Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 179, 2021 Company Data

? The Chinese New Year is getting closer and closer, and the New Year's taste on the side of Galaxy Technology Group is getting heavier and heavier. From Galaxy Aerospace Industrial Park to Galaxy Technology Research Institute, to Galaxy Technology Community, Galaxy Aerospace Industrial Base in Huangping Town, all Galaxy Group All relevant places have begun to hang festive red lanterns, Huaxia Festival and so on.

Galaxy Technology Group itself is the owner of the money, and it is very willing in this regard. In addition, in a few days, Qin Yi, the boss of Galaxy Technology Group, is about to get married, so the entire Galaxy Technology pattern is even more festive. , lively.

In the headquarters building of Galaxy Technology Group, in Qin Yi's office, many high-level executives of Galaxy Technology Group gathered again, all with smiles on their faces.

It's the end of the year again, when it's time to report the results of the past year to your boss, and it's time to ask your boss for a red envelope. Galaxy Technology Group's year-end bonus is very generous, and it's what everyone is most looking forward to before the New Year.

"Time flies so fast, another year has passed~"

Lin Ye, who was dressed in a suit, sighed that time was like an arrow, and the sun and the moon were like shuttles.

"No, it feels like a blink of an eye. I still remember the party in our company before the New Year's Eve last year. It was very exciting. There are many people in our company this year, so there is no way for everyone to get together for the party."

Liu Peiqiang smiled and nodded. Recently, the company is also preparing for the New Year's party, but this time, it is held separately. There is a party at the headquarters of the group, and there are parties at each subsidiary.

There is no way, there are too many people. After a long period of expansion, Galaxy Technology Group now has more than 10,000 employees.

On the side of Galaxy Aerospace Industry Group alone, with the development of the undergraduate engineer program, there are tens of thousands of employees on the side of Galaxy Aerospace Industry Group.

There are also tens of thousands of scientists, engineers, and researchers at the Galaxy Science and Technology Research Institute. Galaxy Electronics, Galaxy Energy, Galaxy Bio, and Galaxy Mining add up to tens of thousands, and the total number of the entire group exceeds 10,000.

With such a huge number of employees, Galaxy Technology Group is already a super huge company just in terms of the number of employees. 35xs

There are too many people, so naturally there is no way to get together to hold the New Year's party anymore, only the inside of each subsidiary and each department can be lively and lively.

"The change in Huangjing Town is really great. When I first came here, it was a wilderness, but now it is a thriving new city full of infinite vitality."

Lin Ye looked out of the window, and there were many high-rise buildings. He recalled what he saw when he first came. It all seemed to happen overnight.

"The change will be faster in the future~"

At this time, Qin Yi came over with a smile. He was busy with his marriage recently, and Qin Yi was also very busy.

Marriage is a big event, no matter where it is placed, it will be taken very seriously, and Qin Yi also intends to give Wen Xueying a wedding of the century, so Qin Yi also personally participated in all aspects of the preparatory work.

Of course, this is not the busiest. What really makes Qin Yi devastated is the matter about the invitation list for the wedding banquet. Even if he does a random calculation, there are too many people who need to be invited.

Not to mention friends and relatives, this must be invited.

There are also a lot of people to be invited by the Galaxy Group. Basically, the high-level people have to invite them, and the research institute and Qin Yi often deal with each other. Naturally, the company's veterans when it was just founded, etc., just count it casually, at least Also hundreds of people.

Qin Yi didn't get married to collect money, but it was also a courtesy to invite relatives and friends to the wedding. If the invitation was opened, Qin Yi estimated that thousands of people would at least get it.

If some friends do not invite,

No, because the next time they meet, they will inevitably be told by someone, so Qin Yi is also very troubled about this.

"Cough cough~ Let me report the financial data of our company in 2021 first~"

As the fo of the group, He Junbo looked at the crowd and was the first to speak out.

As a company, the most important thing is, of course, how much turnover and how much money it has made in the past year. This is the most concerned issue of the boss, and it is also the concern of these high-level executives.

The more money you earn, the boss is happy, and you will naturally not treat everyone badly in terms of year-end bonuses this year.

"In the past year, our Galaxy Technology Group achieved a total turnover of 520.9 billion, of which the sales of Galaxy Energy's atomic matrix batteries achieved 575.9 billion, and the sales of Galaxy Electronic Concept Machines achieved 145.6 billion, and Galaxy Aerospace Industry Group achieved operating income. 219.4 billion."

He took out the financial data report, and the financial data report was copied several times. The company's senior staff had one copy, and he also began to talk about the data.

"Breakthrough 5 trillion~"

When the senior management of the company saw it, they couldn't help but smile on their faces.

Although everyone has long known that the company is very profitable and its turnover is very large, you can probably estimate a number in your heart, but when you haven't seen the year-end financial data, you naturally don't know how much.

If the receivables of 5 trillion Chinese dollars are replaced by US dollars, there are more than 800 billion US dollars. Even if such a huge revenue is placed in the world's top 500 companies with many experts, it is definitely a well-deserved world number one. .

