away from the earth. Jupiter's orbit is more than 600 million kilometers away from the earth's orbit, which is almost 4 astronomical units away.

As for the distance between Jupiter and the earth, it changes all the time. The scientific investigation of the 'Kuafu' around the solar system this time has also undergone strict calculations and arrangements, and it just happened to be relatively close to Jupiter.

In the void somewhere in the solar system, a super-large gaseous planet is standing quietly in the void. This planet has an incomparably huge mass, and other planets in the solar system add up to less than half of it. second only to the presence of core stars.

It is Jupiter, the most massive planet in the solar system and a gaseous planet.

At this time, the Kuafu spacecraft is still a little far from Jupiter, but it can be clearly seen with the naked eye. Jupiter is very large in size and mass, more than 300 times the mass and 1,300 times the volume of the Earth. , in the solar system, it is definitely the big brother among the eight planets.

The Earth has only one little brother, the moon, and the two little brothers of Mars are too small to make up numbers, but Jupiter is different. Its huge mass gives it an unparalleled charm (gravity). computational.

From Io to Io 79, this is just the number of Jupiter's younger brothers that have been discovered. All of these younger brothers are the ones who can get their hands on the table. They are definitely not the two younger brothers of Mars who are used to make up numbers. of.

In addition to this huge number of younger brothers, Jupiter also has Jupiter's rings. If the large and small satellites are to be counted, the number is simply difficult to count. In the entire solar system, only Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter have such rings. , these three are Big Macs, all have huge mass, and the charm (gravity) is powerful.

In addition to the large number of younger brothers, the quality of Jupiter's younger brother is also very high. If all the satellites in the solar system are ranked, the Earth's younger brother, the Moon, can only be ranked fifth.

Among them, Ganymede has a diameter of more than 5,000 kilometers, which is even larger than that of the smallest planet in the solar system, Mercury. It is the largest of all satellites. Callisto has a diameter of 4,800 kilometers, which is also very huge.

There are no weak soldiers under the strong generals. Except for Ganymede and Callisto, the diameter of Io is also more than 3,500 kilometers. It can be said that everyone is talented. Only Saturn's younger brother Titan can compare with these younger brothers of Jupiter. A comparison.

"Tsk tsk, Jupiter's Great Red Spot is really beautiful~"

On the Kuafu spacecraft, the scientists were very busy, all kinds of instruments were turned on, the probes were scattered without money, and the information about Jupiter and Jupiter's younger brother also began to gather.

Long Zhankong used the astronomical telescope on the spacecraft to carefully observe Jupiter, and when he saw the huge Great Red Spot on Jupiter, he couldn't help but let out his own sigh.

"There is indeed a lot of water on Callisto and Ganymede. You only need to transport the water on Callisto to Mars, and Mars will not be short of water. The water content is too much. There is also liquid water at the bottom of the moon, which is very likely to have life."

Huang Zhibin is also busy, carefully studying the various moons of Jupiter.

The closer you are to Jupiter, the more accurate the various information and data about Jupiter. In the past, many data obtained from the Earth side were inaccurate or even wrong. Now this information needs to be improved and revised.

"There's a lot of water, and that's basically life."

Long Zhankong nodded and said, since the discovery of extraterrestrial life on Mars, everyone feels that extraterrestrial life is more commonplace.

Life can be nurtured in such harsh environments as the north and south poles of Mars. It can be seen that life really exists widely in every corner of the universe.

The 'Kwafu' spacecraft has slowed down and is slowly approaching Jupiter. Jupiter's gravitational force is too strong, and its magnetic field is also very strong. It is stronger than the earth's magnetic field. It is ten times stronger than the earth's magnetic field. multiple times.

With such a strong gravitational force and strong magnetic field, the 'Kwafu' spacecraft also has to be cautious. It must be known that modern scientific instruments are easily affected by the strong magnetic field. Once it is too close to Jupiter, it will be strongly influenced by Jupiter's magnetic field. At that time, the spacecraft had their own failures, and they might not even think about leaving Jupiter in the future.

For the scientific research of Jupiter, it is more about the scientific research of Jupiter's satellites. Jupiter is a gaseous planet, mainly composed of 90% hydrogen and 10% helium, and the core temperature exceeds 30,000 degrees Celsius. It may be said that it is like Mars, and it can also engage in activities to land on Mars.

The mission of the 'Kwafu' is to carefully examine the many moons of Jupiter, looking for satellites with a large amount of water resources, and laying the foundation for the future transformation of Mars and Venus.

Getting closer and closer to Jupiter, the scientists on the spacecraft also became more excited. This is the first time that humans have come into contact with Jupiter so close, and observed the fourth brightest planet in the earth's sky so closely. its mysterious veil.

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