Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 257, Virtual World Conference

"Chinese operating system?"

"Programming in Chinese?"

When everyone present heard this, they couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Everyone thought about the virtual world, and thought that Galaxy Technology was very powerful, but no one thought that Galaxy Technology Group would play such a big game this time.

This is not only to create a virtual world, but also to completely rebuild the Internet field, and directly use Chinese operating systems and Chinese programming.

Once again, these people are all good people, basically they are big guys in the Internet field, and many of them are also from programmers. Naturally, they are very clear that the foundation of the Internet field is English, and they all know that they learned programming at the beginning. How much pain did it take.

In the research on Chinese programming and Chinese operating systems, you can even see the support behind many bigwigs.

Unexpectedly, Galaxy Technology Group has directly developed the Chinese operating system and Chinese programming, and the new virtual world is also based on the Chinese operating system and Chinese programming.

What does this mean, everyone present couldn't help laughing all of a sudden.

"As expected of Qin Yi~"

"With this Chinese operating system and Chinese programming, we will always be invincible in the field of virtual world."

Brother Xiao Ma couldn't help but let out a sigh, he is a programmer, and he knows the meaning of Chinese programming and Chinese operating system.

This is definitely not just as simple as changing English to Chinese, it has extraordinary significance for our own development in the field of virtual world and in the field of computer.

In the past, to learn computers and programming, you must first learn English, and then learn the rules of programming, which will make many people discouraged from programming.

It's completely different now. You don't need to learn English, you can directly learn programming rules. Even ordinary Chinese people can program by themselves as long as they learn a little bit of Chinese programming rules.

This is the natural advantage of language, irreplaceable.

Brother Ma's eyes seemed to see the booming virtual world industry in China in the future.

While shocked by Qin Yi's generosity, everyone felt relieved again and used Chinese to program and operate the operating system in Chinese. They believed that they should be able to compete with foreigners in this field.

As for their own domestic competitors, they themselves are giants in various fields, with strong capital and foundation, and they are confident that they will win the competition.

"This virtual world is bound to be internationalized and replace the Internet, which means that our users are global users. If more than 7 billion people in the world only use WeChat~"

One after another, the big men pondered constantly in their minds, thinking and thinking, and couldn't help but smile on their faces.

In the past, it was only a domestic user and group of Huaxia, but in the future, it will be aimed at users and groups around the world. The base of this user will explode in an instant, and this rolling wealth will come surging.


On the other hand, large and small Internet companies from all over the world are also rushing in, making the entire Huangjing Town extremely congested, and hotels are full. You can meet colleagues in the Internet field if you walk around.

Under the auspices of Galaxy Network Technology Group, the first virtual world conference was also officially held in Huangjing Town.

In the largest lobby of the newly opened five-star Wanda International Hotel in Huangjing Town,

Wang Zhengyang, the head of Galaxy Network Technology Group, began to talk about the virtual world to the heads of domestic Internet companies in the first hall.

In the hall, everyone wears virtual helmets on their heads. While experiencing the magic of virtual technology, they are amazed at the powerful technological strength of Galaxy Technology.

At the same time, he also listened carefully to the words of Wang Zhengyang on the podium, because it is related to all aspects of the virtual world in the future, and it is also related to his future development, and the update is related to huge wealth.

"In the future, our virtual world will be internationalized and globalized, and it will inevitably replace the current Internet~"

"This means that the users of the virtual world come from all over the world, and it is a global-oriented user. The global integration and the trend of global villageization will be faster."

"It also means that in this new virtual world, as long as we can take the lead, there will be rolling wealth accompanying us."

Wang Zhengyang's words were full of endless temptations, which made everyone under the podium excited.

In fact, there is no need for Wang Zhengyang to say that, everyone can already imagine the prosperity and huge benefits of the virtual world in the future. The virtual machine world for global users, just occupying a little bit in it is enough to eat a mouthful of oil.

Everyone was excited, some clenched their fists, and all of them had a big fight in virtual time.

Some people flushed with excitement, as if they saw mountains of gold and silver waiting for them to dig.

Some people can't help but get excited when they think of global users. Such a huge market has a lot to do.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, this virtual world that is not yet open to ordinary people is like a virgin land full of gold. Just digging with a hoe can dig mountains of gold and silver.

Just go inside for a circle, draw a circle, you can encircle a country, a country that is enough for your children and grandchildren.

"In the future virtual world, we will strive to make it an open, fair and just platform. All enterprises and individuals can find their own opportunities and happiness in this virtual world~"

"Let me tell you the rules for accessing the virtual world. We use all Chinese programming and all Chinese operating systems in the virtual world."

"I have rules and teachings related to Chinese programming here. We will also publish them on the official website of our Galaxy Network Technology Group after the meeting. You can download it yourself."


Just when Wang Zhengyang held the first virtual world conference, here at the headquarters of Galaxy Technology Group, waves of foreigners arrived late.

As the CEO of Gu Ge, Indian Pichai came to Galaxy Technology Group this time with a very large team. Gu Ge has also concluded that Galaxy Technology Group must have researched the virtual technology. It is necessary to construct It is a brand new virtual world, so it will invite Chinese domestic Internet companies to come to the meeting.

For the virtual world, Gu Ge is absolutely not to be missed.

The history of the development of the Internet industry has told everyone that companies that cannot keep up with the development trend of the times will eventually be abandoned, and Brother Gu definitely does not want to be abandoned.

In addition to Gu Ge's huge team, Facebook's pony also personally led a huge team of more than 100 people, all the way to Huangjing Town without stopping.

As a newly emerging world-class billionaire and a super-big man in the Internet field, he knows too well that once the virtual world appears, if he falls behind others, it will be catastrophic for Facebook.

Once you fall behind and are abandoned by others, you won't even have the chance to turn over. This is the cruel reality of the Internet field.

Brother Gu, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, and other international Internet giants all came one after another, and each of them was led by the person in charge of their respective companies, and the team was larger than the other.

Gu Ge's Pichai, Facebook's Pony, Amazon's Bezos, Microsoft's Nadella... All of them are giants in the Internet field.

The speed of these bigwigs is similar, and almost all of them arrive at the Galaxy Technology Group at the same time.

"There is no one who is our Uncle Sam's opponent in the Internet field. Even if you have mastered virtual technology, if you leave us, you can't call it a virtual world. It should be a virtual China."

Microsoft CEO Nadella, who was born in India, looked at the headquarters of Galaxy Technology Group and said very confidently.

PS: It is said that many executives in European and American Internet companies are Indians~~

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