Interstellar Industrial Age

One hundred and twentieth eight chapters, return

On the moon, the astronauts are very busy, and the time to return is getting closer and closer. Only 8 of the 18 astronauts can continue to stay on the lunar base, and all the others have to return to Earth.

Although the moon is a barren and dead world, the astronauts are very new to everything here, and would like to stay here for a while longer and contribute more to the construction of the lunar base.

The 'Houyi' spacecraft was here. The hatch was wide open, revealing its huge belly. Liu Hanwen drove a lunar rover and dragged a large piece of gold into the belly of the spacecraft.

The kotani it found is a thousand tons, although here on the moon, because the gravity of the moon is only one-sixth of the gravity of the earth, it still weighs more than 100 tons.

Although I really want to bring this piece of dog head gold back to Earth in its entirety, there is no way but to cut the dog head gold into small pieces and transport it back.

"What do you guys think is a better name for this piece of dog head gold?"

Liu Hanwen put a small piece of kotou gold into a box, and said while thinking about it.

"Do you want to name the dog head gold?"

Fang Bo's surprised voice came from the earphone.

"Of course, as far as I know, the high-mass kothou gold found on the earth all have their own names. For example, the world's number one kotou gold is called Canaan. It has to be a louder name."

Liu Hanwen said it as a matter of course.

Then he thought about it and said, "What do you think of the name 'Xingtu'?"

"Xingtu, the beginning of our Huaxia interstellar journey. In the future, when everyone mentions our interstellar space history in China, they will definitely think of it and its name."

"Liu Hanwen, you can't tell. You are good at naming names. I think the name 'Xingtu' is quite good."

Captain Li Haiyang's voice came.

"That is, I have always been very good at naming names."

Hearing this, Liu Hanwen grinned happily.

"Cough cough~"

There was a screeching sound from the earphones.

"Then we haven't thought of a good name for our moon base yet?"

At this time,

The voice of the female astronaut Shen Yue remembered.

"Let's call it 'Moon Palace'~"

Li Haiyang thought about it and suggested.

"Well, the Moon Palace is quite good. The first base on the moon, where Fairy Chang'e lives, is in line with our Chinese tradition."

Kong Zhifei took the words and said with a smile.

"I see, anyway, everyone is chatting while they are busy. How about we name some hills, plains, and ravines around the Moon Palace base first?"

Shen Yue's voice sounded again, and immediately the eighteen astronauts started chatting lively.

"I think the hill behind the Moon Palace Base is called Mount Laurel?"

"Can~ can~ the place where the lunar laurel tree grows."

"I don't think so, the name is a bit awkward~ I think it's Wu Gangshan?"

"...I think it might as well be called Mount Laurel~"

"That's right~ Wu Gangshan, thank you for thinking about it."


The busy time is always short, and soon it reached 9 o'clock. The 'Chang'e' spacecraft floated up slowly from the moon and quickly ascended into space.

It is not only whether the experiment can successfully take off from the moon and enter the lunar orbit, the other is to go to space to transport the unmanned spacecraft full of materials sent in advance.

Without any accident, the 'Chang'e' spacecraft made several round trips very smoothly, and brought all the unmanned spacecraft in space to the vicinity of the 'Moon Palace' base.

These unmanned spacecraft will also be part of the 'Moon Palace' base in the future, and there will also be independent life support systems on them. In an emergency, astronauts can also hide in them.

At 9:30, the eighteen astronauts basically finished their work and gathered in the open space in front of the Moon Palace Base. This open space has been paved with steel plates, and will continue to expand in the future.

In the future, spacecraft going to and from the moon and the earth can be directly parked here, which is regarded as a parking lot.

In the middle of the open space, a flagpole has been erected, and Li Haiyang is holding the national flag, preparing to start the first official flag raising of the 'Moon Palace' base.

On the Earth's side, China's major TV stations are still conducting live broadcasts of the manned moon landing activities, and the camera is also switched to the place where the flag-raising ceremony is held.

Accompanied by the resounding national anthem, the national flag slowly rose and began to flutter. Everyone raised their chests and sang the national anthem.

Having said that, I have to say that the national flag raised above the Moon Palace base is also a high-tech product.

Because there is no air on the moon, there is naturally no wind. If the flag is made of cloth, it must not be able to fly on the moon.

In order to solve this problem, scientists have also specially designed a national flag that can automatically fly even in the absence of air and wind.

