Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 143, Student Worker Program

A few days later.

After a series of strict inspections and detailed data analysis, the country approved the Qingyun Aerospace fighter and officially placed a purchase order with Galaxy Aerospace.

An order for 100 Qingyun space fighters.

The purchase price of the fighter itself is as high as 100 billion, plus various other expenses, the purchase amount has reached 112.3 billion, which is definitely a super huge order.

The number of the first batch of orders was as high as 100, and the number of subsequent orders will certainly not be small. It is estimated that there must be a plan to gradually eliminate all the old fighters and update them.

After all, as soon as this aerospace fighter comes out, the original old fighter has no value in existence.

"There are only 100 fighter planes, and the top side is really a bit tight~"

At the Galaxy Aerospace Industrial Base, Qin Yi was taking Liu Peiqiang, Lu Qingwei and others to study the production line of the Qingyun aerospace fighter. When he learned that the first batch of orders was only 100, Qin Yi couldn't help but pouted.

An order of 100 aircraft is not much to say, especially for Qin Yi, who has seen too many alien civilizations in the science and technology tower. I think the number of 100 is really low.

But if you compare it with the country's previous purchases, you will find that the order for these 100 aircraft is actually quite a lot, and this is a one-time purchase of 100 aircraft, not a batch purchase.

You must know that in the past, imported fighter jets or engines were imported in such a way as a dozen or 20, and the price was definitely not as high as that of the Qingyun Sky Fighter.

This time, I placed an order for 100 aircraft for Galaxy Aerospace. It can be seen that the above is actually very supportive of Qin Yi and Galaxy Aerospace.

Of course, this is also related to the current situation. With the successful implementation of the Chinese manned moon landing and the proposal of a lunar resource mining plan with a magnificent atmosphere, the entire earth was shocked by the ambition of the Chinese people.

Western countries headed by the United States will naturally not rely on the rise of China. They have been suppressing China from all aspects, and now they are sparing no effort to unite to suppress China.

The above felt the huge pressure from all aspects, especially around the country. Some clowns who jumped on the beam frequently touched the dragon's reverse scale under the instigation of others, constantly testing the country's bottom line.

The smell of gunpowder is full,

It's almost a few fights with real knives and real guns.

Therefore, the upper side is also in urgent need of a weapon that can increase its own strength. Once the situation deteriorates, it can have enough strength and confidence to face all challenges.

Therefore, with a big wave of his hand, he directly placed a large order of 100 aircraft with Galaxy Aerospace.

"The order for 100 aircraft is already huge. As far as I know, the defense budget has never been so generous before~"

Liu Peiqiang, who was on the side, smiled and shook his head. He used to be considered a half-military-industrial person, and he still knew something about this.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. If there are 100 aircraft, we will build 100 first to cultivate our team. The military order is also expected to be large. The real bulk is still in the civilian field."

"We must build our team as soon as possible. Without a strong team of engineers, we don't know when the 100 Qingyun space fighters will be built, let alone enter the civilian field."

Qin Yi smiled, then frowned again.

Looking at the huge factory building, although this huge factory building is not the largest kind of factory building, it is a factory building dedicated to the production of small anti-gravity aircraft.

But it is still very huge, more than 30 meters high, nearly 50 meters wide, and several kilometers long.

In such a huge factory building, scientists and engineers in white coats are constantly busy, studying the production line of the Qingyun aerospace fighter.

There are hundreds of people, but in this huge factory, it still looks very empty.

There are too few people, and most of these people are scientists, researchers, and engineers who are tasked with doing scientific research, not production engineers.

Although the production of fighter jets sounds very high, these precious talents cannot be used for repetitive work. Galaxy Aerospace must train specialized production workers.

Moreover, relying on these hundreds of people, it is simply impossible to realize the grand blueprint in Qin Yi's heart.

"My thoughts are the same as yours. The key for us now is not how many orders we get or how much production capacity we have. I think the most important thing for us now is to build our own team."

"Without a strong team of engineers, even if we are given an order of 10,000 aircraft, we cannot afford it."

Lu Qingwei, who was on the side, nodded and said in agreement.

"Then do you have any good suggestions?"

Qin Yi nodded, building a high-quality team of engineers is not an easy task.

