Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 307, business is back

San Francisco, North America.

Tom was very bored in patrolling his store, and the business was even worse. With the large-scale launch of the anti-gravity aircraft of Huaxia Aerospace Industry Group, the Liuyun anti-gravity aircraft of the Galaxy Aerospace Industry Group he represented could not be sold at all.

Even though Tom has a flamboyant eloquence, he still can't prevent customers from coming to the store to return the original order. After all, the difference of 200,000 US dollars is really too big.

Tom wanted to go out for a walk, but he was afraid of meeting Jack. This Jack had come to him more than once or twice. Seeing his face, Tom felt that he wanted to beat him.

"Let's play virtual games."

Tom put on his virtual helmet and was ready to play virtual games in the virtual world.

Just after logging into the virtual game, a piece of news came into my mind.

"At 9:12 a.m. Eastern Time, in the most prosperous and lively downtown of New York, two anti-gravity aircraft produced in China collided in the sky. The speed of the aircraft was very fast, and the collision produced a terrible explosion and shock wave. It directly caused the glass of a skyscraper below to be shattered."

"The glass fragments and the wreckage of the aircraft fell to the most prosperous Eighteenth Street, resulting in the death of 12 people, including the passengers of the aircraft, on the spot, and dozens of others were injured to varying degrees."

In Tom's mind, it was as if he had been at the scene of the accident, and he directly watched the video of the scene, the chaotic scene, the mourning of the injured people, and the huge impact from the explosion of the aircraft.

"These two anti-gravity vehicles are somersault cloud anti-gravity vehicles~"

Tom watched this news carefully. As a person engaged in the sales of anti-gravity aircraft, he is extremely sensitive to this news, because he clearly knows that once such an accident occurs, he must bear a huge responsibility as an agent.

He watched the video repeatedly. The video was captured by a camera on a high-rise building. It was relatively clear. He immediately saw that it was two somersault cloud anti-gravity aircraft.

"There have been a lot of recent reports of antigravity vehicle accidents around the world, but never before."

Tom thought carefully.

Then, as his thoughts moved, in the virtual world, a large number of reports about the accident of anti-gravity aircraft were searched, and Tom began to watch these videos carefully.

"Hahaha~ That's true, as I expected, hahaha~"

"Jack, you've had a good time now."

Soon, Tom couldn't help laughing happily. He took off his virtual helmet and looked at Jack's store, his competitor, as if he saw that Jack was about to face disaster.

Tom didn't wait too long. Only a few days later, his competitor Jack was sued in court. It turned out that after consumers in California bought somersault cloud anti-gravity aircraft, there were some problems one after another.

The flight of the aircraft is not stable enough, the intelligent control system is very bad, the automatic navigation and positioning is not accurate enough, and in serious cases, it even falls directly into the sea, and some even hit buildings and trees.

In serious cases, the death of personnel was directly caused, and in light cases, the anti-gravity aircraft was seriously damaged and the passengers were injured.

When the anti-gravity aircraft was purchased, the Somersault Cloud anti-gravity aircraft also promised everyone,

It is very safe and reliable, and even threatened to be safer than the Liuyun anti-gravity aircraft.

Because the somersault cloud anti-gravity aircraft has an ejection device for fighters, it can automatically eject in a crisis to achieve the purpose of self-rescue, while the Liuyun anti-gravity aircraft does not have such a device.

On this point, Huaxia Aerospace Industry Group is also hyping up propaganda, and even directly attacking Galaxy Aerospace Industry Group for ignoring the safety of consumers. The aircraft has no automatic ejection device and no parachute. Can't do it.

And this is naturally also promoted by the agents of Huaxia Aerospace Industry Group.

But now, the problem turned out to be the somersault cloud anti-gravity aircraft of Huaxia Aerospace Industry Group. Various problems have emerged one after another, and accidents have been caused one after another, because more and more people died of anti-gravity aircraft.

"Haha~ I just said that our Liuyun anti-gravity aircraft is the real safety. It has sold tens of millions of units in the past, and there is no problem in flying all over the world."

"Now the somersault cloud anti-gravity aircraft has only sold 3 million units in a month. There have been more than ten major safety accidents in this area of ​​California alone, and more than ten people have died."

"Jack, wait for the punishment to go bankrupt."

