Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 237, strong response

The Zhuhai Air Show continued to be popular, and at the same time, several products launched by Galaxy Aerospace Industry Group were quickly spread all over the world under the reports of the global news media.

"Recently, at the Huaxia Zhuhai Air Show, both Galaxy Aerospace Industry Group and Huaxia Aerospace Industry Group showed their latest anti-gravity fighters to the world."

"The performance is extremely superior, surpassing the current state-of-the-art fifth- and sixth-generation aircraft in an all-round way. The global fighter aircraft has entered the era of anti-gravity, and Huaxia is willing to sell such advanced fighter aircraft, which poses a serious threat to the balance of global military power and local regional security. threaten."

"We urgently need to break China's monopoly of anti-gravity technology and restore the power of all countries in the world to a balanced situation. Otherwise, once the old situation is broken, it will inevitably cause a wave of violent turmoil on a global scale."

"We Uncle Sam, as the Earth Observatory, we have the responsibility and obligation to maintain global peace. We strongly demand that China must disclose anti-gravity technology as soon as possible to remove the threat to global peace and justice."

This time, the news media on Laomei's side couldn't sit still. Seeing the Chinese people feasting on their food, all kinds of orders were received softly.

But this time the exhibitors were very miserable. Boeing not only did not receive new orders, but even suffered a wave of cancellations, and the stock price began to plummet in a short period of time.

Aviation-related military enterprises are also very miserable. In the past, the hot US-made fighter jets sat on the bench this time, and only received a few orders, and they were not even enough to plug their teeth.

Therefore, the American news media is also very rude. It is very American to directly buckle a hat on the head of the Chinese people, which affects the global balance of power and threatens the security of time. Each hat is bigger than the other.

Of course, the hats are casually buckled, anyway, there are more lice than itching, and even the big battle at the beginning of the year has survived, what is there to fear.

What's more, Uncle Sam can only talk about it now. Baiyun anti-gravity fighters can be sold out. Huaxia's own Qingyun sky fighters are so powerful that they can get it with their toes.

What's more, the two companies, Huaxia Aerospace Industry Group and Xinghe Aerospace Industry Group, are building spaceships and fighter jets. If you carefully calculate their production capacity, you can only talk about it. You definitely don't dare to do anything to Huaxia. If threatened, military power has changed.

Not only military power, but also economic and technological power have undergone tremendous changes. Huaxia is no longer the Huaxia it used to be. Now it is powerful, but it is not as pushy as the old beauty.

I like to be the world's respect ~ ~ ~ just observe.

"The Chinese people have officially entered the civil aviation field. The powerful anti-gravity technology makes the Chinese people's spacecraft extremely superior. Our Europeans' Airbus and Uncle Sam's Boeing have failed this time, and we have also encountered a wave of cancellations. "

"Napoleon's prediction came true. The lion of Huaxia has not only woken up, but they have also stood on the top of the world again, from the mining base on the moon to the huge space station in space, the space solar power station, and then on to the top of the world. Coupled with the anti-gravity private aircraft launched by Huaxia now."

"A new era has come. This era is called the interstellar space era, and the new era, this time the leader is China, not our Anglo-Saxons. Although this is very uncomfortable, it is the truth."

"Our human footprint is getting farther and farther, and our planet is getting smaller and smaller. With the advent of private anti-gravity aircraft, this means that the era of the global village has truly arrived."

"We can imagine our life in the future, we work in Paris, London, Berlin during the day, and after get off work we can take a private anti-gravity aircraft to go to Australia, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean to race the sun and surf, because these places are just right at that time. It's daytime."

"On weekends, we can also invite friends from all over the world to go fishing for piranhas in the rainforests of Brazil, go to the grasslands of Africa to watch lions prey, or go to the Arctic to deliver food to polar bears to help them survive. through the hard times of winter.”

"Of course, private anti-gravity aircraft are very expensive now and are standard for the super rich, but I believe that with the development of technology, it will inevitably enter thousands of households slowly."

