Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 60: well offend you

Before that, when Loki disappeared suddenly and Heisenberg chased after him in a blink of an eye...

Tony, who was in the co-pilot of Aston Martin, immediately looked at Black Widow with sympathy.

"Your boss ran away!"

"Shut up!" Natasha scolded depressedly.

"I said your boss ran away, you were abandoned, and our plan was useless!"

Tony continued with a smirk.

"If I were you, go back to S.H.I.E.L.D. right now. No matter if you are caught by them or surrender yourself, you will be fine."

"I told you to shut up!!!"

Natasha smashed the **** of a gun on Tony's face, directly smashing two lines of blood out of Tony's self-confessed handsome nose.

Tony closed his eyes in pain, tears streaming down involuntarily.

But before he could get out of the pain, he felt a shoe kicked **** his stomach.


Tony cried out in pain, and was kicked out of the car door right after.

Fortunately, the car was just parked on the side of the road, so Tony rolled two laps and got up.


He vomited, and Natasha's kick really made him nauseous.

As he vomited, Tony tried his best to look at Natasha in the car, only to see Natasha, whose eyes were extremely dark, gave him a high middle finger.

"Fake squid, Tony Stark, I've wanted to say this for a long time!"

Natasha cursed in disdain, then stepped on the accelerator, and Aston Martin roared and disappeared into the distance.

Looking at the car exhaust, Tony smiled knowingly. Even though this damned female agent looked extremely ferocious, she actually didn't really kill anyone.

Otherwise, how could she let herself go so easily?

And myself....

After Tony vomited, he stood there frowning and pondered.

He suddenly realized something.

It seems that saving people is not the patent of Iron Man, even if he is just Tony Stark tonight, he also saved the lives of a group of people!

Then, do you still need to be Iron Man?

He looked deeply at the central square. The ground nearby was in tatters and there were many wounded wounded by the aftermath of the battle.

Tony realized.

If you really only want to save people, how can the efficiency of Iron Man alone be compared to that of New York City, or even all over the United States, and even all kinds of basic rescue organizations around the world!

If you want to save people, you might as well establish an international rescue organization with a larger scale, more people, more professional technology, and more advanced equipment!

And if you are just enjoying the sense of accomplishment of being a hero...

Is that Iron Man himself, or that suit of armor?

Do I still lack attention to Tony Stark?

No matter what industry I am in, I am destined to be the brightest one!

Tony suddenly made up his mind, he finally decided to completely change his life.

"I want to set up an international rescue organization.

An organization that can effectively rescue all the affected people in various natural and man-made disasters!

At the same time, I also want to help at least the vast majority of the affected people in New York to complete their post-disaster reconstruction!

A rescue company, a construction company, go back and do it! "

I saw him talking to himself and finally looking at the dilapidated central square.

"After all, with Heisenberg here, New York will definitely be more troubled in the future...!!!"

Before he could finish speaking, the mutation came in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the rainbow-colored beam of light that suddenly appeared in the central square, Tony almost spat out a mouthful of old blood on the ground.

Do you really have such a cunning mouth?

Say what?

What kind of fairy could this be! ! !


Near the Ellenborough restaurant, the medical staff hadn't had time to arrive. After all, it was less than five minutes after everything had passed. How congested Manhattan was at night, they weren't so fast.

But it never occurred to me that when the medical staff had not been able to assemble effectively, the members of the Nuclear Bomb Gang actually took the lead in providing emergency assistance to Fort Ellen.

I saw on the streets near Ellenburg, one after another, wearing leather jackets with exposed arms, wearing various nose and lip rings, and swearing gangster cubs, spitting feces to rescue the victims.

"Fuck, you dare to find trouble on the boss's territory, the boss will definitely kill him!"

"That's necessary, wait, let's change people to carry it, your girl is pretty?!!"

"Pull it down. It's not bad for you to carry this, but it's a pity that your leg is broken. Let's take it to the boss's private hospital first."

"Haha, not bad. I didn't even wear **** when I carried this, so it's not a good thing at first glance."

"Hey, how about saving people, why are you talking nonsense, how many good things can ladies have? It's a mess!"

...These are the two little brothers who are in charge of carrying the stretcher.

Not far away, an old lady was helped by a gangster brother to the car. Her husband and children all died in the attack just now.

Her legs were so weak that she could barely walk, but she still cried and thanked those who supported him.

"Thank you, you are from Lord Heisenberg, right? Thank you so much..."

"Hey, you are polite to me, Nima coin!

I'll take you to our eldest's private hospital for a check-up, you're seated! "

... This is a gangster who has never been to school since he was a child, and is in charge of rescuing actionable victims.

In other places, similar pictures kept flickering. Looking at the harmonious rescue scene all around, Bullseye in a black trench coat smiled very happily.

"That's it, this is the scene the boss wants, first to put the responsibility on our shoulders, and then to take over the rights and taxes!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly saw a familiar person.

He hurriedly trotted over, like a pug, and greeted a woman who was not very beautiful with a smirk.

"Ms. Potts, my God, why are you in this dangerous place!!!"

As he said that, Bullseye waved frantically to the younger brothers.

"Damn it, don't look long enough, come and send Ms. Pepper away from this disaster-like place!

Send it to the boss's bedroom first...

