Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 153, Galaxy Science and Technology Community

Qin Yi is busy with the first batch of self-enrolling students at Galaxy University of Science and Technology, and the time has come to November 2021.

On November 5th, the sky is clear and the weather is clear, and the traditional calendar says that it is appropriate to marry, travel, and enter the house. It is a rare good day.

Galaxy Technology Community, the first employee community built by Galaxy Technology Group, was officially handed over to all owners on this day.

The Galaxy Science and Technology Community is very large. It is built around Lianhua Mountain. The overall area is more than 1 million square meters, and there are more than 1,000 mu of land.

The community is divided into two parts, one is a villa area built on Lianhua Mountain, and the other is an ordinary high-rise area built around Lianhua Mountain.

The Lianhua Mountain is not high as a whole, only less than 100 meters high, and it is very gentle, open on all sides, and a large area.

In the villa area, more than 3,000 villas have been designed according to the landscape of Lianhua Mountain, including townhouses and single-family villas.

These villas are all allocated to the scientists, engineers, researchers of the company's research institutes, as well as the middle and senior management of the company.

Hundreds of ordinary high-rise communities have been built in the ordinary high-rise district around Lianhua Mountain, with tens of thousands of houses, enough to accommodate nearly 100,000 people.

As long as the employees who have worked in Galaxy Technology Group for three years can apply for the house here, they can live for free until you no longer work in Galaxy Technology Group.

If you have worked in Galaxy Technology Group for ten years, this house is yours and can be bought or sold. Of course, it can only be sold to Galaxy Technology Group. In the future, the entire Galaxy Technology community will implement strict initial entry management. Those who are not employees of Galaxy Technology Group or their family members are fundamental Can't get in or out.

Of course, at present, Galaxy Technology Group has not been established for three years, so the conditions are naturally relaxed, as long as the employees of Galaxy Technology can apply to live in the Galaxy Technology Community.

Such a huge community is really too big for the current Galaxy Technology Group. The current number of employees in the entire Galaxy Group has just exceeded 10,000 people, and most of them are new employees.

However, Qin Yi did not feel that the building was too big, but felt that the building was too small.

Galaxy Technology Group is developing rapidly. Various subsidiaries and research institutes under the company are expanding rapidly, and the number of employees of the company is increasing rapidly.

There are tens of thousands of houses in the Galaxy Science and Technology Community. Qin Yi estimates that it will be almost full by the second half of next year at most, and this is the reason why Galaxy Aerospace is independent.

You must know that Galaxy Aerospace is carrying out a large-scale school recruitment campaign, recruiting undergraduate engineers to reserve talents for the large-scale production of anti-gravity aircraft in the future, and the employee growth is very fast.

The employees of Galaxy Aerospace all live in the Galaxy Aerospace Industrial Base in Huangping Town. There is also a super-large community in the industrial base, which is enough to live in a large community of tens of thousands of people.

The number of employees in this part is not counted, and they do not live in the Galaxy Science and Technology Community. Otherwise, by the first half of next year, the Galaxy Science and Technology Community will not be able to live.

The company has expanded rapidly and the number of employees has grown rapidly. Although the Galaxy Science and Technology Community is very large, it will soon be unable to meet the living needs of the company's employees.

In addition, the land in Huangjing Town is rising rapidly, and the price of commercial housing has skyrocketed in the past two years.

In the first half of last year, when Galaxy Technology was just established, Huangjing Town did not even have the concept of commercial housing, and there were no developers here to develop real estate.

If everyone wants to build a house, they go to the town to buy land and build their own house, or build a house on the original site. After calculating, a few hundred thousand can build a very good small house.

However, in the second half of last year, a large number of housing companies began to move in in Huangjing Town, and almost all well-known housing companies, such as Country Garden, Vanke, Wanda, etc., were surging.

Waving the banknotes in his hand, he wanted to grab land in Huangjing Town, set up a sales department and start selling houses.

With the rise of Galaxy Technology,

People in the entire Huangjing Town have made a fortune, plus the huge high-income group owned by Galaxy Technology Group itself.

In the second half of last year, a building was opened in seconds, and the price of tens of thousands of square meters was sold out as quickly as the price of cabbage.

In the 21st year, that is, the first half of this year, especially with the emergence of Galaxy Technology Group's Mind Machine and Mind Technology, countless companies around Mind Machine and Mind Technology have settled in Huangjing Town and Ning County, and Ning County has been upgraded to City, Huangjing Town was upgraded to a district.

In addition, Galaxy Technology continues to expand and its reputation is further expanded. Countless people are very optimistic about the development of Huangjing Town and Ning County, and they choose to invest here.

This has caused the property market in Huangjing Town to explode once again, from more than 10,000 at the end of last year to a sky-high price of 20,000, which is simply described as crazy and incredible.

Not only in Huangjing Town, but also in the surrounding Huangping Town, Huangsha Town, Huangshan Township, etc., a large number of real estates have also appeared, and the prices have also exceeded 10,000, approaching 20,000.

