Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 277, Derivatives

Empire, Inkclaw Technology Group.

Although Moclaw Technology Group has only been established for a few years, the current Moclaw Technology Group has been successfully listed on the Huaxia A-share market and is a huge technology company with a market value of more than 500 billion Chinese coins.

The market value is 500 billion Chinese dollars. If it was four or five years ago, it could definitely be ranked among the leading companies in the A-share market. But now, in the Huaxia stock market, let alone companies with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars, they are trillions, tens of trillions There are also a lot of companies.

At the beginning, the listing of the Moon Mining Group created the myth of the global stock market. In the following days, there will be one after another of the Moon Mining Group listed, and any one is a behemoth with a market value of several trillions.

Coupled with the rapid development of China's economy in recent years and the substantial appreciation of Chinese currency, today's A-shares have also become the vane of the global economy, and various large companies have emerged one after another.

Inkclaw Technology Group with a market value of 500 billion can only be regarded as a very common member. Of course, Inkclaw Technology is also a leader in the field of idea machinery technology and space machinery technology. In these two fields, Inkclaw Technology Has a dominant position.

When Mozuo Technology started, it relied on the open mind robotic arm to provide mind mechanical technology for disabled people around the world, so that countless people can be reborn, and it has won a lot of praise at home and abroad.

Li Muxiao, one of the founders of Mozhao Technology, was rated as one of the outstanding young people in China in the new era, and is also an idol of countless young people.

At a young age, he didn't study in a top-level university, and even dropped out of school to start a business, but he just let him catch up with the good times. As soon as the ink claw technology went public, he also became a super rich of hundreds of billions.

His stories can be written into a legendary book, just like the former founder of the Microsoft empire, Bill Gates, who has too many, too many similar experiences.

He dropped out of top universities to start his own business, and engaged in the high-tech industry. He achieved great success at a young age... Of course, compared to Bill Gates, he really came from a poor background. His parents were ordinary people, his family was poor, and there was a disabled person. sister's.

This is also one of the reasons why he can become an idol of countless young people, and society also needs such a person to give everyone positive energy.

Domestic news media, etc. also like to put Li Muxiao and Qin Yi together, and regard them as symbols of the rise and power of China.

Because the two have too many similar experiences, and they are idols of so many young people, inspiring countless young people to study hard, drop out of school early to start a business, uh...

In the research and development center of Mozuo Machinery Technology Group, Li Muxiao, who is wearing a white coat, is immersed in the research and development of the latest virtual technology derivative industries.

He is very clear that the ink claw mechanical technology can develop to today, all of which are closely followed by the idea technology of Galaxy Technology Group.

Whether it is an assistive mechanical device for the disabled, or a space robotic arm used in space, etc., all of these closely follow the idea of ​​technology, which is the secret of their success.

Of course, all of this is inseparable from the mechanical technology master Li Muxiao. Although he is very young, it has to be said that he is very talented in the field of mechanical technology and is definitely a mechanical master-level figure.

Like Mozuo Technology, there are many companies that develop related derivatives around Idea Technology, but few can achieve the level of Mozuo Machinery Technology.

Almost all the spacecrafts, spacecraft, and robotic arms used on the moon in space are produced by ink claw mechanical technology.

At the same time, in the field of auxiliary machinery technology, Mozuo Machinery Technology also has a monopoly position. It not only opens up the auxiliary machinery technology to assist the disabled, but also develops the single-soldier auxiliary exoskeleton machinery technology, which is very popular in the global arms market. , leading the trend of individual soldier technology in the new era.

For the newly emerging virtual technology, Li Muxiao naturally paid attention to it very early, and also entered this field in the first time.

During this period of time, China's domestic Internet companies have been working hard and sharpening their heads to enter the virtual world and virtual industry, while Mozuo Machinery Group, as always, only specializes in the combination of virtual technology and mechanical technology. field.

Li Muxiao only likes mechanical technology, and he is only engaged in the field of mechanical technology. He has no interest in other fields.

At this moment, Li Muxiao was looking at a person with a virtual helmet on his head.

However, this virtual helmet is still different from the virtual helmet released by Galaxy Technology Group, because there are two cameras at both ends of this virtual helmet, just like two eyes.

As for the man wearing the virtual helmet, he also wore a pair of sunglasses and a stick beside him.