So at this time, although there is no air and no wind on the moon, the rising national flag is still flying in the air.

On the earth, countless people are constantly paying attention to China's manned moon landing. For the Chinese people, what everyone cares about is the safe return of the astronauts.

As for the others, naturally they did not pay too much attention and attention.

But for other countries in the world, their content is naturally more.

NASA in the United States, for a whole day, the scientists and engineers of the entire NASA did nothing, but gathered in the conference room to watch the live broadcast of China's manned moon landing.

In just a dozen hours, it was one night in China, and one day in the United States.

A large-scale lunar base appeared on the originally barren and dead moon, and everyone's eyes were red.

In the background of the live TV broadcast, you can roughly see a part of the lunar base. The rooms are connected together to form a group of buildings. In some places, the construction of the second floor has even begun.

The ground is paved with steel plates, which is very flat and emits a metallic luster under the sunlight.

"For Chinese people, the moon is no longer any different from their own back garden~"

Paul, the head of NASA, looked at the moon base, then looked at the two huge anti-gravity spacecraft near the moon base, and then looked at the large lunar rovers parked near the moon base city.

He knew that the Chinese people already possessed the ability to develop the moon, to be able to transport such a large lunar rover to the moon, to build such a large-scale lunar base on the moon, and to exploit lunar resources for the Chinese people. There is really no difficulty.

"The moon is the moon of all mankind, and we will never allow the Chinese family to dominate!"

Paul clenched his fists. Well-informed he already knew that the Chinese astronauts had discovered a piece of kotani with a mass of more than a thousand tons on the moon, which was a windfall for a country.

Just from here, you can see how rich the resources of the moon are. There is gold everywhere, it is a virgin land, and it is full of countless treasures.

But when he thought of Huaxia, Paul frowned again.

This is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations and one of the five hooligans with one-vote veto power.

This means that it is impossible to pass any draft that is unfavorable to China through the United Nations.

As for threatening Huaxia with force, it is true that Huaxia wants nuclear weapons and conventional forces. Even now, Huaxia has mastered anti-gravity technology and can use it in the military field at any time, even everyone Combining and fighting against Huaxia will ultimately not take much advantage.

"Perhaps it is only from the economic aspect that we can put pressure on Huaxia and force them to disclose anti-gravity technology~"


At 10 o'clock China time, at the Moon Palace Base, ten astronauts including Li Haiyang and Liu Hanwen waved goodbye to the eight remaining astronauts.

It's time to return home, it's time to return to Earth.

The two spaceships are filled with samples collected from the moon, including soil, rocks, meteorites, etc. Of course, the most important 'Xingtu' dog head gold is also inside.

Full of harvest, full of rewards~


The command from the Earth Control Command Center sounded next to everyone's earphones.

Ten astronauts walked towards each of the two spaceships.

Soon, the two spaceships started slowly, as if a feather without a trace of weight, light and fluttering higher and higher, soon entered the lunar orbit.

"Fang Bo, Kong Zhifei, Shen Yue~"

"Let's go~"

Li Haiyang once again said goodbye to the astronauts in the Moon Palace Base.

"Let's go, let's go~"

In the Moon Palace base, Fang Bo looked at the two little red dots in the sky, which were accelerating towards the earth.

It was an honorable mission to stay on the moon by lottery, although it was a little unnerving to see the two spacecraft leave at this time.

But he knew that this was just a psychological effect. A week later, the 'Houyi' and 'Chang'e' spacecrafts will descend on the moon to send supplies and expansion materials to the lunar base, and he will be able to return at that time. Earth too.

Shaking his head, Fang Bo continued to get busy. There is still a lot of things to do at the Moon Palace Base, and the next time will be busy.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, because the gravity of the earth is stronger than that of the moon, the spacecraft 'Houyi' and 'Chang'e' reached the earth's orbit in only 3 hours, which is a whole less than when they went. 1 hour.

Neither of the two spaceships stayed in space, and flew directly toward the earth.

Here at the Tianfu Manned Moon Landing Base, when two spacecraft slowly landed on the parking lot, and ten astronauts walked out of the spacecraft in a neat line, the whole China was boiling. This time the manned landing The monthly event is perfect!

Ichiro Niu says

In the last chapter, a book friend pointed out the problem of wrong calculation of the value of the dog head gold. I have revised it. My mathematics really did not graduate from primary school. I am very grateful to the book friend for pointing out the error in the book~~

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