In particular, Huangping Town, as the place where Galaxy Aerospace is located, is also favored by countless people. In terms of development, it is close to Huangjing Town, and the real estate price has also exceeded 20,000.

In a small mountain town that was originally remote and backward, in the blink of an eye, countless real estate projects have been opened continuously, and the prices have soared so much that they are comparable to second-tier cities. No one will believe it.

But this is very real happening in Huangjing Town and surrounding towns, just like the rapid rise of Galaxy Technology, the speed is so suffocating that it makes people feel as unreal as a dream.

The booming real estate market has also driven the rapid rise in land prices throughout Huangjing Town. The government continues to expropriate land. From time to time, it is reported that the land of a certain village has been expropriated, and every household has been subsidized to several million plus a few suites and the like.

It is not an exaggeration to describe the people in Huangjing Town as making a fortune overnight. Of course, this demolition subsidy is only a part of it. Because of the rapid development of Huangjing Town, the benefits enjoyed by the local people go beyond demolition subsidies.

The entire Huangjing Town has undergone earth-shaking changes. The original very small town has disappeared. There are neatly planned high-rise buildings everywhere, new spacious roads extending in all directions, and expressways connecting the four directions. highway……

Qin Yi took over a large area of ​​land in Huangjing Town at the beginning of the establishment of Galaxy Technology Group. Almost one-third of the entire town was taken over by Galaxy Technology at almost the price of cabbage.

Build a huge Galaxy Science and Technology Industrial Park, Galaxy Science and Technology Community, Galaxy Science and Technology Research Institute, and Galaxy University of Science and Technology.

Each of these large blocks covers a very large area, which is even larger than that of the Galaxy Science and Technology Community. Such a huge land use, if calculated according to the current land price in Huangjing Town.

Even if Galaxy is rich in oil, the government will give concessions when it acquires land, but it still cannot afford such a huge land.

Therefore, the Galaxy Science and Technology Community is very large. Although there are not as many employees of Galaxy Technology as there are houses here, Qin Yi does not think it will be a waste, but thinks that it is still small. If Galaxy Technology Group continues to expand in the future, there will definitely be more To build another community for their own company's employees.

Qin Yi knew very well that it would be very cheap to acquire land in the name of the company. In fact, it would not cost much to build a house.

Even though the entire Galaxy Science and Technology Community is huge, there are tens of thousands of houses, but after all, Qin Yi's money spent in this Galaxy Science and Technology Community is not as much as a fraction of other places.

Back then, Lotus Mountain was a barren mountain, and the surrounding area was nothing but farmland and arable land. When Galaxy Technology settled down, the government gave a big discount, almost for nothing.

Therefore, the price of the land is almost negligible. As for the construction of the house, 3,000 villas and hundreds of houses only cost more than one billion yuan.

Compared with Galaxy Science and Technology Research Institute, Galaxy Aerospace, Galaxy Science and Technology Industrial Park, and Galaxy University of Science and Technology, this amount of money is really not even a fraction.

But now these tens of thousands of houses, according to the market price of Huangjing Town, are worth nearly 100 billion!

The geographical location of Galaxy Science and Technology Community is really good. It is surrounded by Galaxy Science and Technology Research Institute, Galaxy University of Science and Technology, and Galaxy Science and Technology Industrial Park. The geographical location is in the most central core area.

More importantly, the supporting facilities in the community are very complete and complete. There are supporting kindergartens to primary schools and middle schools. In the future, with the opening of Galaxy Science and Technology Community, these schools will start to operate.

Not to mention the greening of the community, they are all built according to the highest standard of greening. You must know that the entire community covers an area of ​​more than 1 million square meters, and it only built a few hundred houses. Such a huge area, only There are hundreds of buildings, and almost every building is far away from each other, and there is no such problem as building spacing and lighting.

The community is full of basketball courts, football fields, tennis courts, gymnasiums, swimming pools, etc., and life is very comfortable.

So that the Galaxy Science and Technology Community has not officially delivered to the employees of Galaxy Technology Group, and many outsiders have been constantly inquiring about the price of the buildings in this community.

Some people are even willing to buy a building here for a price of more than 30,000 square meters, but they are mercilessly rejected by Galaxy Technology Group.

The house in the Galaxy Science and Technology Community is only for the employees of Galaxy Science and Technology, and it is not sold to the public. Even if someone wants to sell the house here in the future, it is the Galaxy Science and Technology Group who buys it back and redistributes its own employees.

It can be said that the land held by Galaxy Technology Group alone is a huge and considerable wealth at the current price.

The tens of thousands of houses in this Galaxy Science and Technology Community alone can be worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Of course, everyone knows that all this is because of the Galaxy Technology Group. Without the Galaxy Technology Group, the houses and land here are simply worthless.

PS: I don't know if it will be too exaggerated~~

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