This is indoors, and there is no need to wear sunglasses at all. There is no doubt that this person is a person with disabilities in terms of eyes, and his eyes cannot see clearly, so he wears sunglasses to cover up, and at the same time, he cannot live without a stick.

His name is Xiong De, and he was born with eye problems. Since he was five years old, his eyesight became weaker and weaker. When he was 11 years old, his eyes completely lost their light.

I have seen many doctors, but it has no effect, because his blindness is not a retinal problem, but a congenital eye disease problem. With the current medical technology, there is no way to cure it.

He is now in his 20s, a colorful age, but he is blind, and his world is dark and without any color.

He doesn't have any friends, because it's extremely inconvenient to go out, and he can't even take care of himself, he can only rely on his elderly parents to take care of him.

At this time, Xiong De's parents were also on the side, with tears in their eyes. Parents all over the world hope that their children can be healthy and happy, but such things happen to their children. She was already crying dry.

Life still needs to continue, but I am already old, thinking that once I grow old, my children will have no support, and tears will flow out.

Fortunately, God did not really abandon them. With the advent of virtual technology, Mozhao Machinery Technology has been researching related auxiliary technology equipment. They are also fortunate to be selected to come and do research together, and have hope of regaining a new life.

Li Muxiao looked at Xiong De in front of him. He was handsome, with fair skin, black hair, and this pair of sunglasses. If he went out, he definitely didn't know how many girls he would kill in seconds.

"It's a pity~"

Li Muxiao thought of his sister Li Muxue, a kind and beautiful girl, how unfair God is, but she took away her sister's hands and the eyes of Xiong De in front of her.

"Are you ready?"

"I'm going to start here."

Li Muxiao shook his head and returned his attention to the experiment in front of him.

The emergence of virtual technology can convert all kinds of information into information that can be directly read by brain waves, so Li Muxiao is also thinking about whether it can be used to treat people who are blind in both eyes and deaf in both ears.

This is simple and very simple.

It is nothing more than adding a camera, a sound receiver and other things on the basis of the virtual machine, and then sending the picture captured by the camera directly to the brain, so that the eyes can be replaced and the light can be restored.

But things are not as simple as imagined, and it is definitely not as simple as just adding a camera.


Hearing Li Muxiao's words, Xiong De nodded slightly, and the whole person became extremely nervous.

He has been blind for more than ten years, and he had no hope for a long time. He even tried to commit suicide once. Now, when he thinks of regaining his sight, he is both excited and nervous.

Excited that he could be reborn, nervous that it was another failed attempt, and hope was shattered again. He had experienced this many times.

In the past, their parents took them to see the doctor, and they held up hope again and again, and they were broken again and again. He even had a heart of resistance. This time, it was only after the repeated and patient persuasion of his parents that he agreed to come and try.

On the side, Xiong De's parents are also very nervous, scared, and excited. If they hadn't personally tried the magic of the virtual machine, they wouldn't have believed this Mozuo Machinery Technology, because this Mozuo Machinery Technology is neither a hospital nor a hospital. Not a research institution that studies eye-related diseases.

It is just a mechanical technology company. Although it has opened up many mechanical technologies to assist disabled people in the past, its eyes are really different from others.

However, in order to convince them to come and cooperate with the research, Li Muxiao also let them experience the power of virtual technology. Even with their eyes closed, they can directly see a lot of text, pictures, videos, etc. through the virtual machine.

Immediately, Xiong De's parents were very excited. They seemed to have seen their son's hope of regaining light and a new life. Maybe they could really give it a try.

"It must be successful~It must be successful~"

Xiong De's parents prayed silently in their hearts, waiting for this day for a long time.

In order to cure Xiong De's eyes, the couple have traveled all over the world for more than ten years, begging God, worshiping Buddha, seeing famous doctors, and encountering liars. In short, they spent countless efforts. .

Watching the child grow up day by day and miss the opportunity to study, now should be the time to start a family and start a business, but who would want to marry their daughter to a blind man, even if the woman herself is disabled, I won't consider Xiong De, although Xiong De's appearance is actually very good.

But under such conditions, naturally, there is no matchmaker, let alone marrying a daughter-in-law, and not even a single friend.

But now, they have rekindled hope, as long as they can regain the light, and Xiong De is still young, everything is still possible.

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