Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 370, Chinese people in the new era

Space is very lively, unprecedented liveliness.

Not only are the Japanese busy building their own Kaguya spacecraft, Uncle Sam is also busy building their own Apollo spacecraft, and Europeans are also going all out to build the 'Columbus' spacecraft.

As for our old friends in the north, while polar bears frequently travel to China, selling oil, natural gas, and resources, they also tighten their belts to build the 'Krolev' spacecraft. There is no way, polar bears are poor Ah, I'm almost skinny and hungry. Fortunately, there is a Huaxia support who has been supporting each other all the time. Otherwise, I really wouldn't dare to play so crazy with everyone.

Recently, the space transportation companies in Huaxia have been busy, because there are too many transportation orders from one country to another, and the anti-gravity spaceships have not stopped their efforts, and they have implemented too many orders. class system.

The previous shift had just finished the mission, so he immediately changed to another group of drivers and continued on. The price of this foreigner's order is naturally much higher, and the profit is huge. The key is the large quantity.

To build a huge spaceship, Qin Yi dispatched hundreds of spaceships at the beginning. Many of the parts are very large, and often only one part can be transported at a time. There are not enough antigravity spaceships. of.

The total number of anti-gravity spaceships in the world is not as much as that of China, so all countries in the world know how to take advantage of this. As long as they are willing to spend money, some people will help transport things into space.

In itself, the current space industry is developing very rapidly. Space factories, space solar power plants, space farms, and moon mining, etc., there are too many substances that need to be transported into space.

Most companies often buy anti-gravity spacecraft from Galaxy Aerospace Industry Group or Huaxia Aerospace Industry Group to transport things.

Because it is absolutely expensive to rent an anti-gravity spaceship or entrust someone else to transport the supplies, because everyone thinks that there are not enough anti-gravity spaceships.

Now the world's major powers are vigorously building spaceships, which suddenly makes the already tense transportation capacity even more nervous. Without enough price, no one will help you transport things.

Space is very busy, and the same is true on the ground.

Chinese currency is more popular.

Although Qin Yi's price for a spaceship of 5 trillion Chinese dollars is very expensive, if it is possible, everyone is actually willing to buy Qin Yi's spaceship.

Because it is not only safer and more secure, but also with such a spacecraft, as long as you are diligent and take a few more trips to the asteroid, the cost can be recovered quickly.

So everyone is desperately absorbing Chinese currency, trying all kinds of ways to entertain guests from Huaxia. This Chinese currency is really not enough to spend.

Hiring Huaxia to help transport things is not cheap. In the future, you will have to buy Qin Yi's spaceship and the like. Naturally, the more Huaxia reserves, the better.

Food and travel advertisements from all over the world are bombarded in China. What Thailand has not only delicious food and beautiful scenery, but also coquettish ladyboys and beauties; what Japanese hot springs and sushi, and world-class service technology; what European girls , hot body, ebullient, etc.

Many things that are prohibited in China are legal in other countries, so for a while, girls in special industries in China have lost their jobs.

With a private anti-gravity spacecraft, going abroad to enjoy is just a matter of the accelerator. What's more, in order to attract tourists from China, these countries have cheap prices, thoughtful service, and the key is still legal. This is a hooligan.

For today's Chinese people, this is definitely a good era of happiness.

It is now 2030, and after 10 years of rapid development, the total GPD of Huaxia has now reached half of the world's, and the per capita GPD has also jumped to the first place in the world.

The strength in science and technology is strong, and there are always a few people who speak Chinese in the annual Nobel Prize. The culture is prosperous, and Chinese is popular all over the world. Through virtual games, Hanfu is also sold to every corner of the world. Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Sun Tzu, Art of War, etc. Classic books have also been translated into dozens of languages ​​and spread all over the world.

The virtual industry, space industry, interstellar mining industry, financial industry, cultural industry, etc. have become China's pillar industries. The real estate tycoon that everyone talked about 10 years ago has gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

Instead, there are tech giants, interstellar mining giants, and virtual industry giants. These emerging industries have created too many, too many top rich people, and they have fully occupied China's rich list and the world's rich list.

