Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 163, self-improvement

In the imperial capital, in the courtyard house Qin Yi bought, Qin Yi was lying on the sofa, watching today's news broadcast.

Although Qin Yi attended the meeting in person during the day, but now watching the meeting again through the news broadcast, the whole person couldn't help but get excited.

Relying on its strong influence, Laomei has almost united most of the countries on the earth, and united to exert enormous pressure on China.

Facing the aggressive attitude of the bald eagle and the unreasonable demands, there was no sign of backing down from above.

This time, Bald Eagle's request was too much.

Huaxia is required to disclose anti-gravity power technology and jointly develop space and moon; severely punish Galaxy Technology Group and disclose atomic matrix battery technology and idea technology technology.

Although the representatives sent by the bald eagle were very euphemistic when they spoke, and the words were also very sophisticated, the essence was to ask China to disclose these three key technologies.

Huaxia has finally developed three leading technologies, and the old and beautiful side will join forces to force the palace, and it means that they will never give up if they do not disclose these three technologies.

This is Chi Guoguo's robbery, a blatant bandit and robber behavior, and only the descendants of bandits and robbers like Bald Eagle can do such a thing.

In their eyes, only they can lead the world. Once any other person has any lead in the world, especially if they are a bit ahead, they will never allow such a thing to exist.

Now it is a robbery that has made it clear that it needs to be fought with open flames. This means of combining economic sanctions is only the beginning, and there are more methods that have not yet been used.

In the face of such a robbery of Chi Guoguo, there is absolutely no way to back down.

Because today if you take a step back, tomorrow they will take an inch again. In the future, as long as they value what Huaxia is, they can use the same method to force you to submit again.

It has already reached the point where it is impossible to retreat, and it is unbearable. In addition, in the past two years, its own strength has grown greatly, especially the emergence of anti-gravity spaceships and Qingyun sky fighters. Xu, prepare to play with the Bald Eagle to the end.

In the face of the severe situation, the above also held this conference with the theme of 'constant self-improvement'.

"The meeting emphasized that in the face of the severe international situation, we must continue to improve ourselves and be prepared to deal with all possibilities."

Listening to the voice on the TV, Qin Yi was also filled with emotion.

The daytime meeting lasted all day, and in the next few days, Qin Yi still had many meetings to attend, including economic meetings, scientific and technological meetings, and even military meetings.

"Our country has a population of 1.4 billion, which itself is an extremely large market. As long as domestic demand can be fully stimulated, these domestic enterprises in our country do not have to worry about starvation."

"In the worst case, it's just foreign capital leaving and foreign trade shrinking. At most, there will be a period of time when the economy will fall into a downturn, or even go backwards."

"The decision made by the top is very correct. Our eyes cannot be limited to the earth. Now that we have the ability to develop interstellar space and the moon, the focus should still be on the interstellar space and the moon."

"Once the interstellar space industry develops vigorously, it is enough to inject new vitality into the development of our Chinese economy. Even in the face of international sanctions, this influence can be slowly reduced to a minimum."

Qin Yi kept recalling the content of the daytime meeting in his mind, and was also thinking about the next development direction.

Huaxia now has many shortcomings, and its economic dependence on foreign countries is still very high.

One of this dependence is resources. For energy and other resources, China has a very large demand. A few years ago, it was already the world's number one oil import consumer.

Powerful industries also require resources from all over the world to function, without which they would not be able to operate at all.

Another is the dependence on the international market. The scale of Huaxia's annual exports is very large, and many enterprises are relatively dependent on the international market.

Once the situation changes, it is necessary to make comprehensive preparations in this regard.

"Developing Space Energy ~Space Agriculture~"

"It seems that the top side has also fully consulted the opinions of scientists and scholars."

"In the past, a large part of energy relied on oil, but with the atomic matrix battery, it is completely possible to build a solar power station in space and generate electricity in space. The efficiency is dozens or even hundreds of times that on the earth. In terms of energy, we can gradually get rid of external dependence.”

"The only problem now is that domestic cars, etc., most of them still burn gasoline, and the number and proportion of electric cars are still too small."

"As for most of the mineral resources such as iron ore, copper ore, etc., there are extremely rich reserves on the moon. Once lunar mining takes place, it will soon replace the dependence on external imports."

"Develop the space industry, lunar mining, and expand domestic demand~"

Qin Yi thought carefully and had to nod his head, because now this road seems to be the only way out, because most countries and regions in the whole world have stood on the side of the bald eagle. .

"The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to further open up the space field and the lunar field, and vigorously support enterprises or individuals to participate in the construction and development of interstellar space and the development of the moon."

"The Chinese nation has a long history of 5,000 years, and we have never fallen, because we firmly believe that only by continuous self-improvement can we truly stand in the forest of the world's strong families~"

The news broadcast on this day was very special. Nearly two-thirds of the time was used to report the daytime meeting, which was very rare in the past, which shows the importance of this meeting.

If the previous time, the above thought that the development of the interstellar space age can be taken step by step, and there is no need to hurry, then now, the above is really in a hurry.

There is no way. It has been the case since ancient times. When faced with pressure, a person can burst into great potential, and the same is true for a country.

The external pressure is very huge, and the whole country is facing a very severe situation. At this time, we can't be too forward-looking. We must have enough courage and courage to find a new way out.

Otherwise, if you give in to the Bald Eagle, then don't even think about standing up again and straighten your waist. Other countries in the world will also look at themselves differently, and want to surpass the Bald Eagle to become the world's number one existence. This pressure must be overcome.

In the next few days, Qin Yi was very busy and had important meetings every day.

At the economic conference, as the current leader of Huaxia technology companies and the core and source of this storm, Galaxy Technology received support from above.

The same Qin Yi was also summoned by the superiors alone. The superiors hope that Galaxy Technology can become a leader in the interstellar space age and lead domestic enterprises to the interstellar space field and the moon.

The country needs someone to take the lead. After all, this interstellar space age field is a new and unknown field, and no one knows what this field is like.

Someone needs to take the lead in entering this field. This leader needs to have strong capital strength and technical strength. Qin Yi's Galaxy Technology Group is undoubtedly the best choice.

Qin Yi didn't mean to shirk the slightest. Even if he didn't say it, Qin Yi actually already had relevant plans, and the layout of all aspects had already been done. He was worried about policy issues at first. Now It is that everything is ready, even the east wind is coming.

After participating in the economic conference, scientific and technological conference and military conference, Qin Yi could also feel the strong smell of gunpowder smoke. Before that, Galaxy Aerospace had just received an order for 100 Qingyun aerospace fighters.

As soon as the meeting was over, Galaxy Aerospace received a new order. This time, there were orders for 200 Qingyun Aerospace fighters, which doubled from the last time.

At the same time, as a military enterprise, Galaxy Aerospace hopes that Galaxy Aerospace can help research new high-tech weapons. The focus is on researching weapons suitable for Qingyun aerospace fighters, weapons used in the interstellar sky, and the most important ones. Global Anti-missile System.

Qin Yi smelled an unusual smell from it, and maybe the worst may really happen, so the upper side is also fully prepared.

Not only must we continue to improve ourselves economically, but we must not back down even in the face of unprecedented pressure.

In terms of military affairs, it is even more important to have a strong force and a straight waist. If the third world war is triggered by this incident, the country must also have an absolutely powerful force to protect its own interests.

This time, the bald eagle is too fierce, and the open flame is stubbornly robbery. This economic sweater is just the beginning. If the bald eagle does not achieve its purpose, they can use any means.

PS: The content of this aspect can't be written too much, but the plot is here again, so I can only write it like this, everyone will see it~

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