Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 85: 4-dimensional pocket

Wanda's words really entered the hearts of most superheroes present.

First of all, most of the people present were turned into fly ash in the battle five years ago.

They haven't had any communication with Captain Marvel at all.

Second, they themselves were sufficiently fearful that they had died once.

And when they learned that they were resurrected by Heisenberg snapping their fingers...

While rejoicing that he was successfully resurrected, the superheroes have already had the first good impression of Heisenberg!

Then, Heisenberg's performance of hanging Thanos on the battlefield really made the superheroes who died once let out a bad breath.

Coupled with the performance of Heisenberg on the battlefield to turn the tide.

In short, even Heisenberg, like surprise, didn't say a few words to them.

But they still had a certain affection for Heisenberg.

And this goodwill after they contrasted Heisenberg with surprise….

All in all, in just a few seconds, the surprise was all in her senses.

Became a real bullshit!

At this time, Wanda's words hadn't even stopped.

I saw Wanda's hands gradually flashing a mysterious red light, and at the same time she also aimed her right hand at Ms. Marvel.

"answer my question!!!"

She roared, then panted heavily, the blue veins on her forehead gradually emerged, and it looked like she was about to lose control! ! !

When is a person full of pain and hatred in his heart the most painful?

It was when she succeeded in revenge, but she couldn't restore everything she lost! ! !

Don't you see that after Thor cut off Thanos' head to complete his revenge, he turned into a fat mansion that dare not recall the past in a short period of time.

And so does Wanda!

The enemy is dead in front of him, but the love is gone!

It was only at this time that she really had a taste of loneliness and loneliness!

Seeing that Wanda was getting more and more wrong, and Surprise was also slapped by Wanda's incomparably piercing accusation, so angry that he pursed his lips.

Captain America frowned and stood directly between Wanda and Surprise, separating the two who gradually evolved into real fire.

"Wanda, calm down!!!" he growled.

Captain America's voice made Wanda briefly recall his past life.

At that time, she had just joined the Avengers, and Captain America was her teacher....

Therefore, Wanda shook his head in pain and quickly dissipated the chaotic energy from his hands.

Then she quietly dripped two tears from the corners of her eyes.


She choked and muttered, then turned back and said goodbye without looking back.

"I'm not in a good mood, I want to be quiet now!"

I saw her soaring into the sky with the power of chaos, and disappeared in a moment.

And the crater scene... .

Countless heroes were silent for more than ten seconds, and only in surprise shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"I admit that when Thanos attacked Earth five years ago, I was not informed.

Because at that time, I was chasing the death bird in the alien star cluster.

So, I apologize for not being able to save you five years ago in time! "

She said that she bowed slightly at the same time, which made the faces of the superheroes a lot better.

But when she saluted, her attitude was not so good.

Just listen to her head up and continue to talk to the crowd.

"I admit that I really didn't help much in the war between Earth and Thanos, but that doesn't mean that Earth can sit back and watch half of the life in the universe continue to disappear!

The universe has always been balanced and unified, but this unity has gradually fragmented since the earth today.

When the earthlings came out of the disaster brought by Thanos, and the news was learned by other cosmic empires...! "

Captain Marvel's face was astonishingly ugly, only to hear her stern growl.

"If they knew that the earth had gained infinite power, but only resurrected the life of the earth itself!

That jealousy and hatred will make them see the earth as their enemy of life and death! "

I saw that she suddenly raised the Infinity Glove in her hand.

"So, I really need the complete Infinity Gloves to revive the disappeared creatures in the universe and bring them the most basic justice.

Only by doing this kind of fairness will the earth not be their target!

Hope your brains of smart people understand what I mean! ! ! "

The voice fell, and she finally saw the expression of approval in the crowd.

"This... may make sense!

I may not have understood it when I was young, but I think if I went through this myself.

Other people's relatives have come back, but my relatives still disappear, then I will rush to others like a madman.

At least ask him how he changed his relatives back! "

The little spider who talked a lot said to himself first, and his words also made the others think.

Following this line of thought, they quickly unified their thoughts.

Surprise is right!

Even if they were still apprehensive about having Surprise snap his fingers.

Even if they still don't like the pride that seems to be on top of the surprise.

But surprise was right.


I saw Iron Man nodded.

"Although I'm not very interested in the lives of those aliens, you're right.

Earth can't stand more wars!

So, I'll try to borrow the remaining two gems for you! "


Hearing Iron Man's words, Carol first shook his head in doubt, and then nodded to himself.

"You mean...that Superman?

I remembered, you just said that he brought you the Heart and Time Stone, so…. "

Carroll suddenly looked to the horizon, where Heisenberg was leaving.

I saw her frowning and muttering sadly.

"Should I stop him just now?"


At the same time, Heisenberg was lying in the middle of the clouds, slowly admiring the beauty of the sun.

He actually used the backstroke posture, lying in the sea of ​​​​clouds and flying!

Maybe killing Thanos put him in a good mood.

Or upgrade the bloodline and improve the level of the body, allowing him to enjoy the stimulation of the sublimation of the essence.