You must know that Wal-Mart, the world's top 500, has a yearly revenue of more than 500 billion US dollars. Huaxia Power Grid, several super state-owned enterprises in China, is more than 00 billion US dollars a year, and two barrels of oil are also more than 00 billion US dollars. .

In other words, the revenue of a company of Galaxy Technology Group is basically equal to the sum of Huaxia Power Grid and two barrels of oil. Although it is a little worse now, everyone is confident that it will easily exceed this number in the new 2022.

Of course, this is only the scale. Although the scale can reflect the strength of an enterprise, what really depends on it is the profitability of the enterprise.

"The company's receivables are 520.9 billion, the company's net profit after tax is 459.1 billion, and the profit margin is as high as 66~"

Soon, He Junbo reported the most relevant and most anticipated figure for everyone. In 2021, the net profit will be 450 billion. This figure is an extremely huge and amazing figure.

If 450 billion is converted into US dollars, there are more than 500 billion US dollars. Such an amazing profit is beyond imagination.

You must know that among the world's top 500 companies, the fruit company in the United States is one of the most profitable companies. Its annual receivables exceed 200 billion US dollars, and its profit is about 50 billion US dollars, but its scale is a quarter of that of Galaxy Technology Group. First, the profit is only one-tenth of that of Galaxy Technology Group.

In terms of revenue, Galaxy Technology Group has not been able to add two barrels of oil to the Huaxia Power Grid, but in terms of profits, it must be known that the total profit of the world's top 500 companies is about 2 trillion US dollars. One Galaxy Technology A quarter of the group's profits.

From this alone, you can see the terrible earning power of Galaxy Technology Group. Even if the receivables are high, the key point is that the profit margin is really terrible. The profit margin exceeds 60%. Looking at the world, there are only some Internet companies. , high-tech enterprises can have such high profit margins.

There is no way, what Galaxy Technology is doing here is monopoly business, whether it is atomic matrix batteries or mind machines, all of them are exclusive businesses, and what they do is monopoly business.

All of them are high-tech products. This atomic matrix battery determines the fate of the emerging electric vehicle industry. The idea machine has driven the arrival of the entire idea technology era. Buying the idea machine makes money, which is in cooperation with other domestic enterprises in China to develop the idea For technology products, Galaxy Technology Group also makes a lot of money, and it does not require any cost. It is all pure profit.

If you really want to say that making money is more general, it is the Galaxy Aerospace Industry Group. This Qingyun aerospace fighter cannot be taken out. The price of selling it to the top is low. It is only 1 billion, and it can only earn a few hundred million. , the key is that the number of orders is small, and only 00 have been received until now.

As for the anti-gravity spacecraft, 50 billion one seems to be very bluffing, but the profit is only tens of billions. The key is that there is not much output now.

What really makes money is the idea machine and the atomic matrix battery, which do not seem to be tall, but are closely related to the lives of ordinary people, with large sales and high profit margins.

"Boss, how much you earn this year, you have to give everyone a big red envelope~"

Lu Qingwei grinned, and opened his mouth to ask Qin Yi for a New Year's red envelope. As an employee of the company, only at this time can he confidently ask his boss for a New Year's red envelope. Naturally, he must seize the opportunity. .


When the others heard it, they couldn't help but laugh.

"Send, you must send~"

Qin Yi naturally nodded and agreed. As a black-hearted capitalist, Qin Yi knew very well that if he wanted his horse to run fast, he had to feed his horse. In terms of remuneration, Galaxy Technology Group is a clear stream in the domestic business community.

"Has the company's year-end bonus plan come out?"

He turned to look at He Junbo and asked.

"Come out, this year's year-end bonus plan is that the year-end bonus for scientific and technological personnel will pay 10 months' salary, and ordinary company employees will pay 6-10 months' salary~"

He Junbo nodded, and took out another document and handed it to Qin Yi. He knew that Qin Yi would definitely talk about the year-end bonus, and he had already prepared everything.

The salary and benefits of Galaxy Technology Group are relatively solid. It would not be said that the basic salary is set to be very low, and then some miscellaneous projects will come out. Therefore, the year-end bonus is paid in several months' salary.

"Give everyone an extra two months' salaries. In addition, the senior management of the company and Lin Ye receive a bonus of 200 million yuan, and everyone else will receive 100 million yuan each. The year-end bonus for everyone in the company's research institute will be raised by another level, Professor Qiu Feng. , Professor Shen Gongbao, their level is equivalent to the company's top management, and each person will be issued 100 million."

"Our company has not been listed, and it should not be listed in the future, so there is no way to do equity incentives. I can only give you more wages and bonuses. I hope everyone can understand."

Qin Yi carefully read the year-end bonus plan, pondered carefully for a while, and said slowly, he is about to get married, and the company is making money again. Qin Yi has always been willing to spend money on his own employees, he waved his hand, It's also a big red envelope for everyone.

ps: There is something to delay today, just one chapter~~

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