Tom, who heard the news, couldn't help but jump for joy. In this country, the protection of consumers' rights and interests is very strict. He clearly knows that his competitor Jack is definitely in big trouble. Will be punished for bankruptcy.

"Mr. Tom, Mr. Tom~"

At this moment, someone came over, and Tom quickly came to the store to take a look. It was Mr. Steven and Ms. Luna who came to return the order at the beginning.

"It turned out to be Mr. Steven and Ms. Luna. Long time no see. Do you like my Liuyun anti-gravity aircraft?"

Seeing the person coming, Tom opened his hands enthusiastically.

"Of course, I like it very much~"

"This time I came here to express my gratitude."

"Thanks to Mr. Tom's suggestion at the time, I didn't cancel the order for the Liuyun anti-gravity aircraft."

"However, my friend James, he didn't listen to my advice, he insisted on refunding the order, and then bought the somersault cloud anti-gravity aircraft. Just yesterday, a family of four went on a trip, because when passing through a thunderstorm area, the aircraft space-time , hit the mountain directly, and the whole family was killed."

Steven's face was ugly. In fact, after he and his good friend James each got their own private anti-gravity aircraft, the two sides also used each other for a period of time.

I don't know, I was shocked, the Liuyun anti-gravity aircraft I bought is very stable, intelligent, accurate, safe and reliable, no matter in any environment, there is no problem at all.

However, the somersault cloud anti-gravity aircraft that his friend James bought enough, he was scared to death after driving it once, and flying in the clear and open sky is fine, there is not much difference.

However, once entering the urban area, entering the thunderstorm area, etc., various problems will appear, such as slow response, inaccurate navigation, unstable flight, and almost hit a building.

For this reason, he also specifically warned his friend James that this aircraft is unreliable and unsafe, and it is better to use a converter cloud anti-gravity aircraft, but James did not follow his advice.

Yesterday, I took a family out to play, and all of them died at once.

"It's really unfortunate news, but fortunately, Mr. Steven, you bought our Liuyun anti-gravity aircraft, which is absolutely safe and reliable!"

Although Tom had a sympathetic look on his face after hearing this, his heart was filled with joy.

"Yeah~ Anyway, the Liuyun anti-gravity aircraft is safe and reliable. Although it is expensive, it is nothing compared to your own life."

Steven said from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, he is very fortunate, fortunate that he did not push the order, otherwise, it might be him who died.



Just two days after the two of them, someone gathered in the other party's anti-gravity aircraft shop, holding a banner in their hands and shouting loudly.

Tom, Steven and others walked out cleanly, wanting to see what happened.

Hundreds of people gathered directly, and some were even injured, wearing bandages or something, and some people used trailers to drag some seriously injured somersault cloud anti-gravity aircraft in disguise. The aircraft collided badly.

These hundreds of people gathered together and shouted slogans, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Soon, a large number of police rushed over to maintain order and prevent the angry people from making some irrational actions. At the same time, news media reporters who received the news also flocked. The news about anti-gravity aircraft is definitely the most attractive right now. news.

Angry consumers almost demolished Jack's store, and at the same time, these consumers joined forces and hired a large team of lawyers to take Jack to court.

In addition to taking Jack to court, these consumers even sued Huaxia Aerospace Industry Group in another part of Sun Ocean, claiming more than $20 billion in compensation and mental damage from Galaxy Aerospace Industry Group and Jack. fee.

The huge compensation of 20 billion US dollars may be a fantasy in China, but in this magical country, this is nothing, it is simply insignificant, and it is not uncommon.

"Hahaha, my business is back~"

Tom couldn't help laughing happily when he saw the scene in front of him.

The eyes of consumers are sharp, and everyone soon discovered that all the things that happened were the somersault cloud anti-gravity aircraft produced by Huaxia Aerospace Industry Group.

However, there is no problem with the Liuyun anti-gravity flight produced by Galaxy Aerospace Industry Group, because from beginning to end, the Liuyun anti-gravity aircraft has never had a single safety accident anywhere in the world, and it is absolutely safe and reliable.

Various countries have also conducted investigations into these aircraft safety accidents, and finally reached various conclusions, but one thing is the same.

That is to say, what happened was the Somersault Cloud Anti-gravity Analyzer, and the Liuyun Anti-gravity Aircraft was still very reliable and safe.

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