Interstellar Industrial Age

Three hundred and ninetieth chapters, under the ice

The north pole of Mars is covered with a thick layer of ice. This ice layer is different from the ice layer of the north and south poles of the earth. The ice layer of the north and south poles on the earth is water, but the main component of the ice layer of the north and south poles on Mars is It is carbon dioxide, and water is not the main ingredient.

The temperature at the north and south poles of Mars is too low, and carbon dioxide is in a solid state, which is what we usually call dry ice. The ice layer here is composed of dry ice and ice.

It is very desolate here, there is no trace of life, the occasional gust of wind brings a trace of cold air, the temperature is very low, below minus 100 degrees, such a low temperature, even if the penguin comes, it is simply unstoppable live.

In the sky, a spaceship descended from the sky and flew towards the ice layer of the North Pole. When it got closer to the ground, its speed became very slow.

The spacecraft was not in a hurry to park, but kept flying against the ground, as if looking for a solid area. Soon, the spacecraft found a flat area with exposed rocks and landed instead.

"The outdoor temperature is 124 degrees Celsius~"

"Air pressure 0.1 standard atmosphere ~"

"Good light, strong UV rays~"


"It's really cold."

While wearing a special Mars landing spacesuit, Liu Daoming also listened carefully to the sound of the spacecraft. When he heard more than minus 100 degrees, he couldn't help shivering. This temperature is too cold, the earth Even in the north and south regions, it is impossible to reach such a low temperature.

"The temperature is too low, and life is difficult to exist. It depends on whether the temperature under the ice layer will increase. Generally speaking, if the temperature can be around zero, life can still be born."

Li Jingxuan was also busy putting on his space suits. Today, the two of them also landed on Mars with the team, preparing to drill holes in the ice layer to see if there is liquid water at the bottom of the ice layer, and see if life can be found.


Soon, the hatch of the spacecraft was opened with a burst of mechanical students, and one after another high-tech engineering vehicles were also driven out. Liu Daoming and Li Jingxuan drove one by one.

The temperature is too low, and the space suits everyone wears are very heavy, and they can only rely on the power of machinery to complete the work. Fortunately, scientists have already anticipated various extremes when conducting scientific investigations around the sun. Happening.

All engineering vehicles are specially developed, even in the extreme low temperature of minus 100, they still have good performance and can be used with confidence.

"I'm going~ scared the baby to death, Liu Daoming look at the sky~"

"Why is the sun blue?"

Li Jingxuan drove the engineer out of the spacecraft and looked up at the sky. When he saw a round of strange blue, he couldn't help crying out.

"It's really blue, and it looks kind of creepy."

Liu Daoming looked up at the sky, and the whole person couldn't help but say in surprise.

"This should be related to scattering. Because there is no water and no vegetation on Mars, under the erosion of hundreds of millions of years, Mars shows that there are countless broken gravels. In addition, the hurricanes on Mars are rampant. In this atmosphere The dust particles are particularly numerous and very large.”

"These large particles of dust scatter and scatter the red part of the sun's light, so when we look at Mars, the sun is blue."

Liu Daoming thought for a while and said, although he is a scientist who studies biology, his physical level is still a slap in the face. The things on this color are immediately attributed to the problem of light scattering.

"There should be no problem with your analysis. This kind of scattering should be Mill scattering, which scatters the red band with the same particle size as its own, which causes the red part of our line of sight to be scattered, so the sun we see is blue. The monstrous sun."

Li Jingxuan thought for a while and added.

"No fuss, it's a light scattering problem,

In the future, don't make a fuss about what purple, green, and cyan suns we see on other alien planets, or be careful to be called a bastard! "

Liu Daoming smiled and said, the sun on the earth is red, and in the future, when going to other planets, it may be blue, purple, etc., because there are seven colors of light.

The engineering vehicle drives slowly on the thick layer of ice, and the engineers have various detection instruments. Through these detection instruments, scientists can clearly know the thickness of the ice layer and a general situation under the ice layer.

"Just choose here, the ice layer is not too thick."

Soon, Liu Daoming chose an area and started to get busy.

The construction vehicles driven are all large construction vehicles and high-tech products. For them, drilling is just a piece of cake, without any difficulty.

With the continuous sound of the machine, a large amount of broken ice was continuously taken out, and the depth of the drilling was getting deeper and deeper.

