Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 201, Mutual benefit and win-win

"It's still good at home~"

"It's okay to go to the moon to play, but if you live on the moon for a long time, you will go crazy."

Qin Yi is located in the Tianzi 001 villa in the Galaxy Science and Technology Community. Qin Yi is lying on the sofa comfortably, watching the news broadcast, and carefully recalling this trip to the moon.

After thinking about it, in the end, I still feel that the earth with life and color is more comfortable.

"Today, the head of the bald eagle came to visit the country. The two sides had in-depth conversations around the current hot topics and reached a lot of consensus with each other."

"Today's world is a world of win-win cooperation, and confrontation and hostility between each other are of no benefit to both parties. Under the premise of this consensus, the two sides have conducted in-depth discussions in many fields such as economic sweaters, energy, technology, and space. , and made substantial progress and breakthroughs~”

The news broadcast was playing on Uncle Sam's visit to China.

With the development of lunar tourism, the first group of lunar tourists returned to the earth very safely and smoothly. They told all the videos and breakthroughs they had seen and heard on the moon.

These people are all super rich in the world, and they all have huge influence. Through their personal stories, people all over the world can clearly see the coming of the interstellar space age.

In the same way, we can see the vast moon above, and there are mountains of gold and silver everywhere, containing endless resources and wealth.

At the same time, people around the world have also seen the power of Huaxia. The power of the Chinese people in interstellar space has surpassed the sum of the power of other countries on the earth, and it is even bigger. I don't know how many times.

Therefore, countries all over the world have come to their senses, and continue to follow the bald eagle to fight against the Chinese dragon, which will not benefit them at all. It is better to cooperate with Huaxia for mutual benefit and win-win, and work together to enter the interstellar space age.

The heads of countries have all gone to China, so that the recent news broadcasts are full of such news. Today, the head of the country came over and reached many cooperation agreements. Tomorrow will be again. When the head of state came over, what kind of cooperation agreement was reached?

All of a sudden, Pidian and Pidian came over to be friends with the giant dragon, and even the Bald Eagle couldn't sit still. There was no way, the situation was stronger than people.

"It turned out that I was worried about not having meat to eat,

It is estimated that I will soon be afraid that my stomach is not big enough to eat~”

Looking at the news, Qin Yi couldn't help but smile.

Now the situation has suddenly changed, the markets of various countries in the world have reopened to China, and the oil of various oil-producing countries in the world is also desperately selling to China.

In the past, Huaxia was the world's largest oil consumer. Some time ago, due to the blockade on the Bald Eagle side, oil was not allowed to be sold to Huaxia, so many oil-producing countries were suddenly sad.

Because they suddenly discovered that when the Chinese people did not buy their oil, their oil could not be sold all of a sudden, the production capacity was overcapacity, and the price fell, which made them panic.

This is just like Venezuela. When the oil price was high, life was very comfortable, but after the 21st century, when the oil price fell, their life was suddenly miserable, and even enough food was a problem. .

Now the world's major oil-producing countries are almost all facing the same problem. If the huge market of the world's largest oil-consuming country suddenly disappears, the impact on the global oil supply and demand can be imagined.

The market has opened up, oil has been shipped again, everything in China has begun to return to normal again, and the economy has begun to develop rapidly.

You must know that China is not only the world's largest oil consumer, but also basically the world's largest consumer in all aspects. After all, the business of 1.4 billion people is very huge.

What's more, with Huaxia's economy becoming the world's largest last year, with per capita GDP close to 20,000, Huaxia people have money in their bags, and consumption has been fully stimulated. How huge is this market? Enough for some companies to eat their mouths full of oil.

You must know that in history, large companies in many countries are about to go bankrupt, but they finally came back to life in China. The most famous one is the Land Rover car.

At the beginning, they were sold to Tata in India. Finally, the Tata Group repackaged it. When it arrived in China, it became the symbol of luxury cars and the exclusive use of local tyrants. It miraculously came back to life.

