Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 72: I am Thunder!

Two days later....

Heisenberg basked in the sun while thinking about Loki's situation.

He has been in the current universe for three months and two days. Although he has made a little change to this world, it is not enough for Loki's army to come to Earth for so long at night, right?

I really don't know what he was doing after letting him go last time!


At the same time, Iron Man and Captain America walked side by side into Heisenberg's separate lounge.

"Your Excellency, your clothes are ready, when are you going to leave?"


Heisenberg glanced at the two of them, and immediately saw two faces full of emotions.

The two of them seemed to be reminiscing about a certain woman, and the corners of their mouths would draw a happy outline.

The other seemed to be recalling a certain man, and his eyes would flash with wisdom from time to time.

So Heisenberg understood.

"Did you get the space gem?"

"That's right, we just came back from 1970, and the space gem has already been obtained!" Captain America replied with a smile.

Seeing this, Heisenberg nodded knowingly and smiled genially.

"Looks like you got more than just gems, guys."

Having said that, he got up from the reclining chair and walked all the way to the laboratory.

As for Team America and Iron Man, who followed behind him, the countless memories they had just experienced flashed through their hearts.

In Captain America's heart, his lover is only a glass away from him.

In Iron Man's heart, his father once again gave him enough inspiration.

But they don't know...

After Captain America left, his lover immediately went to another man's arms with a smile.

"I saw him, my dear, but I can only pretend not to see him!"

"Yeah, so did I. Standing there looking at you at that time, I really had mixed feelings in my heart!"

"There's no need for this, my love, haven't you been with me all the time?"

"Of course, forever!"

And Iron Man didn't know that after his father got into the car, he quickly shared today's story with Jarvis.

"That kid is much stupider than me, but he's right about one thing, that I'm really smarter than he thought!"

"Yeah, sir, he looks like he has a lot of trouble, and he must have gone through a lot."

"You're right, I really don't know what he went through before he needs to come back and steal our cosmic cube.

As long as it is for my child, I can do everything, even if it is dereliction of duty to hand over the Rubik's Cube to him!

But do you see how nervous he is, Jarvis, he can't even shake hands, haha! "

"Master, you are the same, aren't you so nervous that you almost forgot the flowers in his arms?"

Jarvis said with a smile, then started the car, and the two slowly left S.H.I.E.L.D.


Captain America and Iron Man, who didn't know all this behind them, walked into the laboratory with Heisenberg.

Heisenberg first put on the time-space beacon under the guidance of the Hulk, and pressed the dress button, so that the nano shuttle suit was put on him.

"Your Excellency, the time and space shuttle operation is very simple, just press the button on the fixed position of the combat uniform's hand, we have already set the timing for you, please rest assured!"


Heisenberg was not at all worried about being trapped in some time series, or trapped in some inexplicable dimension.

After all, he has a system!

With the accumulation of nearly 700,000 origin substances, he can completely escape from almost any predicament.

So he simply pressed the shuttle key!

In a short moment, Heisenberg seemed to come to a sky, and below it was a bottomless abyss.

He kept falling, and while he was falling, he generally restrained his biological force field!

In case of flying in this quantum field, God knows if he can still reach his destination.

Once he deviates, he will have to waste at least a few thousand origin substances to get to the destination!

Finally, the dazzling dazzling in front of him gradually disappeared, and Heisenberg realized the feeling of being down-to-earth.


In 2023, the New York Avengers base.

On the space-time shuttle platform designed and built by Banner and Tony.

Heisenberg, Tony, Rogers, Scott, Banner, Saul, Rocket, Rhodes, Nebula, Button, and Natasha!

It just so happened that all eleven people came back!

All but Heisenberg stood where they left off.

Only Heisenberg stood in the middle of the crowd!

Because of this delicate position, almost everyone in the Avengers saw Heisenberg in the center for the first time!

This time, the scene was instantly chaotic.

I saw Nebula suddenly widen her eyes, and at the same time she tried hard to suppress the hatred and fear in her heart, and shouted at Heisenberg!

"Heisenberg, why are you here!!!"

As for Natasha and Barton, who were not far from Nebula, their reactions were much more enthusiastic than Nebula.

"God, it turns out that the meeting you said is here!"

"Wow, I didn't expect you to come to us!"

The three of them obviously knew Heisenberg, but the others were not like them.

Iron Patriot Rhodes was full of confusion. He looked at Tony and couldn't wait to ask.

"Who is this, who did he come back with, what's the situation?"

As soon as Rhodes finished speaking, the Flying Thunder God standing with Sol...

Ah no.

Fat Thor was instantly stunned.

"You are Heisenberg?!!"

After listening to Thor's roar, he held the Maurnir's Hammer with a handprint in one hand and the Thunder Battle Axe in the other, and slashed towards Heisenberg!

Seeing Thor's actions, Heisenberg would of course be puzzled.