While drilling, it is also collecting samples, and each layer must be collected so that tests can be carried out in the laboratory, and a detailed understanding of the secrets hidden under this thick ice layer can be obtained.

"The depth is 20 meters, and the temperature is rising very fast, and it is only more than minus 50 degrees."

At the same time, Liu Daoming and Li Jingxuan also pay close attention to the temperature under the ice layer, because they clearly know that temperature is an important condition for the existence of life.

"At a depth of 30 meters, the ice has been drilled through."

It didn't take long for Liu Daoming to open a hole in the ice layer and penetrate the ice layer.

"There is liquid water below, and the temperature is only about zero degrees. It's unbelievable how much the temperature has risen."

Li Jingxuan kept observing the data sent by the detector, and said very surprised.

"Send a small probe in~"

Liu Daoming also came to the spirit, controlled the engineer, and launched a small fish-shaped detector from the drilled hole.

This fish-shaped detector is also a high-tech product, which integrates many functions such as communication, remote control, remote sensing, and detection.

The probe was launched, and Liu Daoming and Li Jingxuan were nervously watching the pictures sent back by the probe.

Under the ice layer is a dark water world. The visibility here is very low and it is pitch black. The ice cubes on the upper layer look very bright here, like a sky shrouded in this dark small world.

The lights above the detector automatically turn on, illuminating the world around them.

This is a very quiet world, there are no waves, and in the pure darkness, the silence makes people feel terrible.

The detector is constantly diving underwater. This high-tech detector was developed by scientists at the Galaxy Science Research Institute to study the ocean. In theory, it can detect the seabed several kilometers deep.

It got darker as it went down, until it was completely dark, without a trace of light, and soon, the detector reached the bottom, which was not too deep, that is, a depth of several hundred meters.

"The temperature of the water has risen to 10 degrees above zero. At this temperature, many creatures on the earth can survive, not to mention the primitive life."

"It just doesn't make sense. Why does the temperature of this water get higher as it goes down?"

Li Jingxuan has been paying close attention to various data, and seeing that the temperature has risen to about 10 degrees, he is also excited.

"Because there are active volcanoes at the bottom."

Liu Daoming was also closely observing all this, and soon, it was discovered.

The remote control probe slowly swims towards an area, where the temperature is getting higher and higher, and at the same time, it can be clearly felt that there is water flow, and the probes are not stable enough.

Soon, the detector came to an underwater crater. The lights illuminated it, and bubbles were constantly floating upward. At the same time, red magma was slowly emerging from the crater, forming A very state-of-the-art underwater volcanic landscape.

"Shouldn't the core of this Mars be extinguished?"

"I didn't expect there to be signs of active volcanic activity."

Li Jingxuan's eyes widened. Scientists have conducted in-depth analysis of Mars. One of the most important aspects is that they guessed that many billion years ago, Mars should be a prosperous planet of life like Earth.

Just because the mass of Mars is too small, its core does not want the core of the earth, and can continue to burn continuously, so as early as many billions of years ago, the core of Mars has been extinguished.

Because the core of Mars was extinguished, the magnetic field of Mars disappeared, so that the atmosphere of Mars escaped and became very thin, and finally it turned from a living planet into a dead and barren planet.

But what I have seen now is enough to overturn this view. Obviously, the core of Mars has not been extinguished. Otherwise, why would there be active volcanoes?

"Unbelievable~ the core of Mars hasn't been extinguished yet!"

Liu Daoming also nodded in surprise. The presence of active volcanoes is enough to prove that the core of Mars is still working continuously, which is also enough to show that the heart of Mars is still beating.

"This discovery is enough to overturn all previous knowledge of Mars. Perhaps millions of years ago, Mars really had a prosperous life."

Soon, the two realized that this major discovery would absolutely overturn people's previous understanding of Mars.

"There will definitely be life here, there is water, and the temperature is okay. It is better than the environment of the primitive ocean on our earth. As long as there is enough time, there is enough life to be born here, and if it continues like this, the life here can be reproduced until To a certain extent."

Liu Dao was obviously very excited. The conditions here are already very good for life. You must know that the environment of the primitive ocean on the earth is not the environment here.

"Collect samples quickly. There will definitely be major discoveries here. Extraterrestrial life, even if it is primitive extraterrestrial life, is definitely the most important discovery of this century."

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