Qin Yi from Galaxy Technology Group, Li Muxiao from Mozuo Machinery Technology, Guo Yuan from the field of virtual games... These people have become the theme of this era, and they have become the idols and goals of young people.

Because everyone sees hope in these people. From poor children, they rely on their own brains and technology to seize the opportunities of the times and have huge wealth. The most important thing is that they are young, even Qin Yi. It's only in his early 30s now.

Of course, these are the big-scale situations, and the small-scale ones.

With the popularization and promotion of private anti-gravity aircraft, the happiness index of ordinary people has skyrocketed, because they do not have to endure high housing prices, they can find jobs all over the country and even around the world, and live in small cities and towns to enjoy a leisurely life .

Children and old people who could not take care of them before, now have no problems at all, they can live happily together, and they have more time to accompany their elderly parents to go around the world and have a look, and they can no longer have to worry about Worried about your child's reading.

The country is strong, the economy is developed, and the per capita income is high. The key is that the purchasing power of Chinese currency is strong enough, whether it is the daily indispensable rice, vegetables, fruits, etc., or large furniture, electrical appliances, etc., the prices of all things are very high Inexpensive and of very good quality.

The rice that the Thais are not willing to eat is desperately moved to the dining table of the Huaxia people. There is no way, because the power of the Chinese currency is so powerful that no one can refuse its temptation.

Australians began to farm lobsters, because Chinese people love to eat Australian lobsters, and wild lobsters are about to be caught. Although the Australian government has repeatedly banned them, they cannot stand the strong temptation of Chinese currency.

The hot springs in Japan are about to be rounded up by the Chinese people. For the sake of the Chinese currency, for the future, and for the sake of creating a sky for future generations, the Japanese are serving these uncles tirelessly, while silently calculating the Chinese currency that they earn every day. .

There is a serious shortage of wine in France. The fields that used to grow wheat should be planted with vines. There is no way. The Chinese people are more particular about wine now. Ordinary people even want to use French wine when they put on a feast. The wine produced is really not on the table.

French peasants scolded the damned Chinese people in their mouths while happily counting the Chinese coins in their hands. There is nothing more fascinating than this.

All the good things in the world seem to be moving to China in one go, and they are bought cleanly by the Chinese people with big pockets.

The 1.4 billion Chinese people have the highest income in the world. The huge consumption power it shows is like a super nuclear power engine, which dominates all activities on the whole earth.

Especially now with the popularity of private anti-gravity aircraft, global communication is more frequent and close, and every corner of the world is full of Chinese people waving banknotes.

They bought all the diamonds in South Africa, drank all the wine in France, and played football games in Europe. They let the Korean plastic surgeon collapse on the operating table.

The Chinese who were born in the new era are not like the older generation, they are careful and thrifty in everything, and they believe in a completely different life creed.

If you have money, you must enjoy it and spend it.

The new generation of Chinese people, they have received more education, know more, and have broader horizons. Coupled with the popularization and promotion of private anti-gravity aircraft, they have traveled and seen more places. , and the older generation is completely different.

A new spirit and appearance has appeared in the Chinese people, especially in the younger generation of Chinese people. This spirit and appearance are more obvious. The most prominent one is that the current Chinese people are more confident and more confident. pride.

In the past, the Chinese people were beaten because of their backwardness a hundred years ago, and their spines were almost broken.

Many people are very rude at home, but when they go out to meet foreigners, even the black uncles from the most backward areas in Africa are immediately shriveled and very honest and docile, which is actually a manifestation of lack of self-confidence.

Although Huaxia was not bad at that time, one of the five rogues, the second largest economy in the world, it was equally strong in terms of scientific and technological strength and military strength, but it was not confident enough, and there was no way to have a citizen of the world's top power like in the Han and Tang Dynasties. confidence and pride.

But it is completely different now. The young Chinese who grow up in the new era see the strength and rise of Huaxia, and they feel the same way. No matter where they go, Huaxia people are the most popular guests. .

Whether it is in terms of economy, technology, or culture, the comprehensive take-off at all levels has given young people in the new era a new spiritual outlook. They are very confident and proud, holding their heads high and high. He walked around every corner of the world with his chest in his chest, and then turned his eyes to the even more vast interstellar universe.

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