The entire roof was covered with dense green dots, which made people's scalp numb just by looking at them. Those centipedes were very big, several times larger than normal ones.

Moreover, the green dots on their bodies themselves give people an extremely terrifying feeling, making people think that the poison of these centipedes must be quite high.

"Oh my God, we have entered a centipede's nest!" Fatty Wang cursed!

The next moment, the centipedes above fell down like rain. Everyone felt their scalps numb and had no place to hide. They could only keep slapping their bodies to hit the centipedes that had just fallen. Lose.

Ye Cheng hurriedly cut his palm, and bright red blood flowed. He hurriedly patted everyone's body, and a bloody handprint appeared on everyone's body.

In an instant, all the fallen centipedes fled in panic.

However, stimulated by the unicorn blood, the centipedes became even more panicked and dug in when they found a hole. Zhou Bin was not careful and a centipede landed in his ear.

"Ah!" Zhou Bin let out a scream, tilted his head and kept beating, trying to beat the centipede out.

"Old Zhou, what's wrong?" Fatty Wang asked!

"Yes, one ran into my ear!" Zhou Bin looked extremely ugly.

"Holy shit, you really fucking won the lottery!" Fatty Wang felt like he had goosebumps all over his body.

Others also experienced numbness in their scalps and itching in their ears.

Ye Cheng said hurriedly: "Don't pick your ears, use light, use light to attract him out!"

He quickly pointed the flashlight at Zhou Bin's ear.

These bugs generally have phototaxis, and the light beads of flashlights are relatively hot, making them the favorite of bugs like centipedes.

Not long after, the big centipede poked its head out of Zhou Bin's ear.

Zhou Bin had goosebumps all over his body, and his ears were itchy and painful, which almost drove him crazy.

However, it can be seen that Zhou Bin is indeed professionally trained. Even so, he did not panic, but cooperated with Ye Cheng motionlessly.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been tortured crazy.

When I think of the scary legend about centipedes getting into my ears, I feel like my scalp is numb.

The centipede was not stupid. He seemed to sense the danger and wanted to go back with his head. However, Ye Cheng was faster. He thrust out his fingers and pinched the centipede's head.

Centipede struggled in vain and was pulled out directly.

Ye Cheng threw the centipede to the ground and trampled it to death.

"How is it?" Ye Cheng asked!

Zhou Bin covered his ears and his forehead was covered in cold sweat. He seemed to be in pain, and his cheeks swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This thing bit me inside, but I can still survive it. What should I do now!" Zhou Bin gasped for air, and the severe pain made him tremble all over.

"What else can we do? Run away!" Fatty Wang said!

There were too many centipedes here, and even his unicorn blood was useless.

Although it has a great restraining effect on those centipedes, these centipedes all fall from the sky. Only when it reaches them can the threat of unicorn blood be felt.

At that time, they will still run around, which is very dangerous. Zhou Bin is an example.

If they didn't run away quickly, they would be covered in centipedes sooner or later, which was scary to think about.

"Good guy, this is too scary. I got goosebumps watching it."

"Zhou Bin is so unlucky, but this guy is really tough. He can still be so calm when money sticks are stuck in his ears. He is a man."

"It's a rain of centipedes. If I were there, I would be scared to death."

"This is definitely a setup. This place is deliberately designed to attract tomb robbers. This is simply a graveyard for tomb robbers."

"I just call him good guy!"

"It's over. Now I feel like there are bugs hiding everywhere in my house. What should I do?"

Even though it was through the screen and not in person, all the netizens who watched it seemed to have a conditioned reflex and felt itchy on their bodies, as if there were centipedes crawling on their bodies.

This feeling is really maddening.

Ye Cheng's face turned ugly, "No, there are too many. It is simply impossible for us to return from the original route. The people who built this place spent so much effort, there is no way we can escape easily!"

"Then what should we do? We can't just wait to die here, right?" Fatty Wang was anxious.

Everyone kept slapping themselves. Although the centipedes did not attack them because of the unicorn blood, the sound and feeling of the thing falling on their bodies was enough to drive people crazy.

Ye Cheng thought for a while and said: "These centipedes like warm places. Lighting up all the lamp slaves should be able to temporarily attract them!"

"Tell me earlier!"

Fatty Wang ran over to a lamp slave without saying a word.

The lamp slave was half a man tall, and the grease inside the candlestick had solidified.

Everyone ran to a lamp slave and lit the candlestick.

The fire was relatively weak at first, but as the flame burned and melted the grease next to it, the flame became larger and larger, and the darkness in the hall was gradually dispelled.

And those centipedes immediately rushed towards the candlesticks in a swarm.

As Ye Cheng said, these centipedes like warm places very much.

All the lampstands were surrounded by layers of centipedes.

The centipedes that were close to the flames were burned and crackled, and a strange fragrance filled the air.

"Holy shit, it really works!"

With a few lampstands attracting those centipedes, Ye Cheng and the others were instantly under great pressure, and there were no more centipedes to attack them.


At this moment, Zhou Bin fell to the ground.

"Damn it, Lao Zhou, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Cheng also rushed to see Zhou Bin's condition, only to see Zhou Bin lying on the ground unconscious.

The green-spotted centipede was obviously highly poisonous, and its just-accelerating movement had already caused the poison to spread.

Ye Cheng hurriedly stepped forward to check, "He is poisoned!"

He took out a commonly used detoxification pill and fed it to Zhou Bin. Zhou Bin's complexion improved slightly, but the swelling on his cheeks was still serious.

Almost half of his face was swollen, and the two sides of his face looked extremely uncoordinated.

"What should I do? This guy won't die, right?" Fatty Wang was a little worried.

He likes to make friends. These days, he and Zhou Bin get along pretty well. Of course, he doesn't want to see anything happen to Zhou Bin.

Ye Cheng's face was solemn, "The poisonous gas can be controlled temporarily, but there is no time to treat it here. We must leave here as soon as possible!"

Now, the only way to save Zhou Bin is for him to administer acupuncture and poison.

But after that set of procedures, it takes at least an hour. If they delay it for an hour here, it is quite dangerous.

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