Inside and Outside World

Chapter 109: : obsessive fantasy

"Still singing Peony Pavilion? Give me a stick!"

Yan Luo leaped in the air with all four limbs, holding a stick in both hands, agitating the muscles of the whole body, and hit the old man with a "strength to smash the eight wildernesses", directly smashing the old man's ceiling and bursting his brains! Hot blood sprayed on the ground like peach blossoms. After beating the old man to death, the surrounding scenery distorted and changed again.

Standing on the mountain road, he put on the clothes he had taken off, and even the sweat that flowed from practicing the stick technique disappeared.

Walking back to the mountain temple, the old man sat by the brazier.

"Forget it, stop playing."

This time, Yan Luo waited quietly for the old man to finish complaining, sang "The Peony Pavilion", and then threw the puppet into the fire. He didn't smash the puppet with the thousand-year-old lightning-struck mahogany sword, and he didn't charge the Olympic flame with his outstretched hand.

He reached out his hand to catch the old man, and threw it to the puppet on the fire.

This girl is obviously made of wood, but the touch in her hand seems to have the softness of human skin.

"That's all right."

Yan Luo said this sentence in an affirmative tone. In fact, after trying a few times, he thought of the point of breaking the game—the puppet was thrown into the fire, the old man regretted it and cried bitterly, and the puppet was burned to ashes. The key point of this tragedy is At the moment of "throwing".

At the beginning, I thought wrongly. This world is supernatural. Many ghost movies have subconscious influences. In the supernatural world, he thinks that one of the puppet or the old man is weird, so it is similar to the ghosts in some movies, and destroys each other like a boss. That's fine.

The mahogany sword restrains ghosts and ghosts, and can kill demons and ghosts. The Olympic flame is a super energy containing holy power.

Ordinarily, any kind of ghost can be killed, after all, this is only a level 1 spiritual world! But why, return to the mountain road again and again?

Is it a rollback? This is not a game! It is too exaggerated to restart the world. So there is only one conclusion, everything in front of me is just an illusion! Entering the mountain temple again and again, even if you kill the old man and destroy the puppets, the original scenery will be repeated again. This is a mere level 1 spiritual world. This is not an illusion or a dream, what else could it be?

"In the scene I saw, the puppet stood up and bowed at the end to indicate that it already had a spirit. It used its body as firewood to burn until dawn. The old man lost his only companion and was in pain. The key to breaking the situation should be to prevent the puppet from being burned."

"I was thinking in the wrong direction at the beginning. I should choose not to destroy and kill but to save... My camp is absolutely neutral, why didn't I think of this at the beginning? Hmm... It must be that 1 point of soul pollution that interferes, It made me subconsciously act evil."

When Yan Luo grabbed the puppet, the scene in front of him changed and distorted again.

But this time, it was no longer a mountain road.

"It really is an illusion."

Yan Luo looked at the scene in front of him.

A handsome young man with handsome eyebrows and starry eyes stared at him with a smile on his hands. A rough puppet doll could only be vaguely seen as the outline of a girl: "I am Xia Sheng, and you are the doll I made with my own hands." .”

"I want to give you a name, what should I call it?"

"There is a saying in the poem "Caiwei": In the past, I will go, Yangliu Yiyi. You are made of willow wood, so you can call it Yiyi."

"Yiyi, my dream is to become a puppet master. Although my parents are against it, they want me to study, but reading is not as fun as puppet show? I have already worshiped my uncle as my teacher and learned puppet show. From today on, you and I will be together .”

The pictures flashed intermittently, one by one, the young man gave up the righteous way of "everything is inferior but reading is high", and indulged in the skills of actors and actresses that are regarded as inferior in this era, which made his parents angry and helpless, but he With no regrets or complaints, he put all his thoughts on the puppet show skills passed down by his master, practicing singing and manipulating the puppet every day.

The little puppet beside him, from rough at the beginning, gradually became exquisite.

day to day,

year after year...

In this way, time passed peacefully and boringly, the original boy turned into a handsome young man, and matchmakers gradually came to the surrounding villages, but in his eyes, he only had his own puppet.

"Yiyi, your makeup is old and faded, let me paint a new one for you."

"Yiyi, the young master who was singing today gave me a piece of red brocade. I'm going to help you make a beautiful dress. Are you happy?"

Until this day, when his parents passed away, Xia Sheng, who had changed from youth to middle age, cried bitterly in front of the grave, scolded himself for his unfilial piety, and held the puppet tightly in his hands.

"Yiyi, from today onwards, only you will be with me."

It's just that in middle age, he already has strands of white hair on his forehead.

After three years of filial piety for his parents, in the eyes of others, he is an unfilial son without a wife and no children, a weird Xia Sheng who is addicted to puppet playthings, and left his hometown with a small wooden box on his back on a morning when the maple leaves are falling. .

Roaming around the world, making a living as a puppet play, with a small puppet and a stage, Xia Sheng traveled through mountains and rivers, his skills became more and more proficient, and he brought laughter to countless children in various villages, and the peony he sang After a play in the pavilion, it was so touching that I don't know how many times it made people shed tears.

The white hair on Xia Sheng's head and the wrinkles on his forehead became more and more, and gradually he became an old man.

But the puppet beside him still looks young. After carving again and again, the shape has shrunk to only the size of a palm, and it has become more and more bright...

One person, one life, the puppet poured out with the utmost affection between heart and matter, has actually given birth to its own spiritual consciousness. The awakening of plants and trees can be described as a spirit. The puppet girl with spirit consciousness, as a weak spirit, can't speak, just like an illusory shadow.

But it has its own feelings.

As a mortal old man, he couldn’t see that, in his homeless wanderings, when he fell asleep next to the fire again and again during the night of trekking, a three-foot red platform beside him, above the doll, was an illusory girl, who was full of love. Staring at him intently, sometimes weeping because he didn’t get a response, sometimes he was dancing indulgently, and sometimes he was looking at the old man’s sleeping Smiling slightly, showing a charming face...

Don't you see, my concubine is dancing

Don't you see, my concubine is singing

Don't you see, my concubine's smile is intoxicating

Don't you see, the concubine is drunk and loses red

Don't you see, my concubine is crying

Don't you see, a strand of black hair, a sigh...

The messy and intermittent pictures disappeared. As a bystander, Yan Luo, who experienced all these scenes, as a ruthless person, would not be moved by this story, but now, he has understood all this.

"What are you regretting, or what is your obsession? The body is burned, but the obsession still remains, forming this illusion. It seems that I have achieved the Tao as soon as I entered this world...Fortunately, this is just Level 1 spirit world, if it was a ghost king like Freddy, I would be dead."

"In any case, I can satisfy you with your obsession."

"Even though I'm a heartless person, if I just pretend to be should be possible..."

Yan Luo held the puppet in his hand and lifted it up in front of him. In a trance, he seemed to coincide with everything he saw in the illusion. He was Xia Sheng, and he was the puppet play. Throwing the thing you love into the brazier, the old man is in pain.

The raised hand was thin and full of folds, like chicken feet, and he became an old man with gray hair and old clothes. Yan Luo was sitting by the brazier, and the cold wind was blowing snowflakes into this mountain temple, and it was freezing cold. Among them, under the dim light of the fire, he held the puppet girl in both hands, holding this charming doll, as if he was holding the sustenance of his life.

Looking at this puppet, there was a trace of tenderness in his eyes:

"I will never leave you in my life."

"I love you!"

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