"Just, shouldn't we have to reflect deeply, what have we experienced over the years? What have we gained? What have we lost?"

"Once our ancestors overcame obstacles and waves on the world's oceans, and laid down almost the entire earth's colonies for our descendants, leaving behind countless precious treasures."

"But what about us?"

"We always complain that the working hours are too long. We only need to work 35 hours a week, but we are still not satisfied. We also hope to reduce the working hours, increase wages, benefits and so on."

"But do you know that in the East, whether it is Chinese, Japanese or Korean, they are all very hardworking. It is very common to work more than 10 hours a day, and it is normal to have no rest on weekends."

"I think it is their diligence, so although they once fell behind, they can still rise up quickly. If we don't work hard now, we may not even have the opportunity to work hard in the future."

Compared with the news media in the old and the United States, Europeans are even more worried. Combined with history, they recalled the glory of their ancestors. Looking at the present, people of insight can't help but persuade everyone to work harder. When working, don't always think about vacation and play, otherwise the days in the future will definitely be very miserable.

Of course, such a voice will soon be drowned out by countless saliva. Europeans are all uncles, the kind who leave work on time. It is impossible to work overtime. It is absolutely impossible to work overtime in this life. , and still live a dashing and unrestrained life.

Just how long can such good days last?

Foreign countries are boiling, and the same is true in China. Of course, everyone is not interested in the fighter jets and spaceships launched by Galaxy Aerospace Group. What really caused heated discussions were the two private anti-gravity aircraft launched by Galaxy Aerospace Industry Group.

From major domestic forums, social platforms, online platforms, etc., to various streets and alleys in China, everyone was very excited after a meal, and had a heated discussion.

"The private anti-gravity aircraft is here, and the price is 20 million. It is absolutely impossible for the real local tyrants to play."

"Since then, the local tyrants have another way to show off their wealth. In the past, they drove luxury cars to bars and school gates. Now they park their private anti-gravity aircraft in the air, and everyone can see the effect immediately. The effect is just now. of."

"Don't be envious, everyone. As soon as this private anti-gravity aircraft comes out, I estimate that it will be gradually promoted and popularized to the common people. Home in the Midwest."

"So I decided not to buy a house. I'm going to buy a 200-square-meter house in the small county of my hometown. There are hundreds of thousands left to wait for Galaxy Technology Group to launch a civilian-type private anti-gravity aircraft."

"If it's really like what I said above, then you can really go back to the countryside, and build a small villa in your hometown, which will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now there are Internet everywhere, plus this advanced anti-gravity Aircraft and jobs can be found all over the country, not just one city."

"In that case, our lives will undergo tremendous changes. We can get rid of the shackles of high housing prices, and we can also get rid of the shackles of urban employment. We can not only look for jobs across the country, but also globally Business."

"As you think about beauty, the industry will ruin the country, and the real estate will prosper the country. If this is the case, companies in the real estate industry will go bankrupt, and who would be foolish enough to be a house slave for life."

"The times are changing, and the real estate industry will also change. Maybe in the future, there will be fewer houses built in big cities, but you can build villas in small places. Someone will have demand. The market will always be there, but it's just constantly changing."

"Support the point of view upstairs."

"I hope Galaxy Technology Group won't make us wait too long. I really want to live the life of the earth lord as soon as possible, go to work on the coast, go back to my hometown in the evening, and travel around the world with three or five friends on weekends. Just thinking about such a day is enough. Let Ran be fascinated by it.”

"With the speed of development of Galaxy Technology Group, I guess we don't have to wait too long. It's like a few years ago, we couldn't imagine our current life at all. The development of technology is so fast, so fast."


The whole of China is discussing the matter of private anti-gravity aircraft, and they are all looking forward to its entry into the lives of ordinary people as soon as possible. After all, the current price of 20 million Chinese dollars is too expensive.

But everyone has great confidence in Galaxy Technology Group and Qin Yi, and believes that it will be realized soon.

PS: I really yearn for that kind of life, and I don’t know if I can see the arrival of this era in my lifetime.

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