There are still many things like Land Rover. The huge market of Huaxia has made too many companies in the world a lot of money.

In addition, Huaxia not only has a huge market, Huaxia's industrial products are also sold all over the world, ranging from small children's toys, clothes and shoes worn by people, etc. Idea machine and so on.

Huaxia has a complete range of industries, large output, good quality and low price, providing a continuous and sufficient supply of goods to the world. Huaxia manufacturing has also become an indispensable part of the lives of people all over the world.

In the past few months, without the constant supply of cheap goods provided by Huaxia, the lives of people around the world have also suffered a huge impact.

Although there are many countries in the world that can be replaced, either the price is expensive, making everyone's living cost skyrocket, or the quality is worrying, and the output is limited.

You must know that there are very few people in the world who are as hard-working and hard-working as Chinese people. Europeans and Americans talk about human rights, and their salaries are very high. However, they have little work and cannot work overtime. Things, they don't produce at all, because not only can't make money, but also lose money.

As for the black uncles in Africa, they are the masters who would rather die of thirst than dig wells, or die of starvation rather than farming. You expect them to go to the factory to work for you, and the wages will be paid daily, and they will also give you foreign workers to work three times a day. God, I will never come back to work until the money is spent.

As for Indians and East Asians, they are also very lazy. The key is that the industries in these countries are not complete enough, and many things cannot be produced. At this time, there will be no substitutes at all.

Therefore, without the various products made by Huaxia, the lives of people all over the world will not be easy, and Europeans and Americans suddenly find that their living costs are skyrocketing.

The same clothes, you can buy casually for 10 dollars in the past, but now you can't buy clothes of the previous quality for 50 dollars, and even more so for the idea machine that you desire. You can't buy it in the market, you can only buy smuggled, black-hearted second-hand dealers. The price has doubled more than ten times, and it still looks like you want to buy it or not.

Therefore, Huaxia, which seemed to be irrelevant before, suddenly realized their importance. This is a huge market and a huge industrial base. It provides a variety of products for people all over the world, and it also consumes huge global resources.

In the past few months, even though life here in Huaxia is difficult, there is no energy, no global market, a large number of enterprises and factories have been closed, and even the cars on the road have become bustling.

However, life in other countries around the world may not be much better. The cost of living in Europe and the United States has skyrocketed, and people’s grievances have been boiling. The originally high welfare society has become more and more fragile. It took a few months to make everyone feel Tested.

As for some other countries, without the huge market of Huaxia, they suddenly found that there are no buyers for the things they produce, and they cannot be sold even if the price falls. After all, the market is there.

All of this is enough to explain several problems. One problem is that the earth has become a really closely integrated whole, and no country can develop without this whole.

One is to illustrate the importance of China. It is very important to the world. Its huge market and strong industry are enough to have a huge impact on the world.

Only through cooperation can we achieve mutual benefit, common development and common progress. Confrontation between each other is of no benefit to anyone.

After fully realizing this, everyone naturally knows how to do it.

In the past, the bald eagle was too greedy, wanted to robbery with open flames, and wanted to smash wool, but Huaxia is not an ordinary country, and it is not a chicken that is tied to its feet by a dog chain. Naturally, it is not the object of your kneading.

Combining with the news content recently broadcast by Qin Yi and the current situation, Qin Yi is also very clear about what will happen next.

The situation has improved, and countries around the world have embraced the giant dragon again. The same giant dragon has also made corresponding compromises. In the field of idea technology, in the field of space and the moon, more cooperation with countries around the world must be carried out.

Of course, this cooperation is a mutually beneficial and win-win relationship between the two parties. It is not a direct robbery like a bald eagle. You give me benefits, and I will also give you benefits, which is beneficial to both parties.

"That's fine~ Mutual benefit and win-win is the theme of this world~"

PS: I hope this will not be sprayed, but I think this is a more reasonable way~

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