However, although he was still confused, his counterattack was not slow at all.

Just as Thor raised his axe towards him, he suddenly kicked him out!

Boom! ! !

This kick was extremely heavy, and it directly kicked Thor and smashed the Fulian Building, and flew upside down for more than 800 meters.

Even Thor reluctantly stopped by slashing his axe to the ground.

On the shuttle platform, when the Avengers were still shocked by Heisenberg's kick, the Thor in the distance had already re-flyed and charged back towards Heisenberg all the way.

At the same time, he let out an extremely shocking roar!


It was you, the despicable bastard, who killed my father, insulted my mother, exiled my brother, and controlled my sister!

You also ruined my life, ruined everything, and ruined my Mauernier! ! !

Come on, hack me, or I'll hack you! ! ! "

Amidst the thunder and lightning, Sol rushed all the way back to Heisenberg, and his axe slashed towards Heisenberg's head!

Since the war with Thanos, every axe of his will be directed towards the enemy's head, and there is no other position!

Seeing Thor's approaching battle axe, Heisenberg suddenly laughed.

I saw that he suddenly raised his hand and pinched it on Thor's thunder battle axe!

Clang! ! !

The sound of the symphony of gold and iron suddenly sounded, and Heisenberg successfully stopped the Thunder Battle Axe in his right hand.

But to his astonishment, there was a slight pain in his right hand.

And this **** axe actually cut open his palm, leaving a slight trace of blood on his palm!

he is hurt! ! !

This result made Heisenberg frown in surprise. He really never thought that in this small Marvel Cinematic Universe, something could actually hurt his body!

However, he thought about it, Superman is indeed extremely resistant, but before he is strong enough, he can indeed be hurt by many kinds of things.

Kryptonite naturally needless to say, this weakness of Heisenberg is gone.

And other things that can hurt him are like N metal, the red sun, the source of darkness, and the power of Dionysus.

Among those rare items, there was another item that made him bleed, called Divine Power Metal!

Just like in the Superman v Batman movie, Zod's Doomsday has a slightly stronger body than the Kryptonian.

But he was still cut in the calf by Wonder Woman's long sword!

This is the proof that magic metal can hurt Kryptonians!

And the Thunder Axe in Thor's hand is the most powerful weapon in Marvel movies!

So it's not uncommon for him to get hurt.

Figuring out the cause of the injury, Heisenberg immediately relaxed.

Facts have proved that if the holder of the divine metal does not break the sky, he can only scratch his skin with that thing.

I saw his right hand forcefully pulling the Fat Thor toward him, and at the same time blocking Thor's hammer with his left hand.

Boom! ! !

The hammer with the fingerprints on it hit Heisenberg's left hand exactly, but it was still firmly held by Heisenberg.

With the axe being pinched and the hammer also being held, Salton's time-space door opened wide.

Heisenberg gave a head hammer to the mad Fat Thor.


Sol's nose instantly oozes two lines of rum...

No no no.

It is two lines of blood.

But this is still just the beginning!

At the same time that Sol was dazed by Heisenberg's forehead, Heisenberg directly kicked up his feet and suffocated Sol's belly!

The heavy fat of divine power made this kick fail, but if one kick is not enough, then another kick!

With the second foot, Heisenberg adjusted the angle and pressed it exactly on the intersection of Saul's belly and pectoral muscles, which is the weakest part of the supernatural fat near his soft underbelly!

Click it! ! !

The violent rib fracture sounded The turbulent shock wave simply knocked out the other Avengers members.

Apart from Heisenberg and Thor, there were only two people left on the platform, Hulk and Tony.

"Fake, what's going on?"

Banner was stunned at this time. After all, the two of Heisenberg fought for less than three seconds.

But he was confused, but Iron Man was not.

"Banner, although I don't know why Sol is so impulsive, we must control Sol first.

You must know that there are a total of six Infinity Gems here. If they are allowed to fight again, the war will probably escalate because of those gems! "


The two of them were ready in an instant, just waiting for Heisenberg and Saul to separate.

I saw Heisenberg abruptly grab Saul's weapon and hold Saul, and hit Saul's chest with a dozen kicks in a row.

A large amount of blood flowed out of Thor's mouth, but nothing could extinguish Thor's hatred for Heisenberg.

"I will never yield to you, bastard, I will kill you!"

Not only did he not lose his will to fight due to the injury, but at the same time as he was beaten, the thunder on his body became more and more, so much so that his eyeballs turned dazzling bright white!

"No one can humiliate Asgard like this, no one!

I am Thunder! ! ! "

Stab it! ! !

The incomparably majestic thunder bloomed in the high sky, rushing all the way to Heisenberg in the Avengers building.

This made Heisenberg frown.

If the shuttle platform under his feet was smashed by this thunder, how could Thanos come to this universe?

So, Heisenberg smashed through the ceiling with Thor, and rushed towards Thunder.

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