Anyway, the smile on his face hadn't faded when he landed in downtown Washington.

Look around, Washington is horribly empty at this time.

Then looking into the distance, I can see countless cars and chaotic crowds, escaping in the direction away from New York.

Apparently, the citizens of Washington were frightened by the warships of Nathanos and the war in New York a few hundred kilometers away.

Tsk tsk, sure enough, in the Marvel Universe, only the courage of New Yorkers is the greatest!

While thinking about the joke, Heisenberg followed the smell recorded by him and came to the grove of a certain park.

The reason why he is here is to retrieve his spoils!

That is, the double-edged greatsword that Thanos threw away.

At this moment, the giant sword was lying at an angle more than twenty meters below the ground.

Heisenberg stretched out his hand towards the chaotic crashing point in front of him, and the fallen trees and tangled roots suddenly floated aside.

The double-strand giant sword quickly drilled out of the ground, and came to Heisenberg in a blink of an eye.

"Tsk tsk, this handle is really thick enough, as expected of Thanos!"


"Hehe, did I accidentally say something like a tiger or wolf?"

Heisenberg let out a laugh and looked at his spoils.

The handle of the giant weapon in front of him requires Heisenberg to wrap both hands together.

Think about it too, Thanos is so big, the distance between the palm of his hand and the **** should be at least about 45 centimeters!

Or at least.

Therefore, this weapon is really not suitable for Heisenberg.

Fortunately, Heisenberg didn't need him either.

Carrying the double-strand great sword, Heisenberg rushed into the sky and flew slowly towards New York.

While flying, he felt that he had a lot of things on his body.

I saw a time gem on his neck, and a mind scepter hanging diagonally from the belt on his waist.

He also held Thanos' Celestial weapon in his hand.



Heisenberg said softly.

"Get a space storage device, the more convenient the better, you know what I mean!"

"I recommend the Klein-dimensional incarceration device for you, which requires 260 million origin substances."


Heisenberg was stunned, he guessed and asked.

"What you recommend to me... is it provided according to the stock of my origin material?"

"In the range of origin materials you already have, the Klein-dimensional device is one of the most suitable choices for you, and the way of using it is equivalent to the fourth-dimensional pocket.

After installing the dimensional incarceration device, the Klein dimensional rift will change every pocket attached to you at will according to your will, providing you with.... "


Heisenberg's atmosphere interrupted the system's words.

"Buy, you understand me."

"As ordered, the Klein-dimensional incarceration device has been bound for you, please select the location where the device is first attached!"

As soon as the system's voice fell, Heisenberg immediately felt that there was a faint darkness around him.

He knew that it was a mezzanine to another dimension, one of the passages from three dimensions to four.

But he also knew that no matter how great the Klein Dimension Incarceration Device was, it was just a small pocket for him!

I saw him patting the left pocket of his trousers in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, he clearly felt that his trousers lost a little weight.

So he stretched out his hand and inserted it into the left trouser pocket. The handmade fabric that was originally used for the pocket has long since disappeared, and what he has now touched is... .

Of course it couldn't be his big bird, but a vast void.

Heisenberg felt that he had the right to manipulate this nothingness freely!

So he glanced down and landed quickly beside a huge billboard.

He reached out and picked up the billboard with an area of ​​more than eight square meters, and inserted it into his trousers pocket illogically.

But everything is so scientific, in front of the fourth-dimensional pocket comparable to Jingle Cat, the so-called Klein-dimensional incarceration device...

The huge billboard was directly put in by him!

At the same time, Heisenberg also clearly felt that there was something in his pocket.

"The test is over, I shouldn't lose my loot!"

While evaluating, he took the billboard out of his pocket and threw it to the side of the road.

Then he put the two gems and the double-strand sword in his pocket.

"The user experience is excellent and the system does a great job."

"It is a pleasure to provide the Lawful with satisfactory service."

At this point, Heisenberg, who ended the conversation with the system, flew to Los Angeles with a relaxed body.

The reason why he didn't go back to New York was because he wanted to find a good place to rest before Tony rebuilds the quantum channel.

A cratered New York could not satisfy him.


In this way, when the final annihilation of the New York crater was completely over an hour and a half later, the surprised expression became more and more dissatisfied!

Get rid of the last two severely injured violent giant Surprise flew all the way to Stark, and asked him angrily!

"Why hasn't Heisenberg been there since then, and what did he do?"

Hearing Surprise's questioning, Tony was also a little unhappy, and Surprise's posture was too high.

So Tony didn't even put down the calculation work in his hand, just squinted his eyes in surprise and said.

"He's just been through a war and now he needs to rest.

What's more, even if you are in a hurry to save your alien friend, you don't have to waste every second, right? "

"I have my reasons, so let me talk to him myself!

You should know something about his location, right? "

"Hmm, near the Los Angeles Walk of Fame."

"I'll go find him right now, **** it!"

Surprised, gritted his teeth, and rushed into the sky in a blink of an eye, without ever returning.

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