Internet 2010

Chapter 347: A trip to Silicon Valley

end of November.

Most of the things in Dream Valley are settled. Regardless of the merger of Peach Chasing Light or the investment of Menggu Cloud and the acquisition of Zhennan Xindong, the changes in the equity and structure in the middle have been settled.

Although most areas of the Guangnan data center are still under construction, some areas have already been put into production. Among them, Wei Toutiao was the first to enter and benefited the most.

As for the most important thing, there is nothing more than "burning Antarctica".

Luzhou's arrangement to take the lead this time, in addition to cannibalizing the original s40 and s60 users, also increased the pressure on Penguin's advancement in another field. WeChat has turned the entire mobile social battle situation to another direction through quick payment and subsidy activities.

Since WeChat is already online, it is impossible not to follow up on Penguin WeChat. The iteration time difference of many versions is already there, and the development time obtained from this sawing is a little more.

As for who is most panicking? That is still an old horse, but Ma Yun.

Since the launch of WeChat Pay, Lu Zhou's coveted payment is well known. The quick payment was launched earlier than Alipay, and users were accelerated to adapt to the new payment process in the form of subsidies. This move put the entire ambition on the table.

Social networking is more than social networking, WeChat integrates more and more functions, step by step towards the form of "super application".

And the road boat can do it, can the penguin do it? This is what Lao Ma Yun worries about.

There is no doubt that social is able to facilitate the use of payments to some extent.

It's just that how Lu Zhou takes the next step is the key.

WeChat already has a huge social user base, and this subsidy has contributed to the increase of fast payment users. Next, once Lu Zhou finds a way to activate these payment users, it will be a huge threat to Ali.

Everyone was waiting, watching Lu Zhou's next move.

But Lu Zhou himself didn't care about it.

Alipay was born to pay, and it started quick payment within two weeks, and it also learned to do some subsidy behaviors from WeChat. This is not surprising.

Wechat had finally connected to Tenpay before, and it became a Wechat payment, but after all, it is not a payment background, and the fast payment must be without advance preparation. Wechat is going to be on, I'm afraid it will take some time

For WeChat, although the action of "burning the South Pole" is not as popular as it was at the beginning, there are actually tens of thousands to 100,000 new quick payment users every day. Activity is constant and growth starts to level off after the previous burst. At least this has to digest the results of "burning the Antarctic" before Lu Zhou can make his next plan.

Of course, the time is not too far away, nothing more than the 2012 Spring Festival.

As long as the fast payment users can reach about 10 million during this period, about 10% of the total number of users, the "Open Sesame" will be much easier during the Spring Festival.

Users who receive red envelopes may not have opened quick payment, but if a group of red envelopes goes on, if the unsubscribed user wants to withdraw cash or send red envelopes, then he will inevitably open a WeChat wallet and quick payment.

This red envelope plays a role in increasing payment users and improving activity, and the effect is really unnecessary.

Of course, "Burning Antarctica" is still fermenting, the development of red envelopes has not yet been completed, and the Guangnan data center has not been able to provide computing power to WeChat. It is quite nervous to arrange all this. You can only take one step, count one step, and squeeze a little time.

During this period, there was also news about the communication between Bao Bufan and Sequoia and whatsapp.

On December 1st, Dream Valley and his party boarded a flight to San Jose, USA. The people who went there were streamlined, only Lu Zhou and Lin Xinhe on the Menggu side, and the rest were mostly negotiators brought by Bao Bufan.

on board.

Lin Xinhe said to Lu Zhou, "I haven't been to Silicon Valley before, right? This time, I'm going to the famous Shashan Road area, where Sequoia is located. Our hotel is opposite Sequoia."

Lu Zhou also smiled after hearing this.

Sandhill Road, "West Wall Street", the symbol of American venture capital, is less than a few kilometers away from a large number of venture capital institutions. As long as it is a large technology company that can be called a big name in the United States, there are shadows of investment institutions here behind it.

Just as Wall Street is a symbol of the financial industry, Sand Hill Road is the same for VCs. For young entrepreneurs eager to succeed, Shashan Road is more than just a place name. Maybe the moment you walk in, you will rise to the top and become the next giant? Who knows.

Lu Zhou thought about it for a while. If the plan to climb and roll on Zhongguancun Chuangye Street is an entrepreneurial experience, then the most experiences on this Shashan Road are "visiting friends", "touring", and "passing by", which is really not a big intersection.

In his previous life, Cheng Xuyuan stayed in Los Angeles for a long time because of Toutiao's plan to go overseas. As for why it is not in Silicon Valley, the reason is simple, because the overseas company acquired by Toutiao is in Los Angeles. It’s not necessarily that Toutiao can’t squeeze into Silicon Valley, it’s just a matter of rent and convenience.

Lu Zhou was invited by him to come here. The two drove all the way from Los Angeles and went to Silicon Valley along the way. Occasionally, when I stop and take a rest, when I look around, on the road, I can often see young American people taking a video with a mobile phone, singing a song and dancing noisily. Anyway, Cheng Xuyuan said to himself, "That's all tiktok (overseas version of Douyin)."

As for whether it is true or not, the two did not deliberately verify it.

When he arrived in Silicon Valley at that time, Lu Zhou also heard from Cheng Xuyuan that a colleague used WeChat on a certain street corner, opened the nearby people and saw that there was actually Zuckerberg in the list. Maybe you are really researching competitors for whatsapp? ! At that time, Lu Zhou deliberately tried it a few times with WeChat, but he didn't have the luck to come across it. Otherwise, he really would have a WeChat friend named "Zuckerberg", which is also a good talk.

It's just that these are all memories of the Cheng Xuyuan is definitely impossible to rush here because of headlines today. I don't know what Lao Zhang, who was cut off by Lu Zhou in his life, is going to do, Lu Zhou couldn't help thinking at this time.


Lu Zhou said to Lin Xinhe, "Well, I haven't been there. However, it shouldn't be too special. And we're not going to travel, so we'll probably stay in a hotel for a few days."

Lin Xinhe smiled after hearing it, remembering that every time Lu Zhou returned to the capital, there were only two activities, sleeping in the hotel and doing business. In fact, I don't know how to describe this young man, how focused can he be? Or is life less fun?

He said, "If time permits, I think in addition to whatsapp, we can also see what good projects there are. If conditions permit, Chuangmeng can also set up a branch here in the future, which is very beneficial to Dream Valley's international Chemical help is huge.”

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Boss Lin is so arrogant, is he going to find money for Chuangmeng again?"

Lin Xinhe also smiled, "It's not a plan. If you dare to think about it, you will dare to do it."

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