Talent takes time to cultivate, and craftsmanship also takes time to study and ponder slowly.

In the field of high-precision processing, foreign companies are doing better than us. In fact, a large part of the reason is that their employees generally have been on the job for a long time.

Like Japan, they are very particular about the spirit of craftsmanship, and they carefully treat a thing that may be extremely boring with the spirit of craftsmanship, and sink down and think about it carefully.

Therefore, Japanese products are often famous for their excellent quality, and Japanese craftsmanship is also very famous in the world.

Aside from historical factors, we have to admire others for some things. In contrast, we appear to be a lot more impetuous. Whether it is the upper echelons of this country, enterprises, or individuals, they all seem very impetuous, and do not settle down and go carefully. Thinking and pondering about things that concern themselves, businesses and the destiny of the country.

Of course, there are many factors. From an enterprise perspective, Japanese companies will never fire their employees, even if the employee makes a mistake, so basically after Japanese people join a company, they will work in the same company for the rest of their lives. Retirement is no surprise.

And most people work in the lower ranks all their lives until they retire.

Japanese companies see their employees as valuable assets, especially those who are older.

Even if they work at the grassroots level for a lifetime, the salaries of these people will not be bad, because there are salary increases every year, and the salaries are enough to support their family's expenses and life.

Therefore, the mobility of Japanese companies is generally very low, and employees do not like to change jobs. They work in a company for a lifetime, and they are naturally proficient and proficient in what they do.

On the contrary, enterprises in our country often regard their old employees as burdens and burdens. When you reach a certain age, even if you are unwilling to leave the company, the company will try its best to sweep you out, and it’s still that kind of thing. Very heartless, the kind that doesn't even want to give you compensation.

This situation is not bad in state-owned enterprises and central enterprises. In private enterprises, all the grassroots are young people, and there are simply older workers.

With a salary of 4,000 yuan, a graduate can be hired to work harder and harder, why spend 8,000 yuan to support an old employee, this is the real situation of most companies.

The advantage is that the company temporarily saves its own labor costs, but the disadvantage is also obvious. The old employees are the people who are most familiar with the company and the business, and the invisible loss of their resignation is simply difficult to calculate.

Therefore, it is difficult for us to produce great companies in our country. It seems that only Huawei can count on the technological innovation of private enterprises.

Qin Yi wants to build a team of high-quality engineers, cultivate outstanding and excellent workers, and let everyone calm down and concentrate on one thing. Qin Yi feels that he still needs to learn more and learn from the Japanese.

"My suggestion is that we recruit graduates directly from colleges and universities to build a high-quality workforce."

Lu Qingwei thought about it and said.

In fact, he has this idea. With the popularization of university education, college students are no longer the favored people they used to be. They can't always think about sitting in an office and becoming a white-collar or golden-collar worker.

In the new era, blue-collar workers need more educated and qualified people, especially a company specializing in manufacturing aircraft such as Galaxy Aerospace, which needs a team of high-quality workers.

In the past, being a worker often meant no education, no education, dirty, tired, and bitter. Therefore, in many cases, college students were reluctant to become workers.

However, these workers are often the first line of contact with production. Without a high-quality workforce, in the past, primary enterprises could still rely on cheap labor to compete.

This high-tech enterprise must have no way to use the previous model, and more should learn from the Western model.

Even if it is a worker, it is a literate worker, a worker who understands technology and technology. Only such a workforce can support a high-tech enterprise.

"Would college students be willing to be workers?"

When Yang Hongyan on the side heard this, he shook his head again and again.

"That's not necessarily the case. The key is to see what kind of worker, what company to be a worker for, and what kind of salary."

"What's more, if we think the word worker is unpleasant, we can call it an engineer. In fact, the essence is the same, but we need a team of high-quality workers."

Lu Qingwei smiled, but said it very confidently.

"I think what Qingwei said is reasonable. It is necessary for us to build a high-quality workforce. College students have just graduated and entered the society. They are highly malleable. We can consider recruiting a group of college students to train ourselves and create a high-quality team. tech workers.”

"Let's call it an engineer, otherwise I'm worried that I might not be able to recruit people."

Liu Peiqiang thought about it carefully and also supported Lu Qingwei's view.

PS: I do not mean to discriminate against workers, nor do I discriminate against college students~~

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