Cough cough, take it to the theater to rest! ! ! "

Pepper's involvement with the Nuke Gang has long been a legend since Billy took two innocent days off.

No matter how curious the younger brothers are about the boss's vision, no one dares to be disrespectful to Pepper.

Just like that, Pepper was dragged into the car with a dazed face.

As he walked, Pepper was extremely puzzled.

"I have my own car, please take me back to the Stark Building, why go to the theater?!?"

Hearing this, Bullseye certainly doesn't allow it, he won't miss anything that might win the boss's favor!

"Ms. Pepper, please think about it, there is no place in New York that is safer than the boss's site. I am all for your safety!"

"But...but..., I...?!!"

At this moment, the sky suddenly changed, and the thick clouds twisted rapidly, turning into a whirlpool in a blink of an eye.

Right in the center of the vortex, a beam of bright rainbow-colored beams of light fell exactly in the direction of the central square!

Seeing this kind of sky, Bullseye let out a bad cry.

I saw him hurriedly said to Pepper.

"There is an unexpected situation, but the boss is not here. Ms. Pepper please follow the arrangement. I have to bring someone over to deal with the emergency!"

After he finished speaking, he rushed out without stopping. As he got into the car, he yelled in the intercom.

"Have all Injustice members seen the special situation in the central square?"


Hearing the question from the walkie-talkie, Daredevil felt offended...

He unhappily tapped the alloy blind stick and answered.

"We are the Justice League, and although I can't see it, I hear it!"

"Hehe, you blind man, did you just split up in the central square?

Pay attention to safety, wait for Dad to bring Sister Jessica to rescue you! "Bullseye stomped on the accelerator while taking advantage.

Hearing Bullseye's words, Jessica looked worriedly at the rainbow light that was about to dissipate in the sky and replied.

"Shut up, second-hand, you are the eldest sister, why don't you call me mom!

Also, I'm on the south side of the plaza, and the Night Demon will gather with me first. Where's Erica? "

"I was leading people to clear the traffic in Manhattan, and the ambulance of the medical staff was completely blocked!" Erica responded hastily.

As soon as the voice fell, Rumlow's voice came from the built-in headset.

"Put everything down, the Injustice Alliance is officially assembled, the boss is chasing the alien bastard, this guy who just arrived will be handed over to us!"

"Good commander!" This is Bullseye.

"Hmm!" This is Erica.

"Only this matter I will listen to you!" This is Jessica who Rumlow dare not provoke.


We are TM's Justice League! ! !


This is Daredevil who picked up his blind cane and rushed towards the rainbow! ! !


When the light of the Rainbow Bridge dissipated, Sol's face was still very excited.

But when he saw the scene around him clearly, he was immediately stunned!

"Odin is above, is Midgard fighting, but where is Loki?"

He looked around, but he didn't see Loki, only a blindfolded guy in black rushed towards him.

"Yes, even on the battlefield, is there anyone who welcomes me, Thor?"

He waved at Daredevil with a smirk, so that Daredevil, who thought him an enemy, was stunned.

Seeing that Thor didn't seem to be fierce, Daredevil hesitantly slowed down and came to stand about ten meters in front of Thor.

Without waiting for him to speak, Sol greeted him.

"Hello, Midgard?

That's how you Midgarts greet you, Jane taught me this. "


Daredevil stood blankly for a while, and asked Thor in disbelief.

"Midgart? You mean Earth?"

"Ooooo, it's the Earth, my mother just told me, Earthlings, have you seen my brother?"


Daredevil is even more confused, how could I possibly see your mother and your brother?

But luckily they used English, so Daredevil didn't look at Sol's crotch.

He thought about it for a while, and asked Saul hesitantly.

"Your brother, is he with long black hair, a charming smile, wearing a green robe and a pair of funny horns on his helmet?"

"Pfft You are so right, then TM is a pair of funny characters, and it's really my brother!

I like you guy, hahahaha, I want to tell Loki, I can laugh at him for a thousand years hahaha! ! ! "

Unexpectedly, as soon as Thor finished speaking, Daredevil's face suddenly became serious, he put his right hand on his ear, and then said to the headset.

"The new guy is the older brother of the previous attacker, we are in trouble!"


"Damn, I'll be there soon!"

"Blind man, don't give it to you!"

"Leave it to the old lady, don't let him run away!"

The four voices came out in unison, and the Night Demon erected his blind staff and aimed the sharp tip of the staff at Thor.

"Unfortunately, your brother has caused huge losses to our city. Don't act rashly. We will give you a fair trial after dealing with your brother!"

"What the hell?!!"

Sol was stunned by Ye Mo's words, he turned his head several times, and finally understood the current situation.

I saw his right hand shake, and the armor and cloak appeared instantly, and at the same time his hammer, which was flashing with lightning, began to spin wildly.

"I understand!"

Thor frowned.

"No wonder I always think these human-shaped pits are so familiar. Loki should have been taken care of by you guys. Where is he? Give him to me. I can forgive you unconditionally for your offense to Prince Asgard!"

"Haha, offended?"

Hearing Sol's words, Night Demon laughed unwillingly.

"He took the lives of countless people on earth, but this is only an offense in your eyes, then we will offend you properly, Your